
时间:2018-02-02 02:04:49

标签: java algorithm math

我试图找到一种方法从圆圈中分配n角度(让我们假设最多360度角,每个角度之间有1度,所以0:1:359)。< / p>



0, 180, 90, 270, 135, 315, 225, 45




package uniform_angles;

public class UniformAngles {

    public static void main(String[] args) 
        int TOTAL_ANGLES = 360;

        // init number of angles to generate
        int numberOfAngles = 12;
        // store positions in array
        int[] positions = new int[numberOfAngles];

        // init first angle (special case for 0)
        int delta = 180;
        positions[0] = 0;
        int firstOrderPassCount = 1;
        //int secondOrderPassCount = 1;

        // generate
        for (int i = 1; i < numberOfAngles; i++) {
            if ((firstOrderPassCount*delta) == TOTAL_ANGLES) {
                delta /= 2;

            int nextPos = (positions[i-1] + delta) % TOTAL_ANGLES;

            if ((nextPos % delta) == 0) {
                positions[i] = (positions[i-1] + (2*delta)) % TOTAL_ANGLES;

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAngles; i++) {

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
  printf("0 ");
  for (int parts = 1; parts < 90; parts *= 2)
    for (int i = 0; i < parts; ++i)
      printf("%d ", 180 / parts +  360 * i / parts);
  return 0;


0 180 90 270 45 135 225 315 22 67 112 157 202 247 292 337 11 33 56 78 
101 123 146 168 191 213 236 258 281 303 326 348 5 16 27 38 50 61 72 83 
95 106 117 128 140 151 162 173 185 196 207 218 230 241 252 263 275 286 
297 308 320 331 342 353 2 7 13 18 24 30 35 41 47 52 58 63 69 75 80 86 92 
97 103 108 114 120 125 131 137 142 148 153 159 165 170 176 182 187 193 
198 204 210 215 221 227 232 238 243 249 255 260 266 272 277 283 288 294 
300 305 311 317 322 328 333 339 345 350 356 


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
  int p[360] = {1, 0};
  for (int parts = 1; ; parts *= 2)
    for (int i = 0; i < parts; ++i) {
      int d = 0.5 + 180.0 / parts + 360.0 * i / parts;
      if (p[d]) goto done;
      p[d] = 1;
      printf("%d\n", d);
  for (int i = 0; i < 360; ++i) if (!p[i]) printf("%d\n", i);
  return 0;


答案 1 :(得分:1)

只是为你的问题添加有趣的小问题 - 看起来你想要生成的是一维low-discrepancy sequences(又名准随机MonteCalro)。

如果你看一维的Van der Corput / Halton或Sobol序列,它们看起来像

0 [1/2, 1/4, 3/4, 1/8, 5/8, 3/8, 7/8, 1/16, ...]

基本上,在每一步将[0 ... 1]间隔除以最大距离。

Van der Corput / Halton:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_der_Corput_sequence



PS当然,您需要将QRNG映射到您的角度间隔,[0 ... 2pi]或[0 ... 360]

答案 2 :(得分:0)

正如@ReblochonMasque建议的那样,我们可以通过划分距离最后生成的角度最远的最长弧来选择新角度。我们所说的两个角度之间的“距离”是它们之间的最短差值(例如,dist(30,300)= 90)。

public class GenArcs {

    private Vector<Double> positions;

    public GenArcs() {
        positions = new Vector<Double>();

     * Generate next angle
     * @return next angle
    public double generate() {
        double newAngle = -1.0;

        if (positions.size() > 1) {
            Vector<Double> cpy = new Vector<Double>(positions);


            // find longest arcs
            Vector<Double> arcs = computeArcLengths(cpy);
            Vector<Integer> longestArcIndexes = getLongestArcIndexes(arcs);

            // compute potential new angles
            Vector<Double> potentialNewAngles = computePotentialAngles(longestArcIndexes, arcs, cpy);

            // choose angle farthest from last angle
            newAngle = getFarthestAngle(potentialNewAngles, positions.get(positions.size()-1));
        } else if (positions.size() == 1) {
            // second angle (since distance between 0.0 and 0.0 is 0.0, so generated angle would still be 0.0; could fix in computeArcLengths(), but eh)
            newAngle = (positions.get(positions.size()-1) + 180) % 360;
        } else {
            // first angle
            newAngle = 0.0;

        return newAngle;

    public Vector<Double> getAngles() {
        return new Vector<Double>(positions);

     * Compute the absolute difference between two angles on a circle [0,360[
     * @param first : first angle
     * @param second : second angle
     * @return difference
    private static double getAngleDifference(double first, double second) {
        double firstMod = first % 360.0;
        double secondMod = second % 360.0;

        double diff = (firstMod <= secondMod) ? (secondMod - firstMod) : (360.0 - firstMod + secondMod);

        return diff;

     * Choose angle farthest from given angle
     * @param potentialAngles : potential valid angles
     * @param angle : reference angle (latest generated angle)
     * @return farthest angle from given angle
    private static double getFarthestAngle(Vector<Double> potentialAngles, double angle) {
        int farthestIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i < potentialAngles.size(); ++i) {
            double farthestLength = Math.min(getAngleDifference(angle, potentialAngles.get(farthestIndex)), getAngleDifference(potentialAngles.get(farthestIndex), angle));
            double iLength = Math.min(getAngleDifference(angle, potentialAngles.get(i)), getAngleDifference(potentialAngles.get(i), angle));
            farthestIndex = (iLength > farthestLength) ? i : farthestIndex;

        return potentialAngles.get(farthestIndex);

     * @param longestArcIndexes : indexes of the longest arcs
     * @param arcsLengths : lengths of arcs, in order
     * @param angles : angles, sorted
     * @return angles corresponding to longest arcs
    private static Vector<Double> computePotentialAngles(Vector<Integer> longestArcIndexes, Vector<Double> arcsLengths, Vector<Double> angles) {
        Vector<Double> potentialAngles = new Vector<Double>();

        for (int i = 0; i < longestArcIndexes.size(); ++i) {
            int arcIndex = longestArcIndexes.get(i);
            double arcLength = arcsLengths.get(arcIndex);
            double firstAngle = angles.get(arcIndex);
            double potentialAngle = (firstAngle + (arcLength/2.0)) % 360.0;

        return potentialAngles;

     * Find index(es) of the longest arc
     * @param arcs : arc lengths, in sorted order
     * @return indexes of the longest arcs
    private static Vector<Integer> getLongestArcIndexes(Vector<Double> arcs) {
        Vector<Integer> arcIndexes = new Vector<Integer>();
        double longestArc = Collections.max(arcs);

        int index = arcs.indexOf(longestArc);
        while(index >= 0) {
            index = arcs.indexOf(longestArc, index+1);

        return arcIndexes;

     * Computes and returns a vector of arc lengths from a vector of angles
     * @param vec : vector of angles (sorted)
     * @return vector of arc lengths, in the same order
    private static Vector<Double> computeArcLengths(Vector<Double> vec) {
        Vector<Double> arcs = new Vector<Double>();

        for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
            double firstPos = vec.get(i);
            double secondPos = vec.get((i+1) % vec.size());

            double arcLength = getAngleDifference(firstPos, secondPos);


        return arcs;


public class UniformAnglesTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final int TOTAL_ANGLES = 20;

        GenArcs genArcs = new GenArcs();

        // generate
        for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_ANGLES; i++) {
            double newPosArcs = genArcs.generate();

            System.out.println("---------------\ni = " + i);
            System.out.println("arcs   : " + newPosArcs);

答案 3 :(得分:0)



有许多方法可以构建低差异序列。这些包括Weyl / Krocker,Van der Corput / Halton,Sobol和Niederreiter序列等。在所有这些情况下,它们都提供了以不需要重新平衡先前放置的点的方式在d维中分布n个点的方法。例如,在二维中,每个序列的前100个术语如下所示:

"Comparison of various low discrepancy sequences in 2-dimensions

但是,可能不清楚的是,对于您的问题,仅需要一维解。 (请注意,通常将其称为一维,因为您需要与位于二维位置的圆的一维周长上的点相对应的角度。)

此外,尽管许多构造(例如van der Corput)在1维问题上都提供了非常好的结果,但是Weyl / Kronecker解(如下所述)是解决1维问题的唯一最佳解决方案。



x [n] =(s + k * n)%1


请注意,$(%1)$,发音为'mod 1'运算符,占参数的小数部分。

此定义产生一个数组/列表,其中每个x [n]都位于[0,1]区间内。




最优情况是k = phi =(1 + sqrt(5))/ 2 = 1.61803398875 ...,黄金分割率。

这就是为什么此问题通常称为golden ratio scheduling problem的原因,因为该解决方案使用"the golden angle"。也可能感兴趣的是golden spiral的构造也与此序列直接相关。

有关为何此值最佳以及为什么k = sqrt(2)是次佳选择的进一步说明,请参见类似的StackExchange帖子"Golden ratio mod 1 distribution"

最后,要将x [n]转换为您的角度,只需乘以360。

理想情况下,角度应存储为浮点数,以完整表示0到360度之间的所有实数值,并允许无休止的点列表。但是,如果您确实只想按照问题中的建议使用整数值,那么在n <90的情况下取下限(360 * x [n])仍将产生出色的结果,而在n <360的情况下仍将得到很好的结果。