
时间:2018-02-01 19:32:22

标签: powershell foreach




The printer has been found!

Location      :
Name          : Upload to Doc
PrinterState  : 0
PrinterStatus : 3
ShareName     :
SystemName    : 1919WLB835  ← this is wrong, it should be the machine in the loop, not my machine


$Printer = gwmi Win32_Printer -Filter { name = "Upload to Doc" }


        Import-Module PKI
        $DocvelocityDesktop = gwmi Win32_Product -Filter { Name like "%DocVelocity Desktop%" }
        $DocvelocityAddin = gwmi Win32_Product -Filter { Name = "Doc External Add-In for BytePro" }
        $ByteProVer = gwmi Win32_Product -Filter { Name = "BytePro Enterprise" }
        $Printer = gwmi Win32_Printer -Filter { name = "Upload to Doc" }
        $CertStore = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store "\\$ComputerName\TrustedPublisher", "LocalMachine"

        if ($Printer) {
            Write-Host The "Printer has been located"
            "The printer has been found!" | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force
            $Printer | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force
        } else {
            Write-Host "Fail.  Please install the printer cert for Capsilon"
            "Fail.  Please install the printer cert for Capsilon" | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force

        if ($DocvelocityDesktop) {
            Write-Host The "DocVelocity Desktop has been found."
            "The DocVelocity Desktop App was found!" | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force
            $DocvelocityDesktop | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force
        } else {
            Write-Host "Fail.  Please install the DocVelocity Desktop App"
            "Fail.  Please install the DocVelocity Desktop App" | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force

        if ($DocvelocityAddin) {
            Write-Host The "DocVelocity Addin has been found."
            "The DocVelocity Addin was found!" | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force
            $DocvelocityAddin | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force
        } else {
            Write-Host "Fail.  Please install the DocVelocity Addin"
            "Fail.  Please install the DocVelocity Addin" | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force
        if ($ByteProVer) {
            Write-Host The "BytePro has been found."
            "The BytePro App was found!" | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force
            $ByteProVer.Version | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force
        } else {
            Write-Host "Fail.  Please install Bytepro App"
            "Fail.  Please install the Bytepro App" | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force

        foreach ($Cert in $CertStore.Certificates) {
            if ($Cert.Subject -eq "CN=Capsilon Corporation, O=Capsilon Corporation, L=San Francisco, S=California, C=US" -and $Cert.Thumbprint -eq "B03318F507A687362261165ABD906277D122E9F1") {
                Write-Host "We have the cert for Capsilon Printer. "
                "The cert we need was found!" | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force
                $Cert | Out-File "c:\temp\$Computername.txt" -Append -Force

    } else {
        $Computername | Out-File c:\temp\dead_machines.txt -Force -Append

0 个答案:
