
时间:2018-02-02 09:47:33

标签: python numpy machine-learning linear-regression



import numpy as np

# Prepare the data
input = np.array(list(range(100)))
output = np.array([x**2 + 2 for x in list(range(100))])

# Visualize Data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(input, output, 'ro')

# Define your Model
a = 1
b = 1

# y = ax + b # we put a bias in the model based on our knowledge

# Train your model == Optimize the parameters so that they give very less loss
for e in range(10):
    for x, y in zip(input, output):
        y_hat = a*x + b
        loss =  0.5*(y_hat-y)**2

        # Now that we have loss, we want gradient of the parameters a and b
        # derivative of loss wrt a = (-x)(y-ax+b)
        # so gradient descent: a = a - (learning_rate)*(derivative wrt a)

        a = a - 0.1*(-x)*(y_hat-y)
        b = b - 0.1*(-1)*(y_hat-y)
    print("Epoch {0} Training loss = {1}".format(e, loss))

# Make Prections on new data

test_input = np.array(list(range(101,150))) 
test_output = np.array([x**2.0 + 2 for x in list(range(101,150))])
model_predictions = np.array([a*x + b for x in list(range(101,150))])

plt.plot(test_input, test_output, 'ro')
plt.plot(test_input, model_predictions, '-')


ml_zero.py:22: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in double_scalars
  loss =  0.5*(y_hat-y)**2
Epoch 0 Training loss = inf
ml_zero.py:21: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in double_scalars
  y_hat = a*x + b
Epoch 1 Training loss = inf
ml_zero.py:21: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  y_hat = a*x + b
Epoch 2 Training loss = nan
Epoch 3 Training loss = nan
Epoch 4 Training loss = nan
Epoch 5 Training loss = nan
Epoch 6 Training loss = nan
Epoch 7 Training loss = nan
Epoch 8 Training loss = nan
Epoch 9 Training loss = nan


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "ml_zero.py", line 20, in <module>
    loss = (y_hat-y)**2
OverflowError: (34, 'Result too large')



Epoch 0 Training loss = 1.7942781420994678e+36
Epoch 1 Training loss = 9.232837400842652e+70
Epoch 2 Training loss = 4.751367833814119e+105
Epoch 3 Training loss = 2.4455835946216386e+140
Epoch 4 Training loss = 1.2585275201812707e+175
Epoch 5 Training loss = 6.4767849625200624e+209
Epoch 6 Training loss = 3.331617554363007e+244
Epoch 7 Training loss = 1.714758503849272e+279
ml_zero.py:22: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in double_scalars
  loss =  0.5*(y-y_hat)**2
Epoch 8 Training loss = inf
Epoch 9 Training loss = inf



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

你的数学错了。当您计算GD的渐变更新时,您必须除以数据集中的样本数量:这就是为什么它被称为平均值平方误差而不仅仅是平方误差。 此外,您可能希望使用较小的输入,因为您尝试使用指数,因为它会随着x呈指数增长... ... 请查看this post以了解LR和GD的简介。


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Prepare the data
input_ = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)  # Don't assign user data to Python's input builtin
output = np.array([x**2 + 2 for x in input_])

# Define model
a = 1
b = 1

# Train model
N = input_.shape[0]  # Number of samples
for e in range(10):
    loss = 0.
    for x, y in zip(input_, output):
        y_hat = a * x + b
        a = a - 0.1 * (2. / N) * (-x) * (y - y_hat)
        b = b - 0.1 * (2. / N) * (-1) * (y - y_hat)
        loss +=  0.5 * ((y - y_hat) ** 2)
    loss /= N

    print("Epoch {:2d}\tLoss: {:4f}".format(e, loss))

# Predict on test data
test_input = np.linspace(0, 15, 150) # Training data [0-10] + test data [10 - 15]
test_output = np.array([x**2.0 + 2 for x in test_input])
model_predictions = np.array([a*x + b for x in test_input])

plt.plot(test_input, test_output, 'ro')
plt.plot(test_input, model_predictions, '-')


Epoch  0    Loss: 33.117127
Epoch  1    Loss: 42.949756
Epoch  2    Loss: 40.733332
Epoch  3    Loss: 38.657764
Epoch  4    Loss: 36.774646
Epoch  5    Loss: 35.067299
Epoch  6    Loss: 33.520409
Epoch  7    Loss: 32.119958
Epoch  8    Loss: 30.853112
Epoch  9    Loss: 29.708126


enter image description here



for e in range(10):
    for x, y in zip(input_, output):
        y_hat = a * x + b
        loss =  0.5 * ((y - y_hat) ** 2)
        a = a - 0.01 * (2.) * (-x) * (y - y_hat)
        b = b - 0.01 * (2.) * (-1) * (y - y_hat)

    print("Epoch {:2d}\tLoss: {:4f}".format(e, loss))



Epoch  0    Loss: 0.130379
Epoch  1    Loss: 0.123007
Epoch  2    Loss: 0.117352
Epoch  3    Loss: 0.112991
Epoch  4    Loss: 0.109615
Epoch  5    Loss: 0.106992
Epoch  6    Loss: 0.104948
Epoch  7    Loss: 0.103353
Epoch  8    Loss: 0.102105
Epoch  9    Loss: 0.101127