(explanation about its architecture)的自定义pdflatex构建器。我应该处理的是this one。
# a useful way to have all the useful mappings in config
def build_dictionary(document):
# default mapping
# key : 'quadri' , value : (1-8)
# key : 'name' , value : ['advSecu', 'advalgo',..]
# key : 'option' , value : ['FSAB', 'AUCE',..]
# key : 'code' , value : [1031, 1101, 1102,...] (not useful for me)
# key : 'type' , value : ['exercises', 'errata', 'formulaire', 'mcq', 'notes', 'summary']
# not useful for me : 'code', 'sol', 'num'
default_argument_mapping = document['clients'][0]['arguments']
temp_mapping = document['clients'][0]['output']['parameters'][0] # temp var to simplify my life ^^
# merged type ; to have all the types declared in this config yml
custom_type = dict()
# make a more simpler dictionary because I don't hard yml stuff
mapping_dictionary = dict(
(temp_mapping['parameters'][0]['key']['arg'], temp_mapping['parameters'][0]['mapping']), # quadri
(temp_mapping['parameters'][1]['key']['arg'], temp_mapping['parameters'][1]['mapping']), # option
(temp_mapping['parameters'][4]['arg'], default_argument_mapping[temp_mapping['parameters'][4]['arg']]),
# code
(temp_mapping['parameters'][5]['key']['arg'], temp_mapping['parameters'][5]['mapping']), # name
(document['clients'][0]['output']['parameters'][1]['key']['arg'], # type
('year', document['clients'][1]['arguments']['year']), # year
('month', document['clients'][1]['arguments']['month']), # month
('minmaj', document['clients'][1]['arguments']['minmaj']), # minmaj
('sol', default_argument_mapping['sol']) # sol
return mapping_dictionary, default_argument_mapping
'quadri': {
7: 'MASTER',
'code': [1031, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1113, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1131, 1152, 1170, 1171, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1210, 1223, 1225, 1230, 1252, 1301, 1302, 1304, 1310, 1315, 1317, 1321, 1330, 1341, 1350, 1370, 1401, 1402, 1503, 1510, 1530, 1702, 1731, 1802, 1803, 1901, 1930, 2004, 2132, 2142, 2143, 2144, 2145, 2146, 2170, 2172, 2224, 2241, 2251, 2252, 2261, 2263, 2266, 2335, 2345, 2347, 2348, 2365, 2380, 2440, 2450, 2460, 2470, 2471, 2760, 2870],
'sol': ['', '-Sol'],
'name': {
'advalgo': 'Advanced Algorithms for Optimization',
'concurrent': 'Concurrent Systems',
'autolin': 'Automatique Linéaire',
'mmc': 'Mécanique des Milieux Continus',
'paradigms': 'Programming paradigms',
'secu': 'Computer System Security',
'embedded': 'Software and operating systems for embedded systems',
'algo': 'Algorithmique et structures de données',
'gameth': 'Game Theory',
'chimieorga': 'Chimie Organique',
'hydrau': None,
'conv': 'Convert. électrom',
'ia': 'Artificial Intelligence',
'oz': 'Computer language concepts',
'strat': "Stratégies d'entreprises",
'matstruct': 'Matériaux structuraux',
'circmes': 'Circuits et Mesures',
'infoth': 'Information theory and coding',
'gpo': 'Gestion de production et des opérations',
'edo': 'Equations différentielles ordinaires',
'grh': 'Gestion des ressources humaines',
'info': 'Informatique',
'elec': 'Physique',
'sigsys': 'Signaux & Systèmes',
'mana': 'Management humain',
'modstoch': 'Stochastic Modelling',
'maintenance': 'Software Maintenance and Evolution',
'numth': 'Number Theory',
'database': 'Databases',
'matrix': 'Matrix Theory',
'physique': 'Physique',
'dam': 'DAM',
'calcu': 'Calculabilité',
'philo': 'Philosophie',
'coo': 'Conception orientée objet et gestion de données',
'dispo': 'Dispositifs electroniques',
'telecom': 'Télécommunications',
'tdo': 'Théorie des organisations',
'ca': "Complément d'analyse",
'logique': 'Logique et structure discrètes',
'ml': 'Machine Learning',
'os': 'Systèmes informatiques',
'progmeth': 'Programming methods',
'cl': 'Computational Linguistics',
'mcp': 'Méthodes de conception de programmes',
'opticombi': 'Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimisation',
'network': 'Réseaux informatiques',
'nlp': 'Nonlinear programming',
'ananum': 'Analyse numérique',
'math': 'Mathématiques',
'devmeth': 'Software Engineering: Development Methods',
'stat': 'Probability and statistics',
'projet': 'Projet',
'geomat': 'Géomatériaux',
'prostoch': 'Stochastic Processes',
'circ': 'Circuits électroniques',
'distributed': 'Languages and algorithms for distributed applications',
'archi': 'Architecture and performance of computer systems',
'crypto': 'Cryptography',
'chimie': 'Chimie',
'cloud': 'Cloud Computing',
'advSecu': 'Secured systems engineering',
'opti': "Modèles et méthodes d'optimisation",
'constraint': 'Constraint Programming',
'meca': 'Physique',
'numGeo': 'Numerical Geometry',
'translators': 'Languages and Translators',
'magn': 'Electromagnetisme',
'eco': "Économie de l'entreprise",
'methodnum': 'Méthodes Numériques'
'minmaj': ['All', 'Mineure', 'Majeure'],
'month': ['Janvier', 'Mars', 'Juin', 'Août', 'Novembre'],
'option': {
'AUCE': 'GCE',
'FSAB': 'Tronc commun',
'INMA': 'MAP',
'BIR': 'INFO',
'MAT': 'MAP',
'type': {
'test': 'Interros',
'errata': 'Books',
'notes': 'CM',
'mcq': 'APE',
'exam': 'Examens',
'formulaire': 'Formulaires',
'exercises': 'APE',
'summary': 'Synthèses'
'year': [2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017]