以编程方式创建C#位图;裁剪代码开始提供“GDI +中发生一般错误”

时间:2018-02-14 09:21:48

标签: c# bitmap gdi+

我有以下方法将文本呈现为图像。它创建一个大于必要的位图,绘制文本,然后搜索空白空间的位图并将其裁剪掉。在保存图像的位置,它会抛出错误“GDI +中发生一般错误”。这个代码一直在我开发的同一台机器上工作,虽然它没有在很长一段时间内运行,所以自上次工作以来可能会发生合理数量的Windows更新。没有其他任何改变,据我所知,解决方案/ .net框架等 - 我刚刚打开解决方案,在调试中运行它(像往常一样),并产生错误

private void CreateImageFromText(string text, string filename){
  // Set global stage dimensions
  int stageWidth = (int)(text.Length * 3 * _fontSizeNumericUpDown.Value);
  int stageHeight = (int)(3 * _fontSizeNumericUpDown.Value);

  // Create Bitmap placeholder for new image       
  Bitmap createdImage = new Bitmap(stageWidth, stageHeight);
  Color blankPixel = createdImage.GetPixel(0, 0);

  // Draw new blank image
  Graphics imageCanvas = Graphics.FromImage(createdImage);
  imageCanvas.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
  imageCanvas.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
  // Add text
  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
    Font font = new Font("Arial", (int)_fontSizeNumericUpDown.Value);
    Font bigFont = new Font("Arial", (int)(_fontSizeNumericUpDown.Value * (decimal)1.25));
    Font veryBigFont = new Font("Arial", (int)(_fontSizeNumericUpDown.Value * (decimal)3));

      imageCanvas.DrawString("✔", bigFont, Brushes.Green, 0, 0);
    else if (text.StartsWith("cross:"))
        imageCanvas.DrawString("X", bigFont, Brushes.Red, 0, 0);
    else if (text.StartsWith("highlight:"))
        imageCanvas.DrawString("•", veryBigFont, Brushes.Magenta, 0, 0);
      imageCanvas.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.Black, 0, 0);

  //clip to only part containing text
  Rectangle r = ImageUtils.GetBoundsThatContainData(
      searchArea: (text.StartsWith("highlight:") ? new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(10, 20, createdImage.Width - 10, createdImage.Height - 20)) : null)

  // Save cropped
  var img = createdImage.Clone(r, createdImage.PixelFormat);
  img.Save(filename, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);


public static Rectangle GetBoundsThatContainData(Bitmap createdImage,Color blankPixel,int borderSizePixels = 5,Rectangle?searchArea = null)     {       Rectangle sa = new Rectangle(0,0,createdImage.Width,createdImage.Height);

  if (searchArea.HasValue)
    if (searchArea.Value.X > sa.X)
      sa.X = searchArea.Value.X;

    if (searchArea.Value.Y > sa.Y)
      sa.Y = searchArea.Value.Y;

    if (searchArea.Value.Width < sa.Width)
      sa.Width = searchArea.Value.Width;

    if (searchArea.Value.Height < sa.Height)
      sa.Height = searchArea.Value.Height;

  //look for vertical
  for (int i = (sa.Y + sa.Height) - 1; i >= sa.Y; i--)
    if (!AllPixelsOnHorizontalLineMatch(blankPixel, i, sa, createdImage))
      sa.Height = (i - sa.Y) + 1 + borderSizePixels;

  if (sa.Y + sa.Height > createdImage.Height)
    sa.Height = createdImage.Height - sa.Y;

  //look for the horizontal
  for (int i = (sa.X + sa.Width) - 1; i >= sa.X; i--)
    if (!AllPixelsOnVerticalLineMatch(blankPixel, i, sa, createdImage))
      sa.Width = (i - sa.X) + 1 + borderSizePixels;

  if (sa.X + sa.Width > createdImage.Width)
    sa.Width = createdImage.Width - sa.X;

  return sa;


是否有其他人能够在他们的机器上重现GDI错误(我在这里没有其他机器作为比较来测试它是否只影响我的机器)?有关如何诊断原因的任何指示?读取很多这类错误与关闭流位图所依赖的流有关,但在这种情况下没有流;位图不是从任何地方加载的 - 它完全是在代码中创建的。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


除此之外,如果真正的问题出现在AllPixelsOnHorizontalLineMatchAllPixelsOnVerticalLineMatch工具中,那么您在问题中并未包含这些问题。如果他们做了可能搞乱GDI +对象的事情,那么这会影响你以后的保存。


public static void CreateImageFromText(String text, String filename, Int32 fontSize)
    // Set global stage dimensions
    Int32 stageWidth = (Int32)(text.Length * 3 * fontSize);
    Int32 stageHeight = (Int32)(3 * fontSize);

    using (Bitmap createdImage = new Bitmap(stageWidth, stageHeight))
        Color blankPixel = createdImage.GetPixel(0, 0);
        // Draw new blank image
        using (Graphics imageCanvas = Graphics.FromImage(createdImage))
            imageCanvas.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            imageCanvas.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
            // Add text
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                if (text.StartsWith("tick:"))
                    using (Font bigFont = new Font("Arial", (Int32)(fontSize * (decimal)1.25)))
                        imageCanvas.DrawString("✔", bigFont, Brushes.Green, 0, 0);
                else if (text.StartsWith("cross:"))
                    using (Font bigFont = new Font("Arial", (Int32)(fontSize * (decimal)1.25)))
                        imageCanvas.DrawString("X", bigFont, Brushes.Red, 0, 0);
                else if (text.StartsWith("highlight:"))
                    using (Font veryBigFont = new Font("Arial", (Int32)(fontSize * (decimal)3)))
                        imageCanvas.DrawString("•", veryBigFont, Brushes.Magenta, 0, 0);
                    using (Font font = new Font("Arial", (Int32)fontSize))
                        imageCanvas.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.Black, 0, 0);
        // Honestly not sure what the point of this is, especially given the complete inaccuracy of the original image size calculation.
        Rectangle? searchArea = text.StartsWith("highlight:") ? new Rectangle(10, 20, createdImage.Width - 10, createdImage.Height - 20) : (Rectangle?)null;
        Rectangle r = ImageUtils.GetCropBounds(createdImage, blankPixel, searchArea: searchArea);
        // Save cropped
        using (Image img = createdImage.Clone(r, createdImage.PixelFormat))
            img.Save(filename, ImageFormat.Png);


public static Rectangle GetCropBounds(Bitmap image, Color blankPixel, Int32 borderSizePixels = 5, Rectangle? searchArea = null)
    // Not too worried about the other boundaries; the "for" loops will exclude those anyway.
    Int32 yStart = searchArea.HasValue ? Math.Max(0, searchArea.Value.Y) : 0;
    Int32 yEnd   = searchArea.HasValue ? Math.Min(image.Height, searchArea.Value.Y + searchArea.Value.Height) : image.Height;
    Int32 xStart = searchArea.HasValue ? Math.Max(0, searchArea.Value.X) : 0;
    Int32 xEnd   = searchArea.HasValue ? Math.Min(image.Width, searchArea.Value.X + searchArea.Value.Width) : image.Width;
    // Values to calculate
    Int32 top;
    Int32 bottom;
    Int32 left;
    Int32 right;
    // Convert to 32bppARGB and get bytes and stride out.
    Byte[] data;
    Int32 stride;
    using (Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(image))
        BitmapData sourceData = bm.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bm.PixelFormat);
        stride = sourceData.Stride;
        data = new Byte[stride*bm.Height];
        Marshal.Copy(sourceData.Scan0, data, 0, data.Length);
    // ============= Y =============
    // Top = first found row which contains data
    for (top = yStart; top < yEnd; top++)
        Int32 index = top * stride;
        if (!RowClear(data, index, 4, xStart, xEnd, blankPixel))
    // Sanity check: no data on image. Abort.
    if (top == yEnd)
        return new Rectangle(xStart, yStart, 0, 0);
    // Bottom = last found row which contains data
    for (bottom = yEnd - 1; bottom > top; bottom--)
        Int32 index = bottom * stride;
        if (!RowClear(data, index, 4, xStart, xEnd, blankPixel))
    // Make bottom the first actually clear row.
    // ============= X =============
    // Left = first found column which contains data
    for (left = xStart; left < xEnd; left++)
        Int32 index = left * 4;
        if (!ColClear(data, index, stride, yStart, yEnd, blankPixel))
    // Right = last found row which contains data
    for (right = xEnd - 1; right > left; right--)
        Int32 index = right * 4;
        if (!ColClear(data, index, stride, yStart, yEnd, blankPixel))
    // Make right the first actually clear column
    // Calculate final rectangle values, including border.
    Int32 rectX = Math.Max(0, left - borderSizePixels);
    Int32 rectY = Math.Max(0, top - borderSizePixels);
    Int32 rectW = Math.Min(image.Width, right + borderSizePixels) - rectX;
    Int32 rectH = Math.Min(image.Height, bottom + borderSizePixels) - rectY;
    return new Rectangle(rectX, rectY, rectW, rectH);

public static Boolean RowClear(Byte[] data, Int32 index, Int32 pixelWidth, Int32 xStart, Int32 xEnd, Color blankPixel)
    Boolean rowOk = true;
    Int32 start = index + pixelWidth * xStart;
    Int32 end = index + pixelWidth * xEnd;
    for (Int32 x = start; x < end; x += pixelWidth)
        if      (blankPixel.A != data[x + 3]) rowOk = false;
        else if (blankPixel.R != data[x + 2]) rowOk = false;
        else if (blankPixel.G != data[x + 1]) rowOk = false;
        else if (blankPixel.B != data[x + 0]) rowOk = false;
        if (!rowOk)
            return false;
    return true;

public static Boolean ColClear(Byte[] data, Int32 index, Int32 stride, Int32 yStart, Int32 yEnd, Color blankPixel)
    Boolean colOk = true;
    Int32 start = index + stride * yStart;
    Int32 end = index + stride * yEnd;
    for (Int32 y = start; y < end; y += stride)
        if      (blankPixel.A != data[y + 3]) colOk = false;
        else if (blankPixel.R != data[y + 2]) colOk = false;
        else if (blankPixel.G != data[y + 1]) colOk = false;
        else if (blankPixel.B != data[y + 0]) colOk = false;
        if (!colOk)
            return false;
    return true;

请注意,您可能希望使用更准确的方法来确定图像所需的大小。 .Net框架有内置的方法。另请注意,由于您总是绘制到(0,0),裁剪功能所留下的5像素边框往往不能在顶部工作。鉴于原始图像大小估计的完全不准确,我也不知道为什么&#34;突出显示:&#34;前缀为裁剪函数提供约束矩形(基于所述不准确的图像大小)。


public static void CreateImageFromText(String text, String filename, Int32 fontSize, Int32 padding)
    if (text == null)
        text = String.Empty;
    Boolean prefixTick = text.StartsWith("tick:");
    Boolean prefixCross = !prefixTick && text.StartsWith("cross:");
    Boolean highlight = !prefixTick && !prefixCross && text.StartsWith("highlight:");
    const String symbTick = "✔";
    const String symbCross = "X";
    const String symbBullet = "•";
    // Cut off the prefix part
    if (prefixTick || prefixCross || highlight)
        text = text.Substring(text.IndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1).TrimStart();
    using (Font font = new Font("Arial", fontSize))
    using (Font prefixFont = new Font("Arial", fontSize * (highlight ? 3f : 1.25f), highlight ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular))
        // Calculate accurate dimensions of required image.
        Single textWidth;
        Single prefixWidth = 0;
        Single requiredHeight = 0;
        Single textHeight;
        Single prefixHeight = 0;
        // Dummy image will have the same dpi as the final one.
        using (Bitmap dummy = new Bitmap(1, 1))
        using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(dummy))
            if (prefixTick)
                SizeF tickSize = g.MeasureString(symbTick, prefixFont);
                requiredHeight = Math.Max(tickSize.Height, requiredHeight);
                prefixWidth = tickSize.Width;
            else if (prefixCross)
                SizeF crossSize = g.MeasureString(symbCross, prefixFont);
                requiredHeight = Math.Max(crossSize.Height, requiredHeight);
                prefixWidth = crossSize.Width;
            else if (highlight)
                SizeF bulletSize = g.MeasureString(symbBullet, prefixFont);
                requiredHeight = Math.Max(bulletSize.Height, requiredHeight);
                prefixWidth = bulletSize.Width;
            prefixHeight = requiredHeight;
            SizeF textSize = g.MeasureString(text.Length == 0 ? " " : text, font);
            textWidth = text.Length == 0 ? 0 : textSize.Width;
            textHeight= textSize.Height;
            requiredHeight = Math.Max(textSize.Height, requiredHeight);
        if (!prefixTick && !prefixCross && !highlight && text.Length == 0)
            Int32 width = padding*2;
            Int32 height = (Int32)Math.Round(textHeight + padding*2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            if (width == 0)
                width = 1;
            // Creates an image of the expected height for the font, and a width consisting of only the padding, or 1 for no padding.
            using (Image img = new Bitmap(width, height))
                img.Save(filename, ImageFormat.Png);
        Single prefixX = 5;
        Single prefixY = 5 + padding + prefixWidth > 0 && requiredHeight > prefixHeight ? (requiredHeight - prefixHeight) / 2 : 0;
        Single textX = 5 + prefixWidth;
        Single textY = 5 + padding + requiredHeight > textHeight ? (requiredHeight - textHeight) / 2 : 0;
        // Set global stage dimensions. Add 10 Pixels to each to allow for 5-pixel border.
        Int32 stageWidth = (Int32)Math.Round(prefixWidth + textWidth, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + 10 + padding * 2;
        Int32 stageHeight = (Int32)Math.Round(requiredHeight, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + 10 + padding * 2;
        // Create Bitmap placeholder for new image       
        using (Bitmap createdImage = new Bitmap(stageWidth, stageHeight))
            Color blankPixel = createdImage.GetPixel(0, 0);
            // Draw new blank image
            using (Graphics imageCanvas = Graphics.FromImage(createdImage))
                imageCanvas.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                imageCanvas.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
                // Add text
                if (prefixTick)
                    imageCanvas.DrawString(symbTick, prefixFont, Brushes.Green, prefixX, prefixY);
                else if (prefixCross)
                    imageCanvas.DrawString(symbCross, prefixFont, Brushes.Red, prefixX, prefixY);
                else if (highlight)
                    imageCanvas.DrawString(symbBullet, prefixFont, Brushes.Magenta, prefixX, prefixY);
                if (text.Length > 0) 
                    imageCanvas.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.Black, textX, textY);
            //clip to only part containing text. 
            Rectangle r = ImageUtils.GetCropBounds(createdImage, blankPixel, padding);
            if (r.Width <= 0 || r.Height <= 0)
                return; // Possibly throw exception; image formats can't handle 0x0.
            // Save cropped
            createdImage.Save(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)) + "_orig" + Path.GetExtension(filename), ImageFormat.Png);
            using (Image img = createdImage.Clone(r, createdImage.PixelFormat))
                img.Save(filename, ImageFormat.Png);