Ok I'm having alot of trouble with this code because I can't get the table to work properly. I'm getting an error code that reads :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\User\Documents\python\project1.py", line 71, in <module>
File "C:\Users\User\Documents\python\project1.py", line 70, in main
print(pmtOptions(APR,periods_year, term,loan_amount))
File "C:\Users\User\Documents\python\project1.py", line 46, in pmtOptions
EMI = (loan_amount*pow((intRate/12)+1, (terms[x]))*intRate/12)/(pow(intRate/12+1, (terms[x])) - 1)
TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable
#payment options
def pmtOptions(APR,periods_year, term,loan_amount):
#first save rows and columbs as a list to access them again [interest rates]
interestRates =[]
apr = APR-1.5
#while loop for interest rates APR can be any APR have to iterate over halves
while apr <= (APR+1.5):
apr = apr + .5
#list for term values
periods_year = int(periods_year)
term = int(term)
term_list =[]
terms = (periods_year*term)
#while loop have to iterate for 6 in rows
while terms <= (periods_year*term):
terms = terms + 6
#headers for table
print("\n %35s %20s "%(" ", "Alternative Loan Payment Table"))
print("%35s %20s "%(" ", "=============================="))
print("%42s %20s "%(" ", "Interest Rates"))
print("\n %10s "%(" "), end="")
#interest rate headigs with for loop
for apr in interestRates:
print(" %8.2f%% "%(apr), end = "")
#other heading
print("\n %8s "%("# Payments"), end = "") #note to self to start new line had to take print out of for loop
#more headings
for apr in interestRates:
print("%8s "%("========"), end = "")
#term values remember new line
for x in range(0,len(term_list)):
print("\n %8s ".join(str(x) for x in term_list))
#intrest rate value
for y in range(0,len(interestRates)):
intRate = interestRates[x]/100.0
#filling in EMI equation for values
EMI = (loan_amount*pow((intRate/12)+1, (terms[x]))*intRate/12)/(pow(intRate/12+1, (terms[x])) - 1)
#printing out values lets hope this works
print(" $%7.2f "%(EMI),end = "") #remember do not include % in parens
#creating the main function part 1
def main():
print("This program is used to analyze commercial real estate loans.")
#function variables
purchase_price = input("Please input original purchase price: ")
down_payment = input("Please input total down payment: ")
APR = float(input("Please input APR: "))
periods_year = input("Please input the number of payments per year: ")
#periods_year = int(periods_year)
term = input("Please input loan length in years: ")
#term = int(term)
first_payment = input("Please input date of first payment in form MM/DD/YYYY: ")
loan_amount = float(purchase_price) - float(down_payment)
#seperating str
dates = first_payment.split('/')
day = int(dates[0])
month = int(dates[1])
year = int(dates[2])
#calling payment function
print(pmtOptions(APR,periods_year, term,loan_amount))
#loancalc function
def loanCalc(APR, period_year, loan_amount, total_payments):
#interest charged per period
r = APR/(period_year)
#amount paid in each period
P = (r * loan_amount)/(1- (1+r) ** (-(total_payments)))
#amount paid over life of loan
final_value = (P * total_payments)
#part 1 calculations with main variables
total_payments = float(term) * float(down_payment)
#total_amount = loanCalc(APR, periods_year, loan_amount, total_payments)
end_date = str(day) + "/" + str(month) + "/" + str(year + int(term))
total_interest = r*total_payments
#remember to return not print
return final_value