我正在开发一个项目,我需要使用Swift 4将开关加载到.isOn或.isOff。我可以通过将开关设置为打开或关闭来在项目的主故事板中执行此操作,但是我希望在每个用户的数据库中根据布尔值打开或关闭开关。
//Create outlet for UISwitch
@IBOutlet weak var switchBool1Outlet: UISwitch!
viewDidLoad() {
//pulling data from Google Firebase to get true or false value
dataRef.reference().child("USERS/\(uid!)").observe(.value, with: { snapshot in
if let dictionary = snapshot.value as? [String: Any]
//MARK - Local Variables
var bool1Value = dictionary["bool1"] as! Bool
//trying to set switches here, this is not working
if bool1Value == true && bool1Value != nil {
//following throws error: "Expression resolves to an unused l-value"
有关如何根据数据库中的true / false值启用/关闭UISwitch的任何想法?