关键是我有两棵树,每个节点都有“n”个子节点,“n”子节点有另一个“n”,依此类推(“n”是常数,我的意思是“如果” n = 14“然后每个节点有14个孩子,每个孩子还有14个孩子。”
有了这个概念,我需要找到满足某些条件的两个节点的组合(该条件是用户指定的,所以对于exapmple porpouse,假设我们需要有两个节点具有相同的内容)。
+ root/node3/node3/node14
+ root/node14
最后,我在这里留下我的代码,这样你就可以看到问题了(同样,我在java上做了,因为我匆匆忙忙地编写了程序,并且我在java编程更快,例如在C中 - 我说这是因为最终的实现不需要用任何特定的语言编写)
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class TreeAnalyzer{
private String data;
private int pposition;
private int qposition;
private int n;
private boolean found = false;
private BigInteger ten = new BigInteger("10");
public static void main(String[] args){
TreeAnalyzer ta = new TreeAnalyzer();
ta.setPrivateKey(args[0], args[1]);
public void setPrivateKey(String data, String n){
this.data = data;
this.n = Integer.parseInt(n);
this.pposition = 1;
this.qposition = 1;
public void iterate(){
int valid[] = this.getValid(this.getLast());
for(int i = 0;i <= (valid.length / 2);i++){
//restart positions. pposition and qposition represents the depth of each tree.
pposition = 1;
qposition = 1;
iterate(this.getNext(new BigInteger(Integer.toString(valid[i])), pposition), this.getNext(new BigInteger(Integer.toString(valid[++i])), qposition));
private int getLast(){
//get last part of data
private int[] getValid(int num){
//for first node, there are few options that are only valid. With this method we'll find it and save some nodes to be explored
//that options come always in pairs.
* The results of comparation can be checked partially as each node have independent parts. Despite that, more than one combination can
* partially match.
* When we find a combination of two nodes that match, we increase depth by 1 and start iterating over that point.
private boolean iterate(BigInteger p, BigInteger q){
if(pposition <= 0 || qposition <= 0)
return false;
return true;
BigInteger p1 = p;
BigInteger q1 = q;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
for(x = 0;x < n;x++){
for(y = 0;y < n;y++){
if(this.check(p1, q1, pposition, qposition)){
System.out.println("Result: " + p1 + " and " + q1);
this.iterate(this.getNext(p1, ++pposition), this.getNext(q1, ++qposition));
p1 = this.getNext(p1, qposition);
p1 = this.getNext(p1, qposition);
if(y == 9)
p1 = this.reset(p1, qposition);
q1 = this.getNext(q1, pposition);
return false;
private BigInteger getNext(BigInteger n, int position){
return n.add(ten.pow(position));
private BigInteger reset(BigInteger n, int position){
return getNext(n.mod(ten.pow(position)), position);
private boolean check(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, int pposition, int qposition){
//compare some content. It will return true or false, and maybe set "found" flag to true
return false;