我试图在反应应用中设置auth0并且此错误在我的auth0= new auth0.WebAuth({
初始化时不断弹出,我尝试使用/* eslint-disable */
禁用eslint但是它已经#39 ; s不工作。
// imports EventEmitter
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
// imports the Auth0 JS library
import auth0 from 'auth0-js';
// imports Auth0 credentials from the auth0-variables.js file
import { AUTH_CONFIG } from './auth0-variables';
// imports the history module, which will be created later
import history from '../history';
export default class Auth extends EventEmitter {
// An instance of Auth0 is instantiated with Auth0 credentials gotten from the auth0-variables.js file
auth0 = new auth0.WebAuth({ //this is where I'm getting the error
domain: AUTH_CONFIG.domain,
clientID: AUTH_CONFIG.clientId,
redirectUri: AUTH_CONFIG.callbackUrl,
audience: `https://${AUTH_CONFIG.domain}/userinfo`,
// Telling Auth0 what to return after a successful authentication, in this case, the token and the id_token
responseType: 'token id_token',
// To retrieve a user's profile after authentication, we need to add openid profile to the the scope.
scope: 'openid profile'
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答案 0 :(得分:0)
类实例属性(类体内的auth = new auth0.WebAuth(/*...*/);
)仍然是实验性的。如果您有兴趣,可以follow development of the proposal - 截至撰写本文时,它位于tc39 proposal process的第3阶段。
如果你想今天使用类属性(我看到你正在使用React,它们在React代码中很常见),并且假设你已经设置了Babel,ESLint可以解析它们和其他实验性功能babel-eslint的帮助。自述文件有更完整的说明,但您需要npm install --save-dev babel-eslint
并将"parser": "babel-eslint"