Chef决定成立一家名为PatentChef的新公司。但是,他遇到了一些重大的法律问题。他们的公司收到了很多公司的报价,所以厨师告诉他的朋友Junior Chef查看一些专利案件,并尽快解决。
有一项公司有N项专利。 Chef的公司在2018年的前几个月完成了这项任务。 (一年中的月份编号为1到12.)Chef的公司有K工人(包括初级厨师)可以处理这个案例。每个工人每月可以准备一件专利。
确定Chef的公司和Junior Chef是否能够及时完成此专利案件。 输入
Each worker can only work on this patent case for at most one month.
Each worker has to work either on an even month or an odd month of the year. You are given a string S with length K and the following meaning: for each valid i, if the i-th character of S is E, worker i has to work on an even month; if it's O, this worker has to work on an odd month.
At most X workers can work on this patent case each month.