
时间:2011-02-02 21:39:51

标签: concurrency f# messages mailboxprocessor


我想做什么(非常简化的例子):我接受了MailboxProcessor  两种类型的消息。

  • 第一个GetState返回当前状态。 GetState消息经常发送

  • 另一个UpdateState非常昂贵(耗时) - 例如从互联网下载内容,然后相应地更新状态。 UpdateState很少被调用。

我的问题是 - 邮件GetState被屏蔽,并等到前一个UpdateState投放。这就是为什么我尝试使用TryScan处理所有GetState消息,但没有运气。


type Msg = GetState  of AsyncReplyChannel<int> | UpdateState
let mbox = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun mbox ->
             let rec loop state = async {
                // this TryScan doesn't work as expected
                // it should process GetState messages and then continue
                mbox.TryScan(fun m ->
                    match m with 
                    | GetState(chnl) -> 
                        printfn "G processing TryScan"
                        Some(async { return! loop state})
                    | _ -> None
                ) |> ignore

                let! msg = mbox.Receive()
                match msg with
                | UpdateState ->
                    printfn "U processing"
                    // something very time consuming here...
                    async { do! Async.Sleep(1000) } |> Async.RunSynchronously
                    return! loop (state+1)
                | GetState(chnl) ->
                    printfn "G processing"
                    return! loop state
             loop 0

[async { for i in 1..10 do 
          printfn " U"
          async { do! Async.Sleep(200) } |> Async.RunSynchronously
async { // wait some time so that several `UpdateState` messages are fired
        async { do! Async.Sleep(500) } |> Async.RunSynchronously
        for i in 1..20 do 
          printfn "G"
          printfn "%d" (mbox.PostAndReply(GetState))
}] |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously




type Msg = GetState  of AsyncReplyChannel<int> | UpdateState
let mbox = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun mbox ->
             let rec loop state = async {
                // this TryScan doesn't work as expected
                // it should process GetState messages and then continue
                let! res = mbox.TryScan((function
                    | GetState(chnl) -> Some(async {
                            return state
                    | _ -> None
                ), 5)

                match res with
                | None ->
                    let! msg = mbox.Receive()
                    match msg with
                        | UpdateState ->
                            async { do! Async.Sleep(1000) } |> Async.RunSynchronously
                            return! loop (state+1)
                        | _ -> return! loop state
                | Some n -> return! loop n
             loop 0

对评论的反应:并行执行MailboxProcessor的其他ThreadPoolUpdateState的想法很棒,但我目前不需要它。 我想做的就是处理所有GetState个消息,然后处理其他消息。我不关心在处理UpdateState期间代理是否被阻止。


// GetState messages are delayed 500 ms - see do! Async.Sleep(500)
// each UpdateState is sent after 200ms
// each GetState is sent immediatelly! (not real example, but illustrates the problem)
 U            200ms   <-- issue UpdateState
U processing          <-- process UpdateState, it takes 1sec, so other 
 U            200ms       5 requests are sent; sent means, that it is
 U            200ms       fire-and-forget message - it doesn't wait for any result
                          and therefore it can send every 200ms one UpdateState message
G                     <-- first GetState sent, but waiting for reply - so all 
                          previous UpdateState messages have to be processed! = 3 seconds
                          and AFTER all the UpdateState messages are processed, result
                          is returned and new GetState can be sent. 
 U            200ms
 U            200ms       because each UpdateState takes 1 second
 U            200ms
U processing
U processing
G processing          <-- now first GetState is processed! so late? uh..
U processing          <-- takes 1sec
U processing          <-- takes 1sec
U processing          <-- takes 1sec
U processing          <-- takes 1sec
U processing          <-- takes 1sec
U processing          <-- takes 1sec
U processing          <-- takes 1sec
G processing          <-- after MANY seconds, second GetState is processed!
G processing
// from this line, only GetState are issued and processed, because 
// there is no UpdateState message in the queue, neither it is sent

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



let loop () = async {
  let! res = mbox.TryScan(function
    | ImportantMessage -> Some(async { 
          // process message 
          return 0
    | _ -> None)
  match res with
  | None -> 
       // perform some check & continue waiting
       return! loop ()
  | Some n -> 
       // ImportantMessage was received and processed 

在处理UpdateState消息时,您可以做些什么来避免阻止邮箱处理器?邮箱处理器(逻辑上)是单线程的 - 您可能不希望取消UpdateState消息的处理,因此最好的选择是在后台开始处理它并等待处理完成。然后,处理UpdateState的代码可以将一些邮件发送回邮箱(例如UpdateStateCompleted)。


let rec loop (state) = async {
  let! msg = mbox.Receive()
  match msg with
  | GetState(repl) -> 
      return! scanning state
  | UpdateState -> 
      async { 
        // complex calculation (runs in parallel)
        mbox.Post(UpdateStateCompleted newState) }
      |> Async.Start
  | UpdateStateCompleted newState ->
      // Received new state from background workflow
      return! loop newState }


答案 1 :(得分:3)

不要使用TRYSCAN !!!



答案 2 :(得分:2)


#nowarn "40"

type Msg = 
    | GetState of AsyncReplyChannel<int> 
    | UpdateState

let runner_UpdateState = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun mbox ->
    let rec loop = async {
        let! state = mbox.Receive()
        printfn "U start processing %d" !state
        // something very time consuming here...
        do! Async.Sleep 100
        printfn "U done processing %d" !state
        state := !state + 1
        do! loop

let mbox = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun mbox ->
    // we need a mutiple state if another thread can change it at any time
    let state = ref 0

    let rec loop = async {
        let! msg = mbox.Receive()

        match msg with
        | UpdateState -> runner_UpdateState.Post state
        | GetState chnl -> chnl.Reply !state

        return! loop 

    async { 
        for i in 1..10 do 
            mbox.Post UpdateState
            do! Async.Sleep 200
    async { 
        // wait some time so that several `UpdateState` messages are fired
        do! Async.Sleep 1000

        for i in 1..20 do 
            printfn "G %d" (mbox.PostAndReply GetState)
            do! Async.Sleep 50
|> Async.Parallel 
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> ignore

System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore


U start processing 0
U done processing 0
U start processing 1
U done processing 1
U start processing 2
U done processing 2
U start processing 3
U done processing 3
U start processing 4
U done processing 4
G 5
U start processing 5
G 5
U done processing 5
G 5
G 6
U start processing 6
G 6
G 6
U done processing 6
G 7
U start processing 7
G 7
G 7
U done processing 7
G 8
G U start processing 8
G 8
U done processing 8
G 9
G 9
U start processing 9
G 9
U done processing 9
G 9
G 10
G 10
G 10
G 10


open System.Threading

type Msg = 
    | GetState of AsyncReplyChannel<int> 
    | SetState of int
    | UpdateState

let mbox = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun mbox ->
    let rec loop state = async {
        let! msg = mbox.Receive()

        match msg with
        | UpdateState -> 
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((fun obj -> 
                let state = obj :?> int

                printfn "U start processing %d" state
                Async.Sleep 100 |> Async.RunSynchronously
                printfn "U done processing %d" state
                mbox.Post(SetState(state + 1))

                ), state)
            |> ignore
        | GetState chnl -> 
            chnl.Reply state
        | SetState newState ->
            return! loop newState
        return! loop state
    loop 0)

    async { 
        for i in 1..10 do 
            mbox.Post UpdateState
            do! Async.Sleep 200
    async { 
        // wait some time so that several `UpdateState` messages are fired
        do! Async.Sleep 1000

        for i in 1..20 do 
            printfn "G %d" (mbox.PostAndReply GetState)
            do! Async.Sleep 50
|> Async.Parallel 
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> ignore
