我试图计算设备实时的总持续时间。 如果设备只有一个服务,那么实时时间事件之间没有重叠。 具有多个服务的设备的订单的问题每个可以与多个其他时间重叠。
我需要计算每个设备ID然后保留计算公式中的计算的总时间。现场时间。 我是编程新手,我无法找到解决方案。 请支持
Sub Cul_Eq_Live_Time()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim n As Long, lr_LT As Integer, lr_data As Integer
Dim z As Integer, y As Integer, x As Integer, EqID As String, iLoop As Integer, No_CCTs As Integer
Dim xDate As Date, yDate As Date, aDate As Date, bData As Date, iDate As Date, eDate As Date, Diff As Integer, EqLiveT As Long, T As Integer, tRange As Range
Dim nDate As Date, dDate As Date
lr_LT = Sheets("Live Time").Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'initial cell in Tuning sheet & range
T = 2
Set tRange = Sheets("Tuning").Range("B2:C2000")
'loop all orders
For n = 3 To lr_LT
'get new EqID
EqID = Sheets("Live Time").Cells(n, "E").Value
' find if the cuont EqID is 1 then live time will be the same of the CCT live time.
y = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("Live Time").Range("E:E"), Sheets("Live Time").Cells(n, 5).Value)
If y <= 1 Then
Sheets("Live Time").Cells(n, "P").Value = Sheets("Live Time").Cells(n, "K").Value
GoTo End_n_Loop
End If
' in the cae of Eq. more the one orders
' if live time alredy culculated
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("Tuning").Range("B:B"), Sheets("Live Time").Cells(n, "E").Value) >= 1 Then
Sheets("Live Time").Cells(n, "P").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(EqID, tRange, 2, False)
GoTo End_n_Loop
End If
' in the caee of above condition not found
'get iDate & eDate
iDate = Sheets("Live Time").Cells(n, "H").Value
eDate = Sheets("Live Time").Cells(n, "I").Value
Diff = 0
EqLiveT = 0
No_CCTs = 1
xDate = iDate
yDate = eDate
If eDate = 0 Then
eDate = Date
End If
' iLoop for the Eq. that have more the one orders
For iLoop = n + 1 To lr_LT
If Sheets("Live Time").Cells(iLoop, "H").Value <> EqID Then
GoTo End_iLoop
End If
' count the nomber of CCt for this Eq.
No_CCTs = No_CCTs + 1
' in the case of the CCT live eDate = today
If Sheets("Live Time").Cells(iLoop, "I").Value = 0 Then
dDate = Date
End If
' update the dates
aDate = Sheets("Live Time").Cells(iLoop, "H").Value
bDate = Sheets("Live Time").Cells(iLoop, "I").Value
''''''''''''''' x<-------->y
''''''''' a<-------->b
If xDate >= aDate And xDate < bDate And yDate >= bDate Then
nDate = aDate
dDate = yDate
GoTo End_iLoop
End If
''''''''''''''' x<-------->y
''''''''''''''''''' a<-------->b
If CDate(xDate) < CDate(aDate) And CDate(yDate) > CDate(aDate) And CDate(yDate) <= CDate(bDate) Then
nDate = xDate
dDate = bDate
GoTo End_iLoop
End If
''''''''''''''' x<-------->y
''''''''''' a<---------------->b
If xDate > aDate And xDate < bDate And yDate >= aDate And yDate <= bDate Then
nDate = aDate
dDate = bDate
GoTo End_iLoop
End If
''''''' x<------------------>y
''''''''''' a<----------->b
If xDate < aDate And yDate > bDate And aDate > yDate Then
nDate = xDate
dDate = yDate
GoTo End_iLoop
End If
''''''' x<------------------>y ''''''''''' a<----------->b
If yDate > aDate And xDate > aDate And bDate > yDate Then
nDate = xDate
dDate = yDate
Diff = Diff + (aDate - yDate)
GoTo End_iLoop
End If
Next iLoop
EqLiveT = nDate - dDate - Diff
'EqLiveT = EqLiveT - Diff
Sheets("Live Time").Cells(n, "P").Value = EqLiveT
Sheets("Tuning").Cells(T, "A").Value = T - 1
Sheets("Tuning").Cells(T, "B").Value = EqID
Sheets("Tuning").Cells(T, "C").Value = EqLiveT
Sheets("Tuning").Cells(T, "D").Value = No_CCTs
T = T + 1
Next n
MsgBox "Done"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub