
时间:2018-02-11 18:42:13

标签: sql date percentage cumulative-sum


Person    Date     Qty
Jim     08/01/16    1
Jim     08/02/16    3
Jim     08/03/16    2
Jim     08/04/16    1
Jim     08/05/16    1
Jim     08/06/16    6
Sheila  08/01/16    1
Sheila  08/02/16    1
Sheila  08/03/16    1
Sheila  08/04/16    1
Sheila  08/05/16    1
Sheila  08/06/16    1


Person    Date    Qty cum tot  pct of tot
Jim     08/01/16   1    1         7%
Jim     08/02/16   3    4        29%
Jim     08/03/16   2    6        43%
Jim     08/04/16   1    7        50%
Jim     08/05/16   1    8        57%
Jim     08/06/16   6   14       100%
Sheila  08/01/16   1    1        17%
Sheila  08/02/16   1    2        33%
Sheila  08/03/16   1    3        50%
Sheila  08/04/16   1    4        67%
Sheila  08/05/16   1    5        83%
Sheila  08/06/16   1    6       100%



Jim     08/04/16
Sheila  08/03/16


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


select t.*
from (select t.*,
             sum(qty) over (partition by person order by date) as running_qty,
             sum(qty) over (partition by person) as tot_qty,
             (sum(qty) over (partition by person order by date) * 1.0 / 
              sum(qty) over (partition by person)
             ) as running_percent
      from sales t
     ) t
where running_percent >= 0.5 and
      running_percent - (qty * 1.0 / tot_qty) < 0.5;

where子句有两个条件的原因是返回一行。第一个将返回大于或等于0.5的所有行,但您只需要第一个 - 百分比超过阈值。

* 1.0是因为某些数据库进行整数除法。
