
时间:2018-02-04 15:39:22

标签: swift cloudkit dispatch-async completion


func loadTuple(members: [String], anotherTeam: Bool) -> [(String, Double)]{
    var temp = [(String, Double)]()
    var tempTuple = [(String, Double)]()
    // make sure it is empty again
    grouplyHours = [Double]()
    if (members.count > 0){
    for x in 0 ..< members.count{

        // loops through each group member
        let pred2 = NSPredicate(format: "username = %@", members[x])
        let query2 = CKQuery(recordType: "PersonalUser", predicate: pred2)
        let operation2 = CKQueryOperation(query: query2)
        //operation.resultsLimit = CKQueryOperationMaximumResults
        operation2.recordFetchedBlock = { (record2: CKRecord!) in

            operation2.qualityOfService = .userInteractive

            if record2 != nil{
                self.userGroupRecordToUpdate = record2

                // takes the groupNames list of the user just accepted

                acceptedUsersArray = (record2.object(forKey: "userGroups") as! Array)

                self.addedUser = members[x]
                grouplyHours = (record2.object(forKey: "hoursExercisedGrouply") as! Array)
                // tprintw(groupNames.count)

                // not adjusting grouply thingy in time or at all idk, try a different apparoach

        operation2.queryCompletionBlock = { [unowned self] (cursor, error) in
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                if error == nil {

                    innerLoop: for i in 0 ..< acceptedUsersArray.count{

                        //tprintw("grouplyHours: \(grouplyHours)")
                        // for each person, loops through to find their index that is this group name
                        if acceptedUsersArray[i] == self.groupNameLbl.text{

                            // if you find the index that has the group name, now take the same index of the hours and add it to the tuple

                            // still accessing the first person's grouplyhours array
                            if (members.count - 1 >= x && grouplyHours.count - 1 >= i){
                            tempTuple.append((members[x], grouplyHours[i]))

                            break innerLoop
                    // for loop ends

                    if (anotherTeam == true){
                        temp = tempTuple.sorted(by: {$0.1<$1.1})
                        temp = temp.reversed()

                        sortedTupleArray = tempTuple.sorted(by: {$0.1<$1.1})
                        sortedTupleArray = sortedTupleArray.reversed()
                        if sortedTupleArray.count > 0{ // should be more than 0 since there is always someone in the group

                            self.leadingUserInTeamLbl.text = sortedTupleArray[0].0



    // 7 total


    // end of loops

    addedUser = username

    if anotherTeam == true{
        return temp
    print("sta: \(sortedTupleArray)")
    return sortedTupleArray
    // put group hours array back to the current user using the app


tupleRankings = self.loadTuple(members: groupMembs, anotherTeam: false)
print(tupleRankings) // shows up as empty



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