答案 0 :(得分:2)
中的参数,参见{{3 }}。您可以通过每个轮廓的点数和轮廓之间的距离(圆环扇形)来控制曲面的质量。
// parameter:
r1 = 20; // radius of torus
r2 = 4; // radius of polygon/ thickness of torus
s = 360; // sections per 360 deg
p = 6; // points on polygon
a = 30; // angle of the first point on Polygon
// points on cross-section
// angle = 360*i/p + startangle, x = r2*cos(angle), y = 0, z = r2*sin(angle)
function cs_point(i) = [r1 + r2*cos(360*i/p + a), 0, r2*sin(360*i/p + a)];
// returns to the index in the points - vector the section number and the number of the point on this section
function point_index(i) = [floor(i/p), i - p*floor(i/p)];
// returns the points x-, y-, z-coordinates by rotatating the corresponding point from crossection around the z-axis
function iterate_cs(i) = [cs[point_index(i)[1]][0]*cos(360*floor(i/p)/s), cs[point_index(i)[1]][0]*sin(360*floor(i/p)/s), cs[point_index(i)[1]][2]];
// for every point find neighbour points to build faces, ( + p: point on the next cross-section), points ordered clockwise
// to connect point on last section to corresponding points on first section
function item_add1(i) = i >= (s - 1)*p ? -(s)*p : 0;
// to connect last point on section to first points on the same and the next section
function item_add2(i) = i - p*floor(i/p) >= p-1 ? -p : 0;
// build faces
function find_neighbours1(i) = [i, i + 1 + item_add2(i), i + 1 + item_add2(i) + p + item_add1(i)];
function find_neighbours2(i) = [i, i + 1 + + item_add2(i) + p + item_add1(i), i + p + item_add1(i)];
cs = [for (i = [0:p-1]) cs_point(i)];
points = [for (i = [0:s*p - 1]) iterate_cs(i)];
faces1 = [for (i = [0:s*p - 1]) find_neighbours1(i)];
faces2 = [for (i = [0:s*p - 1]) find_neighbours2(i)];
faces = concat(faces1, faces2);
polyhedron(points = points, faces = faces);
如果面部的所有点位于同一平面上,则openscad 2015-03面部可以有超过3个点。所以在这种情况下,face也可以一步构建。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
你在建造什么吗?像NACA翼型? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NACA_airfoil
对于那些漂浮的人来说,有一些OpenSCAD设计,例如, https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:898554