
时间:2018-02-09 21:37:07

标签: r ggplot2 maps spatial coordinate-systems

我想使用ggplot2绘制美国地图,其中地图被划分为4个区域中的1个,每个区域有空格b / w。另外,我有一套城市坐标我希望映射到每个区域。我的问题如下。我可以很好地创建地图,但我无法让城市坐标点落在地图上。我知道在区域之间添加空格需要更改地图的坐标,但我也相应地更改了城市的坐标,以至于我认为它们会在另一个上移动,但整个事情都是一团糟......


us.map <-  map_data('state')

# add map regions
us.map$PADD[us.map$region %in% 
          c("connecticut", "maine", "massachusetts", "new hampshire", "rhode island", "vermont", "new jersey", "new york", "pennsylvania")] <- "PADD 1: East Coast"
us.map$PADD[us.map$region %in% 
          c("illinois", "indiana", "michigan", "ohio", "wisconsin", "iowa", "kansas", "minnesota", "missouri", "nebraska", "north dakota", "south dakota")] <- "PADD 2: Midwest"
us.map$PADD[us.map$region %in% 
          c("delaware", "florida", "georgia", "maryland", "north carolina", "south carolina", "virginia", "district of columbia", "west virginia", "alabama", "kentucky", "mississippi", "tennessee", "arkansas", "louisiana", "oklahoma", "texas")] <- "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"
us.map$PADD[us.map$region %in% 
          c("alaska", "california", "hawaii", "oregon", "washington", "arizona", "colorado", "idaho", "montana", "nevada", "new mexico", "utah", "wyoming")] <- "PADD 4: West Coast"

# subset the dataframe by region (PADD) and move lat/lon accordingly
us.map$lat.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 1: East Coast"] <- us.map$lat[us.map$PADD == "PADD 1: East Coast"]
us.map$long.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 1: East Coast"] <- us.map$long[us.map$PADD == "PADD 1: East Coast"] + 5

us.map$lat.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 2: Midwest"] <- us.map$lat[us.map$PADD == "PADD 2: Midwest"]
us.map$long.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 2: Midwest"] <- us.map$long[us.map$PADD == "PADD 2: Midwest"]

us.map$lat.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"] <- us.map$lat[us.map$PADD == "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"] - 3
us.map$long.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"] <- us.map$long[us.map$PADD == "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"]

us.map$lat.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 4: West Coast"] <- us.map$lat[us.map$PADD == "PADD 4: West Coast"] - 2
us.map$long.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 4: West Coast"] <- us.map$long[us.map$PADD == "PADD 4: West Coast"] - 10

# plot 
ggplot(us.map,  aes(x=long.transp, y=lat.transp), colour="white") + 
  geom_polygon(aes(group = group, fill="red")) +
  theme(panel.background = element_blank(),  # remove background
    panel.grid = element_blank(), 
    axis.line = element_blank(), 
    axis.title = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    axis.text = element_blank()) +
  coord_equal()+ scale_fill_manual(values="lightgrey", guide=FALSE)


enter image description here


以下使用的两个压缩数据集cities2.csvPADDS.csv的链接: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zh9xyiakeuhgmdy/Archive.zip?dl=0(抱歉,数据太大,无法使用dput输入)

#Two datasets found on dropbox link in zip 

points<-merge(cities, padds, by="state",all.x=TRUE)

#Shift city coordinates according to padd region
points$Long2<-ifelse(points$PADD =="PADD 1: East Coast", points$Long+5,  points$Long)
points$Long2<-ifelse(points$PADD =="PADD 4: West Coast", points$Long-10,  points$Long2)

points$Lat2<-ifelse(points$PADD =="PADD 3: Gulf Coast", points$Lat-3,  points$Lat)
points$Lat2<-ifelse(points$PADD =="PADD 4: West Coast", points$Lat-2,  points$Lat2)


enter image description here


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  1. 从不同的包USAboundaries::us_states()而非ggplot2::map_data获取州界限,因为将各个点转换为多边形将浪费时间
  2. 将城市坐标转换为st_as_sf点,设置坐标系,并修正坐标的错误符号,如另一个答案所示。 (N.B.手动从colname中删除非标准字符)
  3. 合并文件,添加区域标签,并删除阿拉斯加,夏威夷和波多黎各(因为他们会使情节看起来很奇怪,你没有使用它们)
  4. 使用st_set_geometry将形状替换为所需的翻译形状(只需执行+ c(x, y))。请注意,sf使用(x, y)进行仿射转换,即(long, lat)
  5. 使用geom_sf映射点和形状。
  6. 我认为这种方法的主要优点是您可以随后使用sf中您喜欢的任何空间工具,并且代码可能更具可读性。如果您要制作类似的情节,这可能是值得的。主要缺点可能是需要额外的包,包括ggplot2的开发版本来获取geom_sf(使用devtools::install_github("tidyverse/ggplot2"来安装它)。除了将经度改为负面并使用现有代码之外,还有很多工作......

    # Define regions
    padd1 <- c("CT", "ME", "MA", "NH", "RI", "VT", "NJ", "NY", "PA")
    padd2 <- c("IL", "IN", "MI", "OH", "WI", "IA", "KS", "MN", "MO", "NE", "ND",
    padd3 <- c("DE", "FL", "GA", "MD", "NC", "SC", "VA", "DC", "WV", "AL", "KY",
               "MS", "TN", "AR", "LA", "OK", "TX")
    padd4 <- c("AK", "CA", "HI", "OR", "WA", "AZ", "CO", "ID", "MT", "NV", "NM",
               "UT", "WY")
    us_map <- us_states() %>%
      select(state_abbr) # keep only state abbreviation column
    cities <- read_csv(here::here("data", "cities.csv")) %>%
      mutate(Long = -Long) %>% # make longitudes negative
      st_as_sf(coords = 3:2) %>% # turn into sf object
      st_set_crs(4326) %>% # add coordinate system
      rename(state_abbr = StateAbbr)
    combined <- rbind(us_map, cities) %>%
      filter(!(state_abbr %in% c("AK", "HI", "PR"))) %>% # remove non-contiguous cities and states
      mutate( # add region identifier based on state
        region = case_when(
          state_abbr %in% padd1 ~ "PADD 1: East Coast",
          state_abbr %in% padd2 ~ "PADD 2: Midwest",
          state_abbr %in% padd3 ~ "PADD 3: Gulf Coast",
          state_abbr %in% padd4 ~ "PADD 4: West Coast"
    eastc <- combined %>%
      filter(region == "PADD 1: East Coast") %>%
      st_set_geometry(., .$geometry + c(5, 0)) # replace geometries with 5 degrees east
    mwest <- combined %>%
      filter(region == "PADD 2: Midwest") %>%
      st_set_geometry(., .$geometry + c(0, 0))
    gulfc <- combined %>%
      filter(region == "PADD 3: Gulf Coast") %>%
      st_set_geometry(., .$geometry + c(0, -3))
    westc <- combined %>%
      filter(region == "PADD 4: West Coast") %>%
      st_set_geometry(., .$geometry + c(-10, -2))
    ggplot(data = rbind(eastc, mwest, gulfc, westc)) + # bind regions together
      theme_bw() +
      geom_sf(aes(fill = region))

    这是输出图 Plot of offset state groups with labels

答案 1 :(得分:2)

我认为cities CSV文件中的坐标是错误的。以下是我检查坐标的方法。我首先下载了您的CSV文件,将文件读作cities,然后我创建了一个sf对象,并使用包将其可视化。

colnames(cities) <- c("state", "Lat", "Long")


cities_sf <- cities %>%
  st_as_sf(coords = c("Long", "Lat"), crs = 4326)


enter image description here



cities2 <- cities %>% mutate(Long = -Long)

cities_sf2 <- cities2 %>%
  st_as_sf(coords = c("Long", "Lat"), crs = 4326)


enter image description here


points<-merge(cities2, padds, by="state",all.x=TRUE)

points$Long2<-ifelse(points$PADD  %in% "PADD 1: East Coast", points$Long+5,  points$Long)
points$Long2<-ifelse(points$PADD %in% "PADD 4: West Coast", points$Long-10,  points$Long2)

points$Lat2<-ifelse(points$PADD %in% "PADD 3: Gulf Coast", points$Lat-3,  points$Lat)
points$Lat2<-ifelse(points$PADD %in% "PADD 4: West Coast", points$Lat-2,  points$Lat2)

# P is the ggplot object you created earlier    
P + geom_point(data = points, aes(x = Long2, y = Lat2))

enter image description here




#Two datasets found on dropbox link in zip 

colnames(cities) <- c("state", "Lat", "Long")

cities2 <- cities %>% mutate(Long = -Long)

points<-merge(cities2, padds, by="state",all.x=TRUE)

#Shift city coordinates according to padd region
points$Long2<-ifelse(points$PADD =="PADD 1: East Coast", points$Long+5,  points$Long)
points$Long2<-ifelse(points$PADD =="PADD 4: West Coast", points$Long-10,  points$Long2)

points$Lat2<-ifelse(points$PADD =="PADD 3: Gulf Coast", points$Lat-3,  points$Lat)
points$Lat2<-ifelse(points$PADD =="PADD 4: West Coast", points$Lat-2,  points$Lat2)

us.map <-  map_data('state')

# add map regions
us.map$PADD[us.map$region %in% 
              c("connecticut", "maine", "massachusetts", "new hampshire", "rhode island", "vermont", "new jersey", "new york", "pennsylvania")] <- "PADD 1: East Coast"
us.map$PADD[us.map$region %in% 
              c("illinois", "indiana", "michigan", "ohio", "wisconsin", "iowa", "kansas", "minnesota", "missouri", "nebraska", "north dakota", "south dakota")] <- "PADD 2: Midwest"
us.map$PADD[us.map$region %in% 
              c("delaware", "florida", "georgia", "maryland", "north carolina", "south carolina", "virginia", "district of columbia", "west virginia", "alabama", "kentucky", "mississippi", "tennessee", "arkansas", "louisiana", "oklahoma", "texas")] <- "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"
us.map$PADD[us.map$region %in% 
              c("alaska", "california", "hawaii", "oregon", "washington", "arizona", "colorado", "idaho", "montana", "nevada", "new mexico", "utah", "wyoming")] <- "PADD 4: West Coast"

# subset the dataframe by region (PADD) and move lat/lon accordingly
us.map$lat.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 1: East Coast"] <- us.map$lat[us.map$PADD == "PADD 1: East Coast"]
us.map$long.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 1: East Coast"] <- us.map$long[us.map$PADD == "PADD 1: East Coast"] + 5

us.map$lat.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 2: Midwest"] <- us.map$lat[us.map$PADD == "PADD 2: Midwest"]
us.map$long.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 2: Midwest"] <- us.map$long[us.map$PADD == "PADD 2: Midwest"]

us.map$lat.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"] <- us.map$lat[us.map$PADD == "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"] - 3
us.map$long.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"] <- us.map$long[us.map$PADD == "PADD 3: Gulf Coast"]

us.map$lat.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 4: West Coast"] <- us.map$lat[us.map$PADD == "PADD 4: West Coast"] - 2
us.map$long.transp[us.map$PADD == "PADD 4: West Coast"] <- us.map$long[us.map$PADD == "PADD 4: West Coast"] - 10

# plot 
P <- ggplot(us.map,  aes(x=long.transp, y=lat.transp), colour="white") + 
  geom_polygon(aes(group = group, fill="red")) +
  theme(panel.background = element_blank(),  # remove background
        panel.grid = element_blank(), 
        axis.line = element_blank(), 
        axis.title = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_blank()) +
  coord_equal()+ scale_fill_manual(values="lightgrey", guide=FALSE)

# P is the ggplot object you created earlier    
P + geom_point(data = points, aes(x = Long2, y = Lat2))