class Foo
[CustomAttribute1(Value = "SomeValue")]
public string Prop { get; set; }
public Bar Bar { get; set; }
class Bar
[CustomAttribute1(Value = "OtherValue")]
public string Prop { get; set; }
class CustomAttribute1Attribute : Attribute
public string Value { get; set; }
var expr = from f in ctx.Foos
select new
Prop1 = f.Prop,
Prop2 = f.Bar.Prop
foreach (var obj in expr)
var attr1 = // retrieve "SomeValue" from obj.Prop1
var attr2 = // retrieve "OtherValue" from obj.Prop2
var list = WithAttributeProjection(ctx =>
from f in ctx.Foos
select new
Prop1 = f.Prop,
Prop2 = f.Bar.Prop
foreach (var obj in list)
var attr1 = // retrieve "SomeValue" from obj.Prop1
var attr2 = // retrieve "OtherValue" from obj.Prop2
private IEnumerable WithAttributeProjection<T>(Expression<Func<Ctx, T>> expr)
// retrieve destination properties from expr
// retrieve member expressions
// retrieve types from expr
// retrieve attributes from types
// create attributes on T [like this][1]
foreach (var obj in expr.Compile())
var result = new T();
//copy obj to result
yield return result;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
var result = c.Entities
.WithAttributeProjection(e => new
MapId = Extensions.GenerateMapId(), // We need mapping for this type
Prop1 = e.Id,
Prop2 = e.Name,
Prop3 = e.Child.Name,
Nested = new
MapId = Extensions.GenerateMapId(), // Also for this type
Prop1 = e.Id,
Prop2 = e.Name,
Prop3 = e.Child.Name,
Children = e.ManyChild.Select(m => new WithMetadataMapping // This implements IWithMetadataMapping so it will get the mappgin automatically
Name = m.Name
foreach (var item in result)
var map = Extensions.GetMapping(item.MapId); // Get the map for the outer new
var type = item.GetType();
var prop2 = type.GetProperty(nameof(item.Prop2));
var sourceProp2 = map.GetSourceMember(prop2);
var value2 = sourceProp2.GetCustomAttribute<CustomAttribute1Attribute>().Value;
Console.WriteLine(value2); // Entity.Name
var prop3 = type.GetProperty(nameof(item.Prop3));
var sourceProp3 = map.GetSourceMember(prop3);
var value3 = sourceProp3.GetCustomAttribute<CustomAttribute1Attribute>().Value;
Console.WriteLine(value3); // ChildEntity.Name
foreach (var child in item.Nested.Children)
var childMap = Extensions.GetMapping(child.MapId);
var nameProp = child.GetType().GetProperty(nameof(child.Name));
var value = childMap.GetSourceMember(nameProp).GetCustomAttribute<CustomAttribute1Attribute>().Value;
Console.WriteLine(value); // ManyChildEntity.Name
interface IWithMetadataMapping
int MapId { get; set; }
public static class Extensions
private static MethodInfo GenerateMapIdMethodInfo = typeof(Extensions).GetMethod(nameof(GenerateMapId));
public static int GenerateMapId()
throw new NotSupportedException("Should not be invoked directly");
static Dictionary<Mapping, int> MappingLookup = new Dictionary<Mapping, int>();
static List<Mapping> Mappings = new List<Mapping>();
public static Mapping GetMapping(int index)
return Mappings[index];
public class Mapping
public Mapping(Dictionary<MemberInfo, MemberInfo[]> propertyMappings)
this.propertyMappings = propertyMappings;
int hc = propertyMappings.Count;
foreach (var kv in propertyMappings)
hc = unchecked(hc * 314159 + kv.Key.GetHashCode());
hc = unchecked(hc * 314159 + kv.Value.Length);
foreach (var pi in kv.Value)
hc = unchecked(hc * 314159 + pi.GetHashCode());
this.hashCode = hc;
private Dictionary<MemberInfo, MemberInfo[]> propertyMappings;
private int hashCode;
public override int GetHashCode() => this.hashCode;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if(obj is Mapping map)
return map.propertyMappings.Count == this.propertyMappings.Count &&
map.propertyMappings.Keys.SequenceEqual(this.propertyMappings.Keys) &&
.Zip(this.propertyMappings.Values, (a, b) => a.SequenceEqual(b))
.All(v => v);
return false;
public MemberInfo[] GetSourceMemberChain(MemberInfo pi)
return this.propertyMappings[pi];
public bool TryGetSourceMemberChain(MemberInfo pi, out MemberInfo[] source)
return this.propertyMappings.TryGetValue(pi, out source) ;
public MemberInfo GetSourceMember(MemberInfo pi)
return this.GetSourceMemberChain(pi).First();
public bool TryGetSourceMember(MemberInfo pi, out MemberInfo source)
if(this.propertyMappings.TryGetValue(pi, out var sources))
source = sources.First();
return true;
source = null;
return false;
public static IQueryable<TResult> WithAttributeProjection<TSource, TResult>(this IQueryable<TSource> @this, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector)
var visitor = new MapExtractionVisitor();
var newExpression = (Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>>)visitor.Visit(selector);
return @this.Select(newExpression);
public class MapExtractionVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
List<MemberInfo> capturedMemebers;
bool capturePropAccess = false;
protected void CreateMapping(int count,
Func<int, Expression> getValue,
Action<int, Expression> setValue,
Func<int, MemberInfo> getMemeber,
Func<int, bool> isGenerateMapId,
bool alwaysExtractMap,
out bool isDirty)
var mappingIdMember = -1;
isDirty = false;
Dictionary<MemberInfo, MemberInfo[]> propertyMappings = new Dictionary<MemberInfo, MemberInfo[]>();
for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
if (isGenerateMapId(index))
mappingIdMember = index;
var arg = getValue(index);
if (arg == null) continue;
var originalCapturePropAccess = this.capturePropAccess;
var originalCapturedMemebers = this.capturedMemebers;
this.capturePropAccess = true;
this.capturedMemebers = new List<MemberInfo>();
var newArgument = this.Visit(arg);
setValue(index, newArgument);
isDirty = isDirty || newArgument != arg;
if (this.capturedMemebers.Any())
propertyMappings.Add(getMemeber(index), this.capturedMemebers.ToArray());
this.capturedMemebers = originalCapturedMemebers;
this.capturePropAccess = originalCapturePropAccess;
if (mappingIdMember != -1 || alwaysExtractMap)
lock (MappingLookup)
var newMapping = new Mapping(propertyMappings);
if (!MappingLookup.TryGetValue(newMapping, out var mapId))
mapId = Mappings.Count;
MappingLookup.Add(newMapping, mapId);
setValue(mappingIdMember, Expression.Constant(mapId));
isDirty = true;
protected override Expression VisitNew(NewExpression node)
if (node.Members != null)
Expression[] newArguments = new Expression[node.Arguments.Count];
i => node.Arguments[i],
(i, e) => newArguments[i] = e,
i => node.Members[i],
i => node.Arguments[i] is MethodCallExpression mArg && mArg.Method == GenerateMapIdMethodInfo,
out var isDirty);
if (isDirty)
return node.Update(newArguments);
return node;
return base.VisitNew(node);
protected override Expression VisitMemberInit(MemberInitExpression node)
Expression[] newArguments = new Expression[node.Bindings.Count + 1];
var bindings = node.Bindings;
var implementsInterface = typeof(IWithMetadataMapping).IsAssignableFrom(node.Type);
i => bindings[i] is MemberAssignment ma ? ma.Expression : null,
(i, e) => newArguments[i != -1 ? i : (newArguments.Length - 1)] = e,
i => bindings[i] is MemberAssignment ma ? ma.Member : null,
i =>
if (bindings[i] is MemberAssignment ma)
if (ma.Expression is MethodCallExpression mArg && mArg.Method == GenerateMapIdMethodInfo)
return true;
return false;
out var isDirty);
if (isDirty)
int count = node.Bindings.Count;
bool addBinding = newArguments.Last() != null;
var inits = new MemberBinding[count + (addBinding ? 1 : 0)];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var binding = node.Bindings[i];
if (newArguments[i] == null)
inits[i] = binding;
else if(binding is MemberAssignment m)
inits[i] = Expression.Bind(m.Member, newArguments[i]);
var mapProp = node.Type.GetProperty(nameof(IWithMetadataMapping.MapId));
inits[inits.Length - 1] = Expression.Bind(mapProp, newArguments.Last());
return node.Update(node.NewExpression, inits);
return base.VisitMemberInit(node);
public override Expression Visit(Expression node)
// We only capture an interupted chanin of member accesses
if(capturePropAccess && node is MemberExpression memberExpression)
capturePropAccess = false;
return base.Visit(node);