
时间:2018-02-12 11:16:31

标签: angular drag-and-drop draggable

我正在寻找支持多次拖动的拖放库。但我找不到任何角度2+。 ng2-dragula支持我们想要的,除了多次拖放。可以任何人建议任何库或如何覆盖ng2 dragula实现相同。   以下是我们正在寻找的功能:

  1. 拖动到目标容器中的特定位置
  2. 拖动多个项目
  3. 在同一个容器内拖动
  4. 适用于任何元素
  5. 支持复制并移至目标

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

基于this comment上的github bevacqua/dragula issue: Drag and drop multiple items #50




相关代码(请注意,I've tried using the pure angular way不能正常工作,一旦我找到了纯角度的代码,它将更新):

this.dragulaService.cloned("dnd").subscribe(({ clone, original, cloneType }) => {
      this.mirrorContainer = $('.gu-mirror').first();
      this.selectedItems = $('.ex-over');
      this.hasMultiple = this.selectedItems.length > 1 || (this.selectedItems.length == 1 && !$(original).hasClass('ex-over'));
      if (this.hasMultiple) {
        this.selectedItems = $('.ex-over');
        var height = 0,
          width = 0;
        let temp = this.mirrorContainer;
        this.selectedItems.each(function (index) {
          var item = $(this);
          var mirror = item.clone(true);
          mirror.removeClass('ex-over gu-transit');
          temp.css('background-color', 'transparent');
          var rect = item[0].getBoundingClientRect();
          height += rect.height;
          width = rect.width;
        this.mirrorContainer = temp;
        this.mirrorContainer.css('height', height + 'px');

您需要在import $ from 'jquery';文件中声明.ts并安装@types/jqueryjquery


this.mirrorContainer = $('.gu-mirror').first();抓取dragula默认创建的镜像容器


this.selectedItems = $('.ex-over');获取多选项目

this.hasMultiple = this.selectedItems.length > 1 || (this.selectedItems.length == 1 && !$(original).hasClass('ex-over'));检查是否选中了多个项目,并考虑了它们从未选择的项目开始拖动的位置

if (this.hasMultiple) { // we have multiple items selected
    $('.gu-transit').addClass('ex-over'); // edge case: if they started dragging from an unselected item, adds the selected item class
    this.selectedItems = $('.ex-over'); // update list of selected items in case of edge case above
    this.mirrorContainer.empty();  // clear the mirror container, we're going to fill it with clones of our items
    var height = 0,
      width = 0; // will track final dimensions of the mirror container
    let temp = this.mirrorContainer; // used to temporary store this.mirrorContainer since otherwise would return undefined
    this.selectedItems.each(function (index) { // clone the selected items into the mirror container
      var item = $(this); // the item
      var mirror = item.clone(true); // clone the item
      mirror.removeClass('ex-over gu-transit'); // remove the state classes if necessary
      temp.append(mirror); //add the clone to mirror container
      temp.css('background-color', 'transparent');
      item.addClass('gu-transit'); //add drag state class to item
      var rect = item[0].getBoundingClientRect(); // update the dimensions for the mirror container
      height += rect.height;
      width = rect.width;
    this.mirrorContainer = temp; // restore this.mirrorContainer value after updated
    this.mirrorContainer.css('height', height + 'px'); //set final height of mirror container

请注意,在以下代码中,我使用el.remove()删除了存储到目标元素的拖动元素,因为我已经完成了moveback()moveto()函数({{3} }。

  .subscribe(({ name, el, target, source, sibling }) => {
    if (source.attributes[2].value === "data" && (target.attributes[3].value === "ct" || target.attributes[2].value === "target")) {
      if (this.target.length > 0) {
        this.placeholdertarget = false;
      if (this.data.length < 1) {
        this.placeholderdata = true;
      if (!this.hasMultiple) {
        let target = document.getElementsByClassName('target');
        for (let i = target.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          if (target[i].className.includes('ex-over') && i >= 0) {
            this.removeClass(target[i], 'ex-over');
      } else {
      for (let i = 0; i < this.target.length; i++) {
        this.target[i].state = false;
      this.challtarget = false;
    } else if (source.attributes[2].value === "target" && (target.attributes[3].value === "cd" || target.attributes[2].value === "data")) {
      if (this.target.length < 1) {
        this.placeholdertarget = true;
      if (this.data.length > 0) {
        this.placeholderdata = false;
      if (!this.hasMultiple) {
        let target = document.getElementsByClassName('data');
        for (let i = target.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          if (target[i].className.includes('ex-over') && i >= 0) {
            this.removeClass(target[i], 'ex-over');
      } else {
      for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) {
        this.data[i].state = false;
      this.challdata = false;
    } else {
      // console.log('spilled');
      // this.dragulaService.find('dnd').drake.cancel(true);