
时间:2018-01-31 14:03:53

标签: swift ios-simulator uipopovercontroller iphone-x

我在Xcode中遇到iPhone X模拟器的问题与其他模拟器的行为不同。

我尝试做的只需点击一个显示UIPicker的视图。选择日期并且用户单击“确定”后,弹出窗口将消失,并且视图中的标签将使用所选内容的字符串进行更新。这适用于我使用的2个物理设备(iPhone6 plus和iPad)。它也在iPhone 5和8的模拟器中工作。但是,当我尝试使用iPhoneX时,它无法正常工作。



/// When the view is tapped it will display user options and then update the label in the view.
/// - Parameters:
///     - box: LabelAndWhiteBarView is my own custom UIView for this project.
///     - strings: array of strings to be displayed by the picker
func displayStringPicker(box: LabelAndWhiteBarView, strings: [String]){

    // Custom viewcontroller containing a UIPickerView, title UILabel and a cancel and OK UIButton.
    let floatingPickerViewController:FloatingPickerViewController = UIStoryboard(name: "FloatingPickerStoryboard", bundle: nil).instantiateInitialViewController()! as! FloatingPickerViewController

    floatingPickerViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .popover
    floatingPickerViewController.preferredContentSize = defaultPickerSize  // set elsewhere so it doesnt cover the whole screen

    //Adds a blank string in front of each array so the user can always pick and empty option
    var stringsWithBlankFirstOption = strings
    stringsWithBlankFirstOption.insert("", at: 0)
    floatingPickerViewController.stringArray = stringsWithBlankFirstOption
    //tells the picker view which view to update
    floatingPickerViewController.senderBox = box
    floatingPickerViewController.delegate = self
    floatingPickerViewController.view.layer.borderWidth = 1
    floatingPickerViewController.view.layer.borderColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor

    let popoverMenuViewController = floatingPickerViewController.popoverPresentationController
    popoverMenuViewController?.permittedArrowDirections = UIPopoverArrowDirection(rawValue:0) // removed the arrow thats defauls on a popover
    popoverMenuViewController?.delegate = self
    popoverMenuViewController?.sourceView = self.view

    popoverMenuViewController?.sourceRect = CGRect(
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        width: self.view.frame.width,
        height: self.view.frame.height)

    floatingPickerViewController.dismissBlock = {

        self.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil)

        animated: false,
        completion: nil)

    /// set the picker to preselect what was already selected
    let indexOfSelectedItem = floatingPickerViewController.stringArray.index(of: box.displayLabel.text ?? "") ?? 0

    //pre selects the last selected string
    floatingPickerViewController.numberPicker.selectRow(indexOfSelectedItem, inComponent: 0, animated: false)


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