
时间:2018-02-07 04:29:10

标签: swift optional


> transform(dat,b=replace(x<-Occupancy.,y<-is.na(x),a[y]))
       Date ID Occupancy.        b
1  1/2/2018  1         95 95.00000
2  2/2/2018  1         94 94.00000
3  3/2/2018  1         94 94.00000
4  4/2/2018  1         96 96.00000
5  5/2/2018  1         94 94.00000
6  6/2/2018  1         NA 94.71429
7  7/2/2018  1         96 96.00000
8  8/2/2018  1         94 94.00000
9  1/2/2018  2         75 75.00000
10 2/2/2018  2         NA 78.33333
11 3/2/2018  2         79 79.00000
12 4/2/2018  2         82 82.00000
13 5/2/2018  2         NA 78.33333
14 6/2/2018  2         76 76.00000
15 7/2/2018  2         78 78.00000
16 8/2/2018  2         80 80.00000


    "Tater Tot Nachos",
    "Fried Feta",
    "The Ultimate Feta Bread",
    "Cheese Bread",
    "Aubrees Bread",
    "The Wings!",
    "Coconut Grove Chicken Sicks",
    "Far East Wings",
    "Bacon Brussels Sprouts"
    "Shaved Brussels Sprout Salad",
    "Greek Salad",
    "Coronado Cobb Salad",
    "Harvest Salad",

&#39; cellDescripters&#39;是一个全局变量,它是我在顶部概述的数组,基本上是一个字符串数组的数组。

当我打印出类型的&#39; item&#39;我看到它的类型为__NSArrayM,这是我理解的NSMutableArray。查看文档NSMutableArrays是可迭代的。


 func createMenu() {
    if let list = cellDescripters {
        for(index, item) in list.enumerated() {
            for food in item {
                //DO SOMETHING WITH "FOOD"



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我认为以下示例可以为您提供帮助 例如,我有像你一样的字符串数组数组


[[&#34;饮料&#34;,&#34;食品&#34;,&#34;供应商&#34;],[&#34;其他东西&#34;,&#34;药品&# 34;]];

img {
    width: 100%;


  var arrayExample = [["beverages", "food", "suppliers"],["other stuff", "medicine"]];
//Iterate array through for loop 
       for(index, item) in arrayExample.enumerated() 
            for food in item 
                print("index : \(index) item: \(food)")

答案 1 :(得分:0)

这是在Swift中迭代2D数组的更通用的解决方案。已在iOS 13的Swift 4中测试。 仅适用于Swift数组,请参见以下链接将NSArray转换为数组:https://stackoverflow.com/a/40646875/1960938

// 2D array extension explanation: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44201792/1960938
fileprivate extension Array where Element : Collection, Element.Index == Int {

    typealias InnerCollection = Element
    typealias InnerElement = InnerCollection.Iterator.Element

    func matrixIterator() -> AnyIterator<InnerElement> {
        var outerIndex = self.startIndex
        var innerIndex: Int?

        return AnyIterator({
            guard !self.isEmpty else { return nil }

            var innerArray = self[outerIndex]
            if !innerArray.isEmpty && innerIndex == nil {
                innerIndex = innerArray.startIndex

            // This loop makes sure to skip empty internal arrays
            while innerArray.isEmpty || (innerIndex != nil && innerIndex! == innerArray.endIndex) {
                outerIndex = self.index(after: outerIndex)
                if outerIndex == self.endIndex { return nil }
                innerArray = self[outerIndex]
                innerIndex = innerArray.startIndex

            let result = self[outerIndex][innerIndex!]
            innerIndex = innerArray.index(after: innerIndex!)

            return result



let sampleMatrix = [
    ["a", "b", "c"],
    ["d", "e"],

// Should print: a, b, c, d, e, f      
for element in sampleMatrix.matrixIterator() {