Python - 对未保存的数组中的类所做的更改

时间:2018-02-15 03:16:43

标签: python arrays class


if nextCoords[2] == '<':
    cells[x][y].l = False
    x, y = nextCoords[0], nextCoords[1]
    cells[x][y].r = False

if语句的第一行cells[x][y].l = False按预期执行,但出于某种原因,cells[x][y].r = False无法保留更改。


import random

class Cell():
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

        self.visited = False

        self.isStart = False
        self.isEnd   = False

        self.isNormal = True

        self.u = True
        self.d = True
        self.l = True
        self.r = True

def __str__(self):
    # For console applications
    return "{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}".format(
        '^' if not self.u else ' ',
        'v' if not self.d else ' ',
        '<' if not self.l else ' ',
        '>' if not self.r else ' ',
        '+' if self.isStart else '',
        '@' if self.isEnd else '',
        ' ' if self.isNormal else ''

def __repr__(self):
    return self.__str__()

def mazegen(w=3, h=3, printOut=False):
    x = 0
    y = 0

    cells = [[Cell(x, y) for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]

    stack = []

    cells[x][y].isStart = True
    cells[x][y].isNormal = False

    while True:

        allVisited = True
        for i in cells:
            for j in i:
                if not j.visited:
                    allVisited = False

        if allVisited:
            finalCell = cells[ stack[-1][0] ][ stack[-1][1] ]
            finalCell.isNormal = False
            finalCell.isEnd = True

        cells[x][y].visited = True
        choices = []
        if x > 0:
            choices.append((x-1, y, '<'))
        if x < w-1:
            choices.append((x+1, y, '>'))
        if y > 0:
            choices.append((x, y-1, '^'))
        if y < h-1:
            choices.append((x, y+1, 'v'))

        betterChoices = []
        for c in choices:
            if not cells[ c[0] ][ c[1] ].visited:
        if betterChoices != []:
            nextCoords = random.choice(betterChoices)
            popped = stack.pop()
            x, y = popped[0], popped[1]

        stack.append((x, y))

        if nextCoords[2] == '^':
            cells[x][y].u = False
            print("This cell is now {}.".format(cells[x][y]))
            x, y = nextCoords[0], nextCoords[1]
            cells[x][y].d = False
            print("The next cell is {}.".format(cells[x][y]))

        if nextCoords[2] == 'v':
            cells[x][y].d = False
            print("Old: ({0}, {1})".format(x, y))
            x, y = nextCoords[0], nextCoords[1]
            print("New: ({0}, {1})".format(x, y))
            cells[x][y].u = False

        if nextCoords[2] == '<':
            cells[x][y].l = False
            x, y = nextCoords[0], nextCoords[1]
            cells[x][y].r = False

        if nextCoords[2] == '>':
            cells[x][y].r = False
            x, y = nextCoords[0], nextCoords[1]
            cells[x][y].l = False

        print("Moved {}\n".format(nextCoords[2]))

    if printOut:
        for i in cells:
            for j in i:
                print("| ", end='')
                print(j, end=' | ')

    return cells

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我清理了code它现在正在工作并且looking罚款后:] image

import pygame, sys, random

class Cell:
    def __init__(self,x,y): self.x,self.y = x,y

def mazegen(w,h):
    x,y = 0,0

    cells = [[Cell(x,y) for y in range(h)] for x in range(w)]

    stack = []

    cells[x][y].isStart = True
    cells[x][y].isNormal = False

    while True:

        allVisited = True
        for i in cells:
            for j in i:
                if not j.visited: allVisited = False

        if allVisited:
            finalCell = cells[ stack[-1][0] ][ stack[-1][1] ]
            finalCell.isNormal = False
            finalCell.isEnd = True

        cells[x][y].visited = True
        choices = []
        if x>0:   choices.append((x-1, y, '<'))
        if x<w-1: choices.append((x+1, y, '>'))
        if y>0:   choices.append((x, y-1, '^'))
        if y<h-1: choices.append((x, y+1, 'v'))

        betterChoices = []
        for c in choices:
            if not cells[c[0]][c[1]].visited: betterChoices.append(c)
        if betterChoices != []:
            nextCoords = random.choice(betterChoices)
            popped = stack.pop()
            x,y = popped[0],popped[1]


        if nextCoords[2] == '^':
            cells[x][y].u = False
            x,y = nextCoords[0], nextCoords[1]
            cells[x][y].d = False

        if nextCoords[2] == 'v':
            cells[x][y].d = False
            x,y = nextCoords[0], nextCoords[1]
            cells[x][y].u = False

        if nextCoords[2] == '<':
            cells[x][y].l = False
            x,y = nextCoords[0], nextCoords[1]
            cells[x][y].r = False

        if nextCoords[2] == '>':
            cells[x][y].r = False
            x,y = nextCoords[0], nextCoords[1]
            cells[x][y].l = False

    return cells

BLACK = (0,0,0)
WHITE = (255,255,255)
RED   = (255,0,0)
GREEN = (0,255,0)
BLUE  = (0,0,255)

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400,400))
pygame.display.set_caption("Maze Generator!")

cells = mazegen(10,10)

while True:

    key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type==pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit(); sys.exit()
        if event.type==pygame.KEYDOWN:
            if key[pygame.K_LALT] and event.key==pygame.K_F4: pygame.quit(); sys.exit() # alt + f4


    for i in cells:
        for cell in i:
            img = pygame.Surface((20,20))
            if cell.u:pygame.draw.line(img,BLACK,(0,0),(20,0))
            if cell.d: pygame.draw.line(img,BLACK,(0,20),(20,20))
            if cell.l: pygame.draw.line(img,BLACK,(0,0),(0,20))
            if cell.r: pygame.draw.line(img,BLACK,(20,0),(20,20))
            screen.blit(img,(cell.x*20, cell.y*20))


这里也是我非常紧凑的例子。 (我使用pygame只是为了将其保存为图像。哈哈)

import pygame, random

def maze(*gs):
    gs = (gs[0]+3-gs[0]%4,gs[1]+3-gs[1]%4) # rounding grid size for cleaner presentation
    adjacent = lambda x,y: [(a,b) for a,b in ((x-2,y),(x+2,y),(x,y-2),(x,y+2)) if (a,b) not in tiles and a+1 and b+1 and a<gs[0] and b<gs[1]]
    pos = (gs[0]//2,gs[1]//2); tiles, points, direction = [pos], [], (0,0)
    for l in range(((gs[0]-1)//2)*((gs[1]-1)//2)-1): # total loops in algorithm
        adj = adjacent(*pos) # get available adjacents
        for i in points[::-1]:
            if adj: break # we have adjacents, we don't need to backtrack
            adj = adjacent(*i) # check if corner has spare adjacents
            if adj: points, pos = points[:points.index(i)], i # if so, remove corner, backtrack pos
        rand = random.choice(adj); new_dir = rand[0]-pos[0], rand[1]-pos[1] # get random dir
        if new_dir != direction and len(adj)>1: points += [pos] # corner and more adj remain
        tiles, pos, direction = tiles+[(rand[0]-new_dir[0]//2,rand[1]-new_dir[1]//2),rand], rand, new_dir # add path, move in direction
    pygame.init() # lets use pygame
    surface = pygame.Surface(gs); surface.fill((0,0,0)) # create black image
    for i in tiles: surface.set_at(i,(255,255,255)) # add white path,"maze.png") # save as png

maze(100,100) # create 100x100 pixel maze