{'path':['a', 'c', 'e', 'z'], 'errors': 0},
{'path':['a', 'b', 'd', 'z'], 'errors': 4},
{'path':['a', 'c', 'd', 'z'], 'errors': 4},
{'path':['a', 'b', 'e', 'z'], 'errors': 0}
理论上,我拥有节点之间的所有可能路径及其各自的延迟。因此,对于这些数据,我想检测有问题的节点'。在前面的示例中,有几个路径,但是通过 d 节点的所有路径都会有更多延迟,因此必须将此节点(以及其他类似节点)精确定位为有问题。
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
def get_problematic_nodes(path_list):
node_connections = {}
node_counter_dict = {}
for e in path_list:
value = 0
if e['retransmits'] > 1:
value = 1
path_len = len(e['path'])
for i in xrange(path_len):
node = e['path'][i]
if node not in node_counter_dict:
node_counter_dict[node] = value
node_counter_dict[node] += value
if node not in node_connections:
node_connections[node] = set()
# previous node
if i - 1 >= 0:
node_connections[node].add(e['path'][i - 1])
# next node
if i + 1 <= path_len - 1:
node_connections[node].add(e['path'][i + 1])
nodes_score = {}
print "Link size for every node:"
for k, v in node_connections.items():
link_number = len(v)
print "Node: {} links:{}".format(k, link_number)
nodes_score[k] = node_counter_dict[k]/link_number
print "\nHeuristic score for every node:"
for k,v in nodes_score.items():
print "Node: {} score:{}".format(k, v)
max_score_node_key = max(node_counter_dict.iterkeys(), key=(lambda key: node_counter_dict[key]/len(node_connections[key]) ))
print "\nMax scored node: {}".format(max_score_node_key)
edge_list = [
('host1', 'leaf1'),
('host2', 'leaf2'),
('leaf1', 'spine1'),
('leaf1', 'spine2'),
('leaf2', 'spine1'),
('leaf2', 'spine2'),
('spine1', 'vmx8'),
('spine1', 'vmx9'),
('spine2', 'vmx8'),
('spine2', 'vmx9'),
('vmx8', 'vmx7'),
('vmx9', 'vmx7'),
('spine3', 'vmx8'),
('spine3', 'vmx9'),
('spine4', 'vmx8'),
('spine4', 'vmx9'),
('leaf3', 'spine3'),
('leaf3', 'spine4'),
('leaf4', 'spine3'),
('leaf4', 'spine4'),
('host3', 'leaf3'),
('host4', 'leaf4'),
# prepare graph
G = nx.Graph()
for e in edge_list:
# define problematic nodes
test_problem_nodes = ['spine3']
# generate the paths. Paths that touches problematic nodes have more retransmits
test_path_list = []
hosts = ['host1', 'host2', 'host3', 'host4']
for h1 in hosts:
for h2 in hosts:
if h1 == h2:
all_paths = nx.all_simple_paths(G, h1, h2)
for path in all_paths:
retransmits = 0
if len(set(path).intersection(set(test_problem_nodes))) > 0:
retransmits = 10
'src': h1,
'dst': h2,
'path': path,
'retransmits': retransmits
# nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)
# plt.draw()
# plt.show()
答案 0 :(得分:1)
def get_problematic_nodes(event_list):
numerator = dict()
denominator = dict()
for event in event_list:
for node in event['path']:
numerator[node] += event['retransmits']
denominator[node] += 1
except KeyError:
numerator[node] = event['retransmits']
denominator[node] = 1
node_score = {node : numerator[node] / denominator[node] for node in numerator.keys()}
print "\nHeuristic score for every node:"
for k,v in node_score.items():
print "Node: {} score:{}".format(k, v)
max_score = None
for k,v in node_score.items():
if v > max_score:
max_score_node_key = k
max_score = v
print "\nMax scored node: {}".format(max_score_node_key)
Heuristic score for every node:
Node: vmx9 score:8
Node: vmx8 score:8
Node: host1 score:7
Node: vmx7 score:7
Node: spine1 score:7
Node: leaf4 score:8
Node: spine3 score:10
Node: spine2 score:7
Node: leaf1 score:7
Node: spine4 score:7
Node: leaf3 score:8
Node: leaf2 score:7
Node: host3 score:8
Node: host4 score:8
Node: host2 score:7
Max scored node: spine3