使用OpenSSL BIO请求时“400 Bad request”

时间:2018-02-17 23:36:40

标签: c++ ssl https openssl

我正在尝试使用OpenSSL for C ++连接到我的网站,这就是我所拥有的:

#include "openssl/ssl.h"
#include "openssl/bio.h"
#include "openssl/err.h"

#include <string>

int main( )
    BIO * bio;
    int p;

    char * request = (char*)"GET / HTTPS/1.1\x0D\x0AHost: (website)/auth.php\x0D\x0A\x43onnection: Close\x0D\x0A\x0D\x0A";
    char r[ 1024 ];

    ERR_load_BIO_strings( );
    SSL_load_error_strings( );
    OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms( );

    bio = BIO_new_connect( "(website):80" );
    if ( bio == NULL )
        printf( "BIO is null\n" ); return 0;

    if ( BIO_do_connect( bio ) <= 0 )
        ERR_print_errors_fp( stderr );
        BIO_free_all( bio );
        return 0;

    BIO_write( bio, request, strlen( request ) );    

        p = BIO_read( bio, r, 1023 );
        if ( p <= 0 ) break;
        r[ p ] = 0;
        printf( "%s", r );

    BIO_free_all( bio );
    system( "pause" );
    return 0;


HTTP/1.0 400 Bad request
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

<html><body><h1>400 Bad request</h1>
Your browser sent an invalid request.
Press any key to continue . . .



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


char * request = (char*)"GET / HTTPS/1.1\x0D\x0AHost: (website)/auth.php\x0D\x0A\x43onnection: Close\x0D\x0A\x0D\x0A";


const char request[] = "GET /auth.php HTTP/1.1\r\n"
    "Host: www.example.com\r\n"
    "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";

(感谢Sam Varshavchik和Orness中的Lightness Races捕获 HTTPS/1.1 )。


bio = BIO_new_connect( "(website):80" );


bio = BIO_new_connect( "www.example.com:443" );

您可能也对OpenSSL wiki上的SSL/TLS Client感兴趣。您似乎错过了我希望看到的内容,例如SSL_CTX_newBIO_set_conn_hostnameSSL_set_tlsext_host_nameBIO_do_handshake以及其他几个。


C ++可以更容易地使用OpenSSL。您可以使用EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free来避免对unique_ptr等函数的显式调用。对于某些C ++示例,请参阅OpenSSL wiki上的EVP Symmetric Encryption and Decryption | C++ Programsunique_ptr and OpenSSL's STACK_OF(X509)*How to get PKCS7_sign result into a char * or std::string等。