
时间:2018-02-17 03:17:54

标签: php cakephp cakephp-3.0

  1. 用户名输入将创建一个目录,如果用户名输入john,它将创建john

  2. 图片将上传至webroot \ img \ users \ john \ uploaded1.jpg

  3. 用户表有目标字段。

    它将在数据库中插入正确的目标路径D:\ xampp \ htdocs \ sample \ webroot \ img \ users \ john \ uploaded1.jpg


    警告(2):move_uploaded_file(D:\ xampp \ htdocs \ sample \ webroot \ img \ users \ james \ uploaded1.jpg):无法打开流:没有这样的文件或目录[APP / Controller \ UsersController.php ,第584行] 警告(2):move_uploaded_file()[https://secure.php.net/function.move-uploaded-file'>function.move-uploaded-file]:无法移动'D:\ xampp-for-cakephp3 \ tmp \ php3FD6.tmp'到'D:\ xampp \ htdocs \ sample \ webroot \ img \ james \ uploaded1.jpg'[APP / Controller \ UsersController.php,第584行]

    public function register()
          $user = $this->Users->newEntity();
          $value = $this->request->getData('username');  // holds the username input
          if($this->request->is('post')) {
                $image_name        = $this->request->data['profile_pic']['name'];
                $image_tmp         = $this->request->data['profile_pic']['tmp_name'];
                $destination       = WWW_ROOT.'img'.DS.'users'.DS.$value.DS.$image_name;
                  move_uploaded_file($image_tmp, $destination);
                  $this->request->data['profile_pic'] = $image_name;
                  $this->request->data['destination'] = $destination;
                 $user= $this->Users->patchEntity($user,$this->request->getData());
                 if($this->Users->save($user)) {
                     $dir = new Folder();
                     $path_data = $dir->create(WWW_ROOT.'img'.DS.'users'.DS.$value,true,0777); 
                     $this->Flash->success(__('User profile successfuly  updated.'));
                    return $this->redirect(['action' => 'login']);
              } else {
                $this->Flash->error(__('The user could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
            $this->set('_serialize', ['user']);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

此错误是因为该文件夹不存在,因此要克服此错误,您必须首先使用USER INPUT创建该文件夹。


$value = $this->request->getData('username');    //User input
$image_name = $this->request->data['profile_pic']['name'];
$image_tmp = $this->request->data['profile_pic']['tmp_name'];

$user_input_folder = WWW_ROOT.'img'.DS.'users'.DS.$value.DS;
$destination = $user_input_folder.$image_name;

if (!file_exists($user_input_folder)) {   //Checks file or folder exist or not

    if(mkdir($filePath, 0777, true)){
         $oldMask = umask(0);
         chmod($filePath, 0777);

         //Then do your file upload
         echo $destination;
         var_dump(move_uploaded_file($image_tmp, $destination));die;
     } else {
           pr("User input contains at least one illegal character, so can't create folder.");die;