我正在尝试实现以下所示的一般示例: https://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.10/modules_advanced/
var dojoConfig = {
baseUrl: "/lib/_site/js/",
tlmSiblingsofDojo: false,
async: 1,
hasCache: {
// these are the values given above, not-built client code may test for these so they need to be available
"dojo-built": 1,
"dojo-loader": 1,
"dojo-undef-api": 0,
dom: 1,
"host-browser": 1,
// Disable deferred instrumentation by default in the built version.
"config-deferredInstrumentation": 0,
// Dojo loader has built-in "has" api. Since dojoConfig is used
// by Dojo loader, we can set the default here.
"dojo-has-api": 1,
// default
"config-selectorEngine": "lite",
"esri-featurelayer-webgl": 0,
"esri-promise-compatibility": 0,
"esri-promise-compatibility-deprecation-warnings": 1
packages: [
name: "dojo",
location: "lib/dojo"
name: "dijit",
location: "lib/dijit"
name: "dojox",
location: "lib/dojox"
name: "dstore",
location: "lib/dstore"
name: "dgrid",
location: "lib/dgrid"
name: "esri",
location: "lib/esri"
name: "moment",
location: "lib/moment",
main: "moment"
name: "my",
location: "my",
main: "app"
<script src="~/lib/_site/dist/js/lib/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
Dojo正确定位&#34;我的&#34;和其他&#34; libs&#34;。但是如果我尝试为生产做一个优化的自定义构建,除了&#34; my&#34;之外,一切都是一样的。目录被复制到&#34; lib&#34;目录,但dojo仍在寻找它应该在哪里?
* Based on the dojo-boilerplate
* https://github.com/csnover/dojo-boilerplate
* and https://github.com/tomwayson/esri-slurp-example
* Please refer to the Dojo Build tutorial for more details
* http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.10/build/
* Look to `util/build/buildControlDefault.js` for more information on available options and their default values.
var profile = {
optimizeOptions: {
languageIn: "ECMASCRIPT6",
languageOut: "ECMASCRIPT5"
// `basePath` is relative to the directory containing this profile file; in this case, it is being set to the
// src/ directory, which is the same place as the `baseUrl` directory in the loader configuration.
basePath: "./js/",
action: "release",
optimize: "closure", // requires Java 6 or later: http://code.google.com/p/closure-compiler/wiki/FAQ
layerOptimize: "closure",
useSourceMaps: false,
cssOptimize: "comments",
copyTests: false,
internStrings: true,
mini: true,
// The default selector engine is not included by default in a dojo.js build in order to make mobile builds
// smaller. We add it back here to avoid that extra HTTP request. There is also an "acme" selector available; if
// you use that, you will need to set the `selectorEngine` property in index.html, too.
selectorEngine: "lite",
// Strips all calls to console functions within the code. You can also set this to "warn" to strip everything
// but console.error, and any other truthy value to strip everything but console.warn and console.error.
// This defaults to "normal" (strip all but warn and error) if not provided.
stripConsole: "none",
// dojoBootText: "require.boot && require.apply(null, require.boot);",
insertAbsMids: 0,
// If present and truthy, instructs the loader to consume the cache of layer member modules
noref: true,
// A list of packages that will be built. The same packages defined in the loader should be defined here in the
// build profile.
packages: [
// "app" is a sample path for your application
// set this accordingly
name: "my",
location: "my"
name: "dojo",
location: "lib/dojo"
name: "dijit",
location: "lib/dijit"
name: "dojox",
location: "lib/dojox"
name: "dstore",
location: "lib/dstore"
name: "dgrid",
location: "lib/dgrid"
name: "esri",
location: "lib/esri"
name: "moment",
location: "lib/moment",
main: "moment",
trees: [
// don"t bother with .hidden, tests, min, src, and templates
[".", ".", /(\/\.)|(~$)|(test|txt|src|min|templates)/]
resourceTags: {
amd: function (filename, mid) {
return /\.js$/.test(filename);
// Any module in an application can be converted into a "layer" module, which consists of the original module +
// additional dependencies built into the same file. Using layers allows applications to reduce the number of HTTP
// requests by combining all JavaScript into a single file.
layers: {
// This is the main loader module. It is a little special because it is treated like an AMD module even though
// it is actually just plain JavaScript. There is some extra magic in the build system specifically for this
// module ID.
"dojo/dojo": {
// By default, the build system will try to include `dojo/main` in the built `dojo/dojo` layer, which adds
// a bunch of stuff we do not want or need. We want the initial script load to be as small and quick to
// load as possible, so we configure it as a custom, bootable base.
boot: true,
customBase: true,
include: [
/** enforce some modules loading */
/** not included because dom is -1 */
// esri stuff for 3D maps
// You can define the locale for your application if you like
// includeLocales: ["en-us"]
"esri/identity/IdentityManager": {
include: [
"esri/views/MapView": {
include: [
exclude: [
"esri/views/SceneView": {
include: [
exclude: [
"esri/WebMap": {
include: [
"esri/WebScene": {
include: [
"esri/layers/VectorTileLayer": {
include: [
"esri/views/2d/layers/VectorTileLayerView2D": {
include: [
exclude: ["esri/views/MapView"]
"esri/views/2d/layers/support/FeatureLayerView2DWebGL": {
include: [
exclude: ["esri/views/MapView"]
"esri/core/workers/WorkerConnection": {
include: [
"esri/views/vectorTiles/WorkerTileHandler": {
include: [
"esri/widgets/support/widget": {
include: [
我无法弄明白为什么!我尝试了十几种变体。我没有试图复制&#34;我的&#34;目录回到正确的位置,因为我不应该!如果我无法弄清楚并且手动复制确实有效,我将在dojo构建过程中添加一个副本。 BTW-使用NPM和grunt。
BTW-使用NPM和咕噜声。 编辑:以下是用于运行自定义构建的咕噜声。
关于自定义构建的快速说明。我试图&#34;烘烤&#34;默认 通过在构建中定义&#34; defaultConfig来构建构建 简介,因为它似乎没有工作。所以我硬连线了 dojoConfig如上图所示。请参阅应用程序构建配置文 部分: https://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.10/build/index.html
module.exports = function (grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
clean: {
options: {
force: true
any: {
src: ''
dojo: {
dist: {
options: {
releaseDir: '../dist/js/lib',
options: {
profile: 'site.profile.js',
dojo: './js/lib/dojo/dojo.js',
load: 'build',
cwd: './',
basePath: './js/'
require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt, { scope: 'devDependencies' });
grunt.registerTask('none', function () { });
grunt.registerTask('default', 'dist');
grunt.registerTask('my-dojo', function () {
grunt.config('clean.any.src', ['./dist/js/lib']);
grunt.config('clean.any.src', ['./dist/js/lib/**/*.uncompressed.js']);
如上所述,它将所有内容复制到releaseDir,包括&#34; my&#34;,它应该以./dist/js结尾。