我有一个后缀为.data和.dat的文件作为我的数据集,我需要将其转换为.idx和.arrf以将其用作输入。我需要它用于我的java项目,我会感激你的掌控。这是我的数据样本: lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/NO2.dat
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("data.arff"));
Instances data = new Instances(r);
data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1);
/* The data.idx must contain 3 serialized integer array obects.
* They contain the instance indeies in the data file that belong to, respectively,
* the labeled set, the unlabeled set and the test set
ObjectInputStream objin = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("data.idx"));
int[] labeledIdx = (int[]) objin.readObject();
int[] unlabeledIdx = (int[]) objin.readObject();
int[] testIdx = (int[]) objin.readObject();
Instances labeled = new Instances(data, 0);
Instances unlabeled = new Instances(data, 0);
Instances test = new Instances(data, 0);