
时间:2018-02-01 14:08:11

标签: c# generics

我来自c ++角落,并且对c#generics有一些不确定的问题。


  • 为什么以下代码不起作用?
  • 您是否有一些链接可以帮助我提高我的通用知识?


public abstract class Item{}
public abstract class ParentItem<T> : Item where T : Item{
    public ObservableCollection<T> Childs;
public class ItemC : Item {}
public class ItemB : ParentItem<ItemC> {}
public class ItemA : ParentItem<ItemB> {}

public void NewChildItem<P, C>(P parent) where P : ParentItem<C> where C : Item, new()
    C child = new C();
    parent.Childs.Add(child); //From class ParentItem

public class MyEventArgs : EventArgs
    public object Parent;


public void NewItem(MyEventArgs e)
    datas.NewChildItem(e.Parent);          // That would be nice to avoid case analysis
    datas.NewChildItem(e.Parent as ItemA); // Error cant resolve paramter type

//Following variant works, but is obvious ugly
    if(e.Parent is ParentItem<ItemA>)
        datas.NewChildItem<ParentItem<ItemA>,ItemA>(e.Parent as ParentItem<ItemA>)
    else if(e.Parent is ParentItem<ItemB>)
        datas.NewChildItem<ParentItem<ItemB>,ItemB>(e.Parent as ParentItem<ItemB>)


我在3层上有一个带有HierarchicalDataTemplate的TreeView。 我的数据结构:




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


    // Master-class with business-logic or so..
    public abstract class Item
        private static int nextId = 0; // Some Id-generator
        public Item()
            this.Id = nextId++;

        public int Id { get; set; } // Id to see the difference between the objects.

        public string Name { get { return this.GetType().Name + ":" + this.Id; } } // For Console..

    // Class with business-logic for items which can have children
    public abstract class ItemWithChildren<TChildClass> : Item where TChildClass : Item, new()
        public ItemWithChildren()
            this.Childs = new ObservableCollection<TChildClass>();
        public ObservableCollection<TChildClass> Childs { get; set; }

        public Item NewChildItem()
            TChildClass newItem = new TChildClass();
            return newItem;

        public List<Item> GetChildItemsTypeless()
            return this.Childs.Select(s => (Item) s).ToList();

    // implementation of you concrete types..
    public class ItemA : ItemWithChildren<ItemB>, IItemWithChildren { }
    public class ItemB : ItemWithChildren<ItemC>, IItemWithChildren { }
    public class ItemC : Item { }

    // interface for managing children
    public interface IItemWithChildren
        Item NewChildItem();
        List<Item> GetChildItemsTypeless();

    public static void Test()
        // Lets build some Items with an hierarchy
        ItemA a = new ItemA();
        ItemB b = (ItemB)a.NewChildItem(); // We cast here to explicit type to show that it's working.
        Item b2 = a.NewChildItem(); // Here we got our anonymous Item
        ItemC c = (ItemC)b.NewChildItem();
        Item c2 = b.NewChildItem();

        // Lets build an anonymous list - like your args-object
        List<Item> items = new List<Item>() {a, b, b2, c, c2};

        // some target for our new children..
        List<Item> allItems = new List<Item>();

        // let's add some children
        foreach (Item item in items)
            IItemWithChildren itemWithchildren = item as IItemWithChildren;

            if (itemWithchildren != null)

        Console.WriteLine(" - - - Items with their children - - -");
        foreach (Item item in allItems)
            IItemWithChildren itemWithchildren = item as IItemWithChildren;
            Console.WriteLine(item.Name + (itemWithchildren != null ? ": " + String.Join(", ", itemWithchildren.GetChildItemsTypeless().Select(s => s.Name)) : ""));
        Console.WriteLine(" - - - Items by hierarchy - - -");

    public static void PrintItem(Item i, int level = 1)
        Console.WriteLine(" ".PadRight(level*4) + i.Name);
        IItemWithChildren itemWithchildren = i as IItemWithChildren;
        if (itemWithchildren != null)
            foreach (Item x in itemWithchildren.GetChildItemsTypeless())
                PrintItem(x, level + 1);


ItemWithChildren<T>类,其中包含可生成新子项的业务逻辑。 IItemWithChildren是管理界面,知道你有孩子。

NewchildItem移到摘要ItemWithChildren,您甚至不需要知道任何地方的课程。 在不知道IItemWithChildren
