Elasticsearch& PHP:在索引之前检查文档是否存在

时间:2018-02-13 15:18:36

标签: php elasticsearch


我已阅读过一些类似的帖子(例如Check Elasticsearch document similarity before indexingCheck if the index exists or not Elasticsearch),但它们并没有涵盖如何实现这一目标。



HP致命错误:未捕获Elasticsearch \ Common \ Exceptions \ ServerErrorResponseException:{“error”:{“root_cause”:[{“type”:“illegal_state_exception”,“reason”:“无法在START_ARRAY上获取文字1:129" }] ...


   require_once 'app/init.php';

    if(!empty($_POST)) {
      //Determines if the variables are set
      if (isset($_POST['title'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['thema'], $_POST['type'])) {
        $title = $_POST['title'];
        $description = $_POST['description'];
        $thema = explode(',', $_POST['thema']);
        $type = $_POST['type'];

        $searched = $client->search([
          'index' => 'my_index',
          'type' => 'default',
          'body' => [
            'query' => [
              'bool' => [
                'should' => [
                  [ 'match_phrase' => [ 'Title' => $title ] ],
                  [ 'match_phrase' => [ 'Description' => $description ] ],
                  [ 'match_phrase' => [ 'Thema' => $thema ] ],
                  [ 'match_phrase' => [ 'Type' => $type ] ],
        if($searched['hits']['total'] >= 1) { 
         print_r("Your idea already exists in the database");
       else {
        $indexed = $client->index([
          'index' => 'january-2018',
          'type' => 'default',
          'body' => [
            'Titel' => $titel,
            'Beschreibung' => $beschreibung,
            'Thema' => $thema,
            'Beitragstyp' => $beitragstyp
       print_r("Your idea has been successfully submitted! The ID for your submission is: " . $indexed['_id']);        



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      <title>Add | ES</title>

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      <div class="text2">
        <h2>Add your idea:</h2>
      <div class="">
        <form action="add.php" method="post" autocomplete="off">
          <input type="text" class="addTerm" placeholder="Titel" name="title" required>
          <select id="themas" name="thema" required>
            <option value="thema1">thema1</option>
            <option value="thema2">thema2</option>
          <select id="themas" name="type" required>
            <option value="type1">type1</option>
            <option value="type2">type2</option>
          <input type="submit" class="addButton" value="Add &#xf067;" required>
          <textarea class="addBeschreibung" name="description" placeholder="Beschreibung" maxlength="2000" required></textarea>
          <button type="button" class="homeButton" onclick="window.location.href='http://localhost/server/elasticsearch-php/'">
            <i class="fa fa-home"></i>

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