//When you click the submit button it fires off the getRequest.
// This is the get request. I want it to have a random function that randomizes the callback data. Once you get the randomizes data, it shows in the console window. I want this function display three random results based on the myFunction() below
function getRequest(){
url:'https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search? ll=40.7,-74&client_id={my client id]&client_secret=[my secret]',
type: 'GET',
success: function(data){
var venues = data['response']['venues'];
//This is my random function which I do not know what to do with
var random = [Math.floor(Math.random() * venues.length)];
$.each(venues, function(key,index){
$('#search-results').append(index.name + '<br>');
//This is the function that calls getRequest function three times then stops.
function myFunction(){
var myVar = setInterval(function(){getRequest();}, 500);
setTimeout(function( ) { clearInterval( myVar); }, 1600);
//This function clears the text that exists in the form so that the new random text can populate it.
function clearText(){