
时间:2018-02-01 01:03:52

标签: java android sorting


30 09 05
30 04 05
30 02 01 
31 07 05 
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31 02 05 








Collections.sort(unoptimizedLocations, new Comparator<ItemOrderLocation>() {
    public int compare(ItemOrderLocation item1, ItemOrderLocation item2) {

        int rowCmp = item1.row.compareTo(item2.row);
        int heightCmp = item1.height.compareTo(item2.height);
        int posCmp = item1.pos.compareTo(item2.pos);

        int item1Row = Integer.parseInt(item1.row);
        int item2Row = Integer.parseInt(item2.row);

        boolean onForkLiftPath = false;

        if (item1Row == (item2Row + 1) && (item2Row % 2 == 0)) {
            onForkLiftPath = true;

        if (!onForkLiftPath && rowCmp != 0) {
            //Two differents rows which are not on Fork Lift Path
            return rowCmp;

        //If are on forklift path we compare the position
        if (posCmp != 0) {
            return posCmp;

        //Lastly if row is on forklift path and we are on same position we need to sort by nearest height
        return heightCmp;


30 02 01 
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31 07 04
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30 09 05
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30 04 05
31 03 05    
31 02 05
31 03 06 


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Input:  All locations
Output:  Shortest path given constraints
1.  For all row/pairs, in increasing order
2.  For all positions in that row, in increasing order
3.  For all heights with same row/pair and position, add locations to minimize the height change given a starting height

代码使用Java 8流。该代码试图使用单一用途的方法;所以请随意用更熟悉的语法重写任何方法。它不能保证优化,但考虑到输入的小尺寸,这不应该是一个问题。如果您有任何问题,请告诉我。


public class ForkLiftOperator {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    new ForkLiftOperator().start();

private void start() {

    List<Location> locations = new ArrayList<Location>();
    locations.add(new Location(30, 9, 5));
    locations.add(new Location(30, 4, 5));
    locations.add(new Location(30, 2, 1));
    locations.add(new Location(31, 7, 5));
    locations.add(new Location(31, 7, 4));
    locations.add(new Location(31, 3, 5));
    locations.add(new Location(31, 3, 6));
    locations.add(new Location(31, 9, 5));
    locations.add(new Location(31, 2, 5));
    locations.add(new Location(32, 2, 5));  // Extra to simulate additional row/pair

    List<Location> solution = solve(locations);

private List<Location> solve(List<Location> locations) {

    List<Location> shortestPath = new ArrayList<Location>();
    int activeRow, activePosition, activeHeight;
    while ((activeRow = getNextRow(locations)) != 0) {
        System.out.println("Working on row="+activeRow);
        List<Location> activeLocations = getLocationsByRowPair(activeRow, locations);
        activePosition = 0;
        activeHeight = 0;
        while ((activePosition = getNextPos(activePosition, activeLocations)) != 0) {
            System.out.println("Working on pos="+activePosition);
            List<Location> activePositionLocations = getLocationsForRowAndPosition(activeRow, activePosition, activeLocations);
            shortestPath.addAll(minimizeHeight(activeHeight, activePositionLocations));
            activeHeight = shortestPath.get(shortestPath.size()-1).height;

    return shortestPath;

enum Direction { UP, DOWN }
 * For the given locations (which are guaranteed to be at the same row/position), minimize the total height change
 * @param activePositionLocations The locations at this row/pair and location (they will only differ in height)
 * @return The order will minimize the height change
private List<Location> minimizeHeight(int currentHeight, List<Location> activePositionLocations) {
    List<Location> optimizedHeightLocations = new ArrayList<Location>();
    System.out.println("Processing locations="+activePositionLocations);
    int minHeight = activePositionLocations.stream().mapToInt(location -> location.height).min().getAsInt();
    int maxHeight = activePositionLocations.stream().mapToInt(location -> location.height).max().getAsInt();
     * There are only two options to minimize (if the current height falls between min and max):
     * 1)  Travel down then up
     * 2)  Travel up then down
    // First determine the first direction to go
    Direction direction;
    if (currentHeight == minHeight)
        direction = Direction.UP;
    else if (currentHeight == maxHeight)
        direction = Direction.DOWN;
    else {
        int distanceUp = maxHeight-currentHeight;
        int distanceDown = currentHeight-minHeight;
        direction = distanceUp < distanceDown ? Direction.UP : Direction.DOWN;
    // Now travel in that direction (must sort the correct way first
    List<Location> sortedAscending = activePositionLocations.stream().sorted((l1, l2) -> Integer.compare(l1.height, l2.height)).collect(Collectors.toList());
    List<Location> sortedDescending = activePositionLocations.stream().sorted((l1, l2) -> Integer.compare(l2.height, l1.height)).collect(Collectors.toList());
    if (direction == Direction.UP) {
        optimizedHeightLocations.addAll(sortedAscending.stream().filter(location -> location.height >= currentHeight).collect(Collectors.toList()));
        optimizedHeightLocations.addAll(sortedDescending.stream().filter(location -> location.height < currentHeight).collect(Collectors.toList()));
    } else {    // Direction = DOWN
        optimizedHeightLocations.addAll(sortedDescending.stream().filter(location -> location.height <= currentHeight).collect(Collectors.toList()));
        optimizedHeightLocations.addAll(sortedAscending.stream().filter(location -> location.height > currentHeight).collect(Collectors.toList()));

    return optimizedHeightLocations;

 * Determine all the locations for this current row/pair and position
 * @param activeRow The current row/pair
 * @param activePos The current position
 * @param locations The locations for this row/pair
 * @return The locations at this exact row/pair and position
private List<Location> getLocationsForRowAndPosition(int activeRow, int activePos,
        List<Location> locations) {
    int minRow = activeRow;
    int maxRow = ((activeRow & 1) == 0) ? activeRow + 1 : activeRow;    // If even, then pair includes the next higher row
    return locations.stream().filter(location -> location.row >= minRow && location.row <= maxRow && location.position == activePos)

 * Determine the next position, given the current position
 * @param currentPosition Where the operator is currently
 * @param locations The locations for this row/pair
 * @return The next closest, or zero if they are at the end
private int getNextPos(int currentPosition, List<Location> locations) {
    if (locations.isEmpty())
        return 0;
    OptionalInt min = locations.stream().filter(location -> location.position > currentPosition)
            .mapToInt(location -> location.position)
    return min.isPresent() ? min.getAsInt() : 0;

 * Filter out any locations for this row pair.
 * The locations for this row will be removed from the original list
 * @param nextRow The current row being processed
 * @param locations The remaining locations
 * @return The locations for the active row
private List<Location> getLocationsByRowPair(int nextRow, List<Location> locations) {
    List<Location> activeLocations = new ArrayList<Location>();
    Iterator<Location> i = locations.iterator();
    int minRow = nextRow;
    int maxRow = ((nextRow & 1) == 0) ? nextRow + 1 : nextRow;  // If even, then pair includes the next higher row
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        Location current = i.next();
        if (current.row >= minRow && current.row <= maxRow) {
    return activeLocations;

 * Determine the lowest row from the locations provided
 * @param locations All remaining locations
 * @return The minimum row number remaining
private int getNextRow(List<Location> locations) {
    if (locations.isEmpty())
        return 0;
    return locations.stream().mapToInt(location -> location.row)

class Location {
    final int row;
    final int position;
    final int height;
    public Location(int row, int height, int position) {
        this.row = row;
        this.position = position;
        this.height = height;
    public String toString() {
        return "[" + row + ", " + height + ", " + position + "]";




[[30,2,1],[31,7,4],[31,7,5],[30,9,5],[31,9,5],[30,4,5] ],[31,3,5],[31,2,5],[31,3,6],[32,2,5]]



private List<Location> getLocationsForRowAndPosition(int activeRow, int activePos,
        List<Location> locations) {
    int minRow = activeRow;
    int maxRow = ((activeRow & 1) == 0) ? activeRow + 1 : activeRow;    // If even, then pair includes the next higher row
    return locations.stream().filter(location -> location.row >= minRow && location.row <= maxRow && location.position == activePos)

Java 7:

private List<Location> getLocationsForRowAndPosition(int activeRow, int activePos,
        List<Location> locations) {
    int minRow = activeRow;
    int maxRow = ((activeRow & 1) == 0) ? activeRow + 1 : activeRow;    // If even, then pair includes the next higher row
    List<Location> positionLocations = new ArrayList<Location>();
    for (Location location : locations) {
        if (location.row >= minRow && location.row <= maxRow && location.position == activePos)
    return positionLocations;

Java 8:

private int getNextPos(int currentPosition, List<Location> locations) {
    if (locations.isEmpty())
        return 0;
    OptionalInt min = locations.stream().filter(location -> location.position > currentPosition)
            .mapToInt(location -> location.position)
    return min.isPresent() ? min.getAsInt() : 0;

Java 7:

private int getNextPos(int currentPosition, List<Location> locations) {
    if (locations.isEmpty())
        return 0;
    int minValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    for (Location location : locations) {
        if (location.position > currentPosition && location.position < minValue)
            minValue = location.position;
    return minValue == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? 0 : minValue;

Java 8:

private int getNextRow(List<Location> locations) {
    if (locations.isEmpty())
        return 0;
    return locations.stream().mapToInt(location -> location.row)

Java 7:

private int getNextRow(List<Location> locations) {
    if (locations.isEmpty())
        return 0;
    int minValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    for (Location location : locations) {
        if (location.row < minValue)
            minValue = location.row;
    return minValue;

最后使用Java 7 for minimizeHeight:

private List<Location> minimizeHeight(int currentHeight, List<Location> activePositionLocations) {
    List<Location> optimizedHeightLocations = new ArrayList<Location>();

    int minHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int maxHeight = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    for (Location location : activePositionLocations) {
        if (location.height < minHeight)
            minHeight = location.height;
        if (location.height > maxHeight)
            maxHeight = location.height;

     * There are only two options to minimize (if the current height falls between min and max):
     * 1)  Travel down then up
     * 2)  Travel up then down
    // First determine the first direction to go
    Direction direction;
    if (currentHeight == minHeight)
        direction = Direction.UP;
    else if (currentHeight == maxHeight)
        direction = Direction.DOWN;
    else {
        int distanceUp = maxHeight-currentHeight;
        int distanceDown = currentHeight-minHeight;
        direction = distanceUp < distanceDown ? Direction.UP : Direction.DOWN;
    // Now travel in that direction (must sort the correct way first
    List<Location> sortedAscending = new ArrayList<Location>(activePositionLocations);  // Clone it
    Collections.sort(sortedAscending, new Comparator<Location>() {
        public int compare(Location l1, Location l2) {
            return Integer.compare(l1.height, l2.height);
    List<Location> sortedDescending = new ArrayList<Location>(activePositionLocations); // Clone it
    Collections.sort(sortedDescending, new Comparator<Location>() {
        public int compare(Location l1, Location l2) {
            return Integer.compare(l2.height, l1.height);

    if (direction == Direction.UP) {
        for (Location location : sortedAscending) {
            if (location.height >= currentHeight)
        for (Location location : sortedDescending) {
            if (location.height < currentHeight)
    } else {    // Direction = DOWN
        for (Location location : sortedDescending) {
            if (location.height <= currentHeight)
        for (Location location : sortedAscending) {
            if (location.height > currentHeight)

    return optimizedHeightLocations;