为什么Material UI的“withStyles”不允许使用camelCase道具?

时间:2018-02-17 01:25:32

标签: reactjs material-ui

在使用新的Material UI(从本文发布的版本1.0.0-beta.33)时,我在使用prop外壳方面遇到了很多麻烦。似乎withStyles在某些情况下任意允许使用camelCased道具而不是其他情况。


    label="Test Groups"
    newChipKeyCodes={[9, 13, 32, 186, 188]}
    onChange={chips => this.submitForm(field, this.state.groups, chips.toString())}

在使用最新的Material UI时,我反复看到过这种情况。在这种情况下,我使用名为openOnFocus的道具Material-ui-chip-input库(版本1.0.0-beta.3),我在控制台中收到此错误:

Warning: React does not recognize the `openOnFocus` prop on a DOM element. 
If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, 
spell it as lowercase `openonfocus` instead. If you accidentally passed it 
from a parent component, remove it from the DOM element.
in div (created by Input)
in Input (created by WithStyles(Input))
in WithStyles(Input) (created by ChipInput)
in div (created by ChipInput)
in div (created by FormControl)
in FormControl (created by WithStyles(FormControl))
in WithStyles(FormControl) (created by ChipInput)
in ChipInput (created by WithStyles(ChipInput))
in WithStyles(ChipInput)
in div
in Unknown (created by ConnectedField)
in ConnectedField (created by Connect(ConnectedField))
in Connect(ConnectedField) (created by Field)
in Field (created by TestMethodDetails)
in div (created by TestMethodDetails)
in div (created by TestMethodDetails)
in div (created by TestMethodDetails)
in form (created by TestMethodDetails)
in div (created by TestMethodDetails)
in TestMethodDetails (created by Form(TestMethodDetails))
in Form(TestMethodDetails) (created by Connect(Form(TestMethodDetails)))
in Connect(Form(TestMethodDetails)) (created by ReduxForm)
in ReduxForm (created by Connect(ReduxForm))
in Connect(ReduxForm) (created by ProjectTestMethodView)
in div (created by ProjectTestMethodView)
in ProjectTestMethodView (created by Connect(ProjectTestMethodView))
in Connect(ProjectTestMethodView) (created by Route)
in Route (created by ProjectView)
in div (created by ProjectView)
in div (created by ProjectView)
in ProjectView (created by Connect(ProjectView))
in Connect(ProjectView) (created by Route)
in Route (created by App)
in Switch (created by App)
in div (created by App)
in section (created by Content)
in Content (created by Connect(Content))
in Connect(Content) (created by Layout)
in div (created by Layout)
in Layout (created by App)
in div (created by App)
in MuiThemeProvider (created by App)
in App (created by Connect(App))
in Connect(App) (created by Route)
in Route (created by withRouter(Connect(App)))
in withRouter(Connect(App))
in Router (created by ConnectedRouter)
in ConnectedRouter
in AppContainer
in Provider


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

问题不在于material-ui不会接受骆驼案例道具。您可以查看all these components with camel case props来确认。

问题是React会only accept certain props on DOM elements。因此,如果HTML标记收到React无法识别的道具,您将收到您提到的警告。您可以使用以下代码段重现该内容:

<button someRidiculousAndClearlyInvalidProp={this.myFunc} />

我无法向您提供正在发生的具体位置,因为我无法使用ChipInputopenOnFocus(material-ui版本0.20.0和material-ui-chip-input 0.18.6)重现您的问题)。如果您提供确切的版本号(或者更好的CodePen),我可以看看是否能找到确切的问题。


const MyComponent = (props) => {
  const { oneProp, ...other } = props;

  return (
    <div {...other}>
      { oneProp ? "set" : "not set"}





是的,这正是我的想法。 openOnFocus道具已从material-ui-chip-input版本1中删除。您可以看到它不再是in the docsit's been commented out of the source code。例如,请看411行。

