
时间:2018-02-12 22:04:28

标签: text input printing command kivy

我是Python的新手(版本3.6.1),刚刚开始使用Kivy作为我的GUI。我想要做的是在Kivy中创建一个命令行,让用户键入命令,处理命令,然后在同一文本框中输出需要输出的内容。#34;框。它应该像Windows命令行一样工作,但它必须是Kivy接口的一部分。 我最接近的是使用 kivy.uixTextInput ,但是,我不知道如何获取用户输入,然后如何打印到该文本框的输出。请帮助,我正在努力。

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from import App
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout

class MainWindow(BoxLayout):

    # We create a dictionary of all our possible methods to call, along with keys
    def command_dict(self):
        return {
            'one': self.command_one,
            'two': self.command_two,
            'three': self.command_three

    def process_command(self):
        # We grab the text from the user text input as a key
        command_key = self.ids.fetch_key_and_process_command.text

        # We then use that key in the command's built in 'get_method' because it is a dict
        # then we store it into a variable for later use
        called_command = self.command_dict().get(command_key, 'default')

            # The variable is a method, so by adding we can call it by simple adding your typical () to the end of it.

        except TypeError:
            # However we use an exception clause to catch in case people enter a key that doesn't exist
            self.ids.fetch_key_and_process_command.text = 'Sorry, there is no command key: ' + command_key

    # These are the three commands we call from our command dict.
    def command_one(self):
        self.ids.fetch_key_and_process_command.text = 'Command One has Been Processed'

    def command_two(self):
        self.ids.fetch_key_and_process_command.text = 'Command Two has Been Processed'

    def command_three(self):
        self.ids.fetch_key_and_process_command.text = 'Command Three has been Processed'

class MainApp(App):

    def build(self):
        return MainWindow()

if __name__ == '__main__':


        text: 'This is a label'
        # We give TextInput an id to reference it in the actual code
        id: fetch_key_and_process_command

        # We set multiline to False, so we can use the next property (on_text_validate)
        multiline: False

        # on_text_validate will called MainWindow's process_command() when a user presses enter
        on_text_validate: root.process_command()