以下是我正在处理的问题: 当我从第三到第四,然后回到第四,记忆永远不会被释放。值得,当我回到第四时,它会再次占用相同数量的内存。
3-4次往返后,设备内存已满。 (UIImageView的另一个奇怪的行为是将12Mo的内存带到任何图片,无论图片大小是12Ko还是120Ko ......)
//First UIViewController, tagged as Root in storyboard
public partial class LoginController
//....some logic code here
//User ask for login by pressed a button , after an echange with a server
//for credential verification, if the server reply "ok" then I call the second
//UIViewController like this
void PushHomeScreen()
HomeController homeController = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("home") as HomeController;
NavigationController.PushViewController(homeController, false);
public partial class HomeController
//....some logic code here
//The view displaying 3 UIButton that root to 2 different UIViewController.
//First one is deadend, and user can only go back. It will be used one time to select a dataset to download and use after.
//The two next use the same UIViewController, only the way that the controller handle the nexts user action is different :
//If user came from the Second then it display screen for retrieving user attendance
//If user came from the Third then it display screen for retrievin user survey.
//So here are the code behind:
private void BtnDownload_TouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e)
DownloadController downloadTrainingController = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("downloadTraining") as DownloadController;
NavigationController.PushViewController(downloadTrainingController, false);
private void BtnSurvey_TouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e)
TrainingAndReviewListController trakningController = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("trakning") as TrainingAndReviewListController;
trakningController.backgroundColor = "violet";
NavigationController.PushViewController(trakningController, false);
private void BtnTraining_TouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e)
TrainingAndReviewListController trakningController = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("trakning") as TrainingAndReviewListController;
trakningController.backgroundColor = "red";
NavigationController.PushViewController(trakningController, false);
//I will not show you the DownloadController as it is not pertinent to the current probleme.
public partial class TrainingAndReviewListController
//To handle the back action, so user go from this to HomeController
void BtnHome_TouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void Tablesource_OnRowSelected(object sender, DownloadTableSource.RowSelectedEventArgs e)
serviceController = Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("service") as ServiceController;
serviceController.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
serviceController.training = e.training;
NavigationController.PushViewController(serviceController, false);
//Next are the final UIViewController on the storyboard. It consume a lot of memory in inspector due to 20 UIViewImage on it who each consume 12Mo of memory.
//When I come back from this Controller to the previous memory are never released, and if I return on it, it consume the same amount extra again
//One solution to prevent this is to instanciate him once in TrainingAndReviewListController as class attribute, and then reuse it. But it is not supposed to be the role
//of the NavigationController?
public partial class ServiceController
public string backgroundColor = "red";
public Training training;
//To handle the user action for going to the Home controller, this is not the action that cause memory leaks, altoutgh it will cause the same behavior I think.
void BtnHome_TouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (UIViewController uiviewcontroller in NavigationController.ViewControllers) {
if (uiviewcontroller.GetType() == typeof(HomeController)) {
NavigationController.PopToViewController(uiviewcontroller as HomeController, false);
void BtnGoBack_TouchUpInside(object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine(NavigationController.ViewControllers.Count()); //It always log the same count, as if the controller is really be poped when i come back and pop again.
//But profilage show me that memory still used by this instance.