我是一个非常业余的C#开发人员,他试图使用Visual Studio在macOS上创建这个控制台程序。我是在学校里做的,但是我是自学成才,并且已经做了不到两周的工作,所以我完全有可能错过一些简单的解决方案。
String fileLocation = "Prime Number List.txt"; //sets the file location to the root of where the program is stored
if (!File.Exists(fileLocation)) //tests if the file has already been created
using (FileStream fs = File.Create(fileLocation))
Byte[] info = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes("2"); //if not, it creates the file and creates the initial prime number of 2
fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length);
List<string> fileContents = File.ReadAllLines(fileLocation).ToList(); //imports the list of prime numbers from the file
List<int> listOfPrimeNumbers = fileContents.ConvertAll(s => Int32.Parse(s)); //converts the list into the integer variable type
int currentNumber = listOfPrimeNumbers[listOfPrimeNumbers.Count() - 1]; //sets the current number to the most recent prime number
bool isPrime; //initializing the primality test variable
int numbersGeneratedThisSession = 0; //initializing the variable for the amount of primes found in this session
var loopStart = DateTime.Now; //initializes the program start time, ignoring the time taken to load the file list
while (true)
isPrime = true; //defaults the number to prime
currentNumber++; //repeats the cycle for the next number
double currentNumberRoot = Math.Sqrt(System.Convert.ToDouble(currentNumber));
for (int i = 0; i < listOfPrimeNumbers.Count; i++) //cyles through all of the primes in the list. no reason to divide by composites, as any number divisible by a
//composite would be divisible by the prime factors of that composite anyway, thus if we were to divide by
//every number it would slow down the program
if (listOfPrimeNumbers[i] < Math.Sqrt(System.Convert.ToDouble(currentNumber))) //filters out any prime numbers greater than the square root of the current number, as any potential
//factor pair would have one of the values less than or equal to the square root
if (currentNumber % listOfPrimeNumbers[i] == 0) //checks for the even division of the current number by the current prime
isPrime = false; //if an even division is found, it reports that the number isn't false and breaks the loop
break; //if no even divisons are found, then it reaches this point with the primality test variable still true, and breaks the loop
if (isPrime) //this section of the code activates when the primality test variable is true
listOfPrimeNumbers.Add(currentNumber); //adds the new prime to the list
File.AppendAllText(fileLocation, Environment.NewLine + currentNumber); //adds the new prime to the file on a new line
numbersGeneratedThisSession++; //raises the counter for the prime numbers generated in this session
var runtime = DateTime.Now - loopStart; //calculates the runtime of the program, excluding the time taken to load the file into the list
int runtimeInSecs = (runtime.Milliseconds / 1000) + runtime.Seconds + (runtime.Minutes * 60) + (runtime.Hours * 360) + (runtime.Days * 86400); //converts the datetime var into an int of seconds
int generationSpeed = runtimeInSecs == 0 ? 0 : numbersGeneratedThisSession / runtimeInSecs;
Console.WriteLine("\nI've generated {0} prime numbers, {1} of those being in the current session." +
"\nI've been running for {2}, which means I've been generating numbers at a speed of {3} primes per second. " +
"\nThe largest prime I've generated so far is {4}, which is {5} digits long.",
listOfPrimeNumbers.Count(), numbersGeneratedThisSession, runtime, generationSpeed, currentNumber, currentNumber.ToString().Length);
答案 0 :(得分:8)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
如上所述,拆分您的列表会有所帮助,但最终您会遇到同样的问题; 5组3项是15项,分组或不分组。你要快速填满你的记忆。
List<string> fileContents = File.ReadAllLines(fileLocation).ToList(); //imports the list of prime numbers from the file
List<int> listOfPrimeNumbers = fileContents.ConvertAll(s => Int32.Parse(s)); //converts the list into the integer variable type
//note that I used ReadLines, not ReadAllLines
int lastNumber;
if(!int.TryParse(File.ReadLines(fileLocation).ToList().Last(), out lastNumber))
//last value wasn't a valid integer. Start over.
lastNumber = 1;