
时间:2018-01-31 00:51:32

标签: scala


/home/ubuntu/Documents/Scala/Self/timeConvertIf.scala:12: error: type mismatch;
 found   : String
 required: Int
    val finalString = displayHours+":"("0"*(2-min.length))+min+":"+("0"*(2-sec.length))+sec
one error found


import io.StdIn._
print("Enter the number of seconds. ")
val totalSeconds = readInt()

if (totalSeconds > 0) {
    val displaySeconds = totalSeconds%60
    val totalMinutes = totalSeconds/60
    val displayMinutes = totalMinutes%60
    val displayHours = totalMinutes/60
    val sec = displaySeconds.toString
    val min = displayMinutes.toString
    val finalString = displayHours+":"("0"*(2-min.length))+min+":"+("0"*(2-sec.length))+sec
else {
    println("This only works for a positive number of seconds.")


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您在第一个+":"之间缺少一个("0" * (2 - min.length))

val finalString = displayHours + ":" + ("0" * (2 - min.length)) + min + ":" + ("0" * (2 - sec.length)) + sec

答案 1 :(得分:0)


val finalString = displayHours + ":" + ("0"*(2-min.length)) + min + 
                                 ":" + ("0"*(2-sec.length)) + sec


val finalString = f"${displayHours}:${displayMinutes}%02d:${displaySeconds}%02d"

答案 2 :(得分:0)


如果你缩进一点,留一些空间 在令牌之间,你可以看得更清楚:

import io.StdIn._
print("Enter the number of seconds. ")
val totalSeconds = 3600 // readInt()

if (totalSeconds > 0) {
  val displaySeconds = totalSeconds % 60
  val totalMinutes = totalSeconds / 60
  val displayMinutes = totalMinutes % 60
  val displayHours = totalMinutes / 60
  val sec = displaySeconds.toString
  val min = displayMinutes.toString
  val finalString = 
    displayHours + ":" + // <---- you missed this '+'
    ("0" * (2 - min.length)) + min + ":" + 
    ("0" * (2 - sec.length)) + sec
} else {
  println("This only works for a positive number of seconds.")

发生的事情是:您忘记了+,而是写下了":" (foo),其中foo的类型为String。 现在,编译器将它置于方法应用程序":".apply(foo)中(如果你写下来,它总是这样做) 类似于f(x),其中f不是方法。方法applyString上不存在,但 存在于&#34; pimped&#34; RichString,字符串":"自动转换为apply(i: Int)。方法RichString on i期望一个整数i,并返回该字符串的library(cowplot) A <- vare.dist.long %>% ggplot(aes(x = Var1, y = Var2, fill = value)) + geom_tile() + scale_fill_viridis(direction = 1) + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank(), plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,-1.5,1), "cm") ## Note the -1.5, it tells the grob to print itself 1.5 cm below its normal position. ) #/theme B <- %>% dplyr::select(-c(Var2, value)) %>% unique %>% arrange(Var1_Annotated) %>% mutate(highN = medcode_chr(N, 0, 1), highP = medcode_chr(P, 0, 1), highK = medcode_chr(K, 0, 1)) %>% dplyr::select(-c(N,P,K, Var1, Var1_Annotated)) %>% gather(key, value, -Var1_chr) %>% filter(value == 1) %>% ggplot(aes(x = Var1_chr, y = key, color = key)) + geom_point() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 270, hjust = 0, vjust = 0.5), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(), plot.margin = unit(c(0,1,1,1), "cm")) + coord_fixed(ratio = 0.3) cowplot::plot_grid(A,B, nrow = 2, align = "v") 个字符。这就是您收到错误消息的原因 &#34;需要Int但找到String&#34;