
时间:2011-02-01 18:21:02

标签: php paypal paypal-sandbox



 function ImplicitPayment() {

    //  Following code copied from PayPal Implicit Payment Directions

    require_once ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/php/admin/paypalplatform.php");

    // ==================================
    // PayPal Platform Implicit Payment Module
    // Sorry about the lack of a 'm' prefix in front of variable names.
    // ==================================

    // Request specific required fields
    $senderEmail        = "***@***.com";                // TODO - The paypal account email address of the sender
                                            // think of it as required for an implicit payment and
                                            // set to the same account that owns the API credentials
    $actionType         = "PAY";
    $cancelUrl          = "https://NoOp";   // There is no approval step for implicit payment
    $returnUrl          = "https://NoOp";   // There is no approval step for implicit payment
    $currencyCode       = "USD";

    // An implicit payment can be a simple or parallel or chained payment
    // TODO - specify the receiver emails
    //        remove or set to an empty string the array entries for receivers that you do not have
    //        for a simple payment, specify only receiver0email, and remove the other array entries
    $mPayeeEmail = $Affiliates->d->EMAIL;
    $receiverEmailArray = array(

    // TODO - specify the receiver amounts as the amount of money, for example, '5' or '5.55'
    //        remove or set to an empty string the array entries for receivers that you do not have
    //        for a simple payment, specify only receiver0amount, and remove the other array entries

    $receiverAmountArray = array(
    // TODO - specify values ONLY if you are doing a chained payment
    //        if you are doing a chained payment,
    //           then set ONLY 1 receiver in the array to 'true' as the primary receiver, and set the
    //           other receivers corresponding to those indicated in receiverEmailArray to 'false'
    //           make sure that you do NOT specify more values in this array than in the receiverEmailArray
    $receiverPrimaryArray = array('');

    // TODO - Set invoiceId to uniquely identify the transaction associated with each receiver
    //        set the array entries with value for receivers that you have
    //        each of the array values must be unique
    $receiverInvoiceIdArray = array(

    // Request specific optional fields
    //   Provide a value for each field that you want to include in the request, if left as an empty string the field will not be passed in the request
    $feesPayer                      = "";       // For an implicit payment use case, this cannot be "SENDER"
    $ipnNotificationUrl             = "";
    $memo                           = "";       // maxlength is 1000 characters
    $pin                            = "";       // No pin for an implicit payment use case
    $preapprovalKey                 = "";       // No preapprovalKey for an implicit use case
    $reverseAllParallelPaymentsOnError  = "";               // Only specify if you are doing a parallel payment as your implicit payment
    $trackingId                     = generateTrackingID(); // generateTrackingID function is found in paypalplatform.php

    // Make the Pay API call
    // The CallPay function is defined in the paypalplatform.php file,
    // which is included at the top of this file.
    $resArray = CallPay ($actionType, $cancelUrl, $returnUrl, $currencyCode, $receiverEmailArray,
                            $receiverAmountArray, $receiverPrimaryArray, $receiverInvoiceIdArray,
                            $feesPayer, $ipnNotificationUrl, $memo, $pin, $preapprovalKey,
                            $reverseAllParallelPaymentsOnError, $senderEmail, $trackingId
var_dump($resArray); //CallPay() returns an empty array?
    $ack = strtoupper($resArray["responseEnvelope.ack"]);
        // payKey is the key that you can use to identify the payment resulting from the Pay call
        $payKey = urldecode($resArray["payKey"]);
        // paymentExecStatus is the status of the payment
        $paymentExecStatus = urldecode($resArray["paymentExecStatus"]);
        //Display a user friendly Error on the page using any of the following error information returned by PayPal
        //TODO - There can be more than 1 error, so check for "error(1).errorId", then "error(2).errorId", and so on until you find no more errors.
        $ErrorCode = urldecode($resArray["error(0).errorId"]);
        $ErrorMsg = urldecode($resArray["error(0).message"]);
        $ErrorDomain = urldecode($resArray["error(0).domain"]);
        $ErrorSeverity = urldecode($resArray["error(0).severity"]);
        $ErrorCategory = urldecode($resArray["error(0).category"]);

        echo "Preapproval API call failed. ";
        echo "Detailed Error Message: " . $ErrorMsg;
        echo "Error Code: " . $ErrorCode;
        echo "Error Severity: " . $ErrorSeverity;
        echo "Error Domain: " . $ErrorDomain;
        echo "Error Category: " . $ErrorCategory;



array(0) { } 
Notice: Undefined index: responseEnvelope.ack in C:\wamp\www\realadventures\php\admin\affiliates_pay.htm on line 308

Notice: Undefined index: error(0).errorId in C:\wamp\www\realadventures\php\admin\affiliates_pay.htm on line 320

Notice: Undefined index: error(0).message in C:\wamp\www\realadventures\php\admin\affiliates_pay.htm on line 321

Notice: Undefined index: error(0).domain in C:\wamp\www\realadventures\php\admin\affiliates_pay.htm on line 322

Notice: Undefined index: error(0).severity in C:\wamp\www\realadventures\php\admin\affiliates_pay.htm on line 323

Notice: Undefined index: error(0).category in C:\wamp\www\realadventures\php\admin\affiliates_pay.htm on line 324
Preapproval API call failed. Detailed Error Message: Error Code: Error Severity: Error Domain: Error Category:


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