For example: computer and information research scientist
Should be: Computer and Information Research Scientist
提前致谢, 布鲁斯
答案 0 :(得分:1)
function strtotitle($title)
// Converts $title to Title Case, and returns the result.
// Our array of 'small words' which shouldn't be capitalised if
// they aren't the first word. Add your own words to taste.
$smallwordsarray = array( 'of','a','the','and','an','or','nor','but','is','if','then','else','when', 'at','from','by','on','off','for','in','out','over','to','into','with' );
// Split the string into separate words
$words = explode(' ', $title);
foreach ($words as $key => $word)
// If this word is the first, or it's not one of our small words, capitalise it
// with ucwords().
if ($key == 0 or !in_array($word, $smallwordsarray))
$words[$key] = ucwords($word);
// Join the words back into a string
$newtitle = implode(' ', $words);
return $newtitle;
上找到了这个答案 1 :(得分:-2)
我要感谢斯图亚特指出我正确的方向。他建议我看看这里:http://php.net/manual/en/function.ucwords.php#112795 这对我来说是一个很棒的起点。 再次感谢Stuart! 布鲁斯