
时间:2018-01-30 17:55:48

标签: c# sql-server rdlc reportviewer ssrs-tablix

我已关注此博客,并且我已成功将动态数据集与ReportViewer中的Tablix绑定 -


private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Check if both selection criteria are present
            if (comboBox1.Text == "" || comboBox2.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please select employee", "No Selection", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            /* Generate payslip */

            //Get dept name and role
            DataSet dsDept = PanktiLa("select r.roledesc, d.depname from emprole r INNER JOIN deptmaster d on r.DEPSRNO = d.srno where r.empsrno = " + Convert.ToInt32(ds_combo1.Tables[0].Rows[comboBox1.SelectedIndex]["SRNO"]));

            //Get PF no and ESI no
            //We assume 1 = PF & 2 = ESI in DocMaster (I would like to keep these two values permanent)
            string pf = "-";
            string esi = "-";
            DataSet dsDocs = PanktiLa("select * from empdocs where empsrno = " + Convert.ToInt32(ds_combo1.Tables[0].Rows[comboBox1.SelectedIndex]["SRNO"]));
            if (dsDocs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //If there are records
                foreach (DataRow dr in dsDocs.Tables[0].Rows) //Cycle through dataset to find doc numbers
                    if (dr["DOCSRNO"].ToString() == "1") //This is PF#
                        pf = dr["DOCDESC"].ToString();
                    if (dr["DOCSRNO"].ToString() == "2") //This is ESI#
                        esi = dr["DOCDESC"].ToString();

            //Get bank ac no
            string khatano = "-";
            DataSet dsBank = PanktiLa("select ACNO from empbank where empsrno = " + Convert.ToInt32(ds_combo1.Tables[0].Rows[comboBox1.SelectedIndex]["SRNO"]));
            if (dsBank.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //If there are records
                khatano = dsBank.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ACNO"].ToString();

            //Populate earning & deduction datasets

            //To hold earnings
            DataTable dtE = new DataTable();

            //To hold deductions
            DataTable dtD = new DataTable();

            //Get all salary heads for the employee-month
            DataSet dsPYSalary = PanktiLa("select p.FKSRNO, p.SALCODE, p.AMT, s.SALNAME, s.SALTYPE from PYSalary p INNER JOIN SalaryMaster s ON s.SALCODE = p.SALCODE where FKSRNO = " + Convert.ToInt32(ds_combo1.Tables[0].Rows[comboBox1.SelectedIndex]["SRNO"]));

            //Segregate and label them based on earnings and deductions
            foreach (DataRow dr in dsPYSalary.Tables[0].Rows)
                if (dr["SALTYPE"].ToString() == "Earning") //Head is of earning type
                    //Populate earning dataset 'dsE'
                    DataRow drE = dtE.NewRow();
                    drE["SALNAME"] = dr["SALNAME"];
                    drE["AMT"] = dr["AMT"];
                else if (dr["SALTYPE"].ToString() == "Deduction") //Head is of deduction type
                    //Populate deduction dataset 'dsD'
                    DataRow drD = dtD.NewRow();
                    drD["SALNAME"] = dr["SALNAME"];
                    drD["AMT"] = dr["AMT"];

            //Populate OT
            //Get data
            DataSet dsPYOT = PanktiLa("select p.FKSRNO, p.OTSRNO, p.OQTY, p.OTAMT, m.OTID, m.OTNAME from PYOT p INNER JOIN OTMaster m ON p.OTSRNO = m.SRNO where FKSRNO = " + Convert.ToInt32(ds_combo1.Tables[0].Rows[comboBox1.SelectedIndex]["SRNO"]));

            foreach (DataRow dr in dsPYOT.Tables[0].Rows)
                //Populate earning dataset 'dsE'
                DataRow drO = dtE.NewRow();
                drO["SALNAME"] = dr["OTNAME"];
                drO["AMT"] = dr["OTAMT"];

            //Add table to dataset
            DataSet dsE = new DataSet();
            DataSet dsD = new DataSet();

            //Bind datasources
            dsE.Tables[0].TableName = "dtEarnings";
            this.dtEarningsBindingSource.DataSource = dsE;            
            dsD.Tables[0].TableName = "dtDeductions";
            this.dtDeductionsBindingSource.DataSource = dsD;

            //Define parameters
            ReportParameter _rpMonth = new ReportParameter("rpMonth", comboBox2.Text);
            ReportParameter _rpName = new ReportParameter("rpName", ds_combo1.Tables[0].Rows[comboBox1.SelectedIndex]["EMPNAME"].ToString());
            ReportParameter _rpID = new ReportParameter("rpEmpID", ds_combo1.Tables[0].Rows[comboBox1.SelectedIndex]["EMPID"].ToString());
            ReportParameter _rpDept = new ReportParameter("rpDept", dsDept.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DEPNAME"].ToString());
            ReportParameter _rpRole = new ReportParameter("rpRole", dsDept.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ROLEDESC"].ToString());
            ReportParameter _rpPF = new ReportParameter("rpPFNO", pf);
            ReportParameter _rpESI = new ReportParameter("rpESINO", esi);
            ReportParameter _rpBankAcNo = new ReportParameter("rpBankAcNo", khatano);

            //Set parameters
            reportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] 
            { _rpMonth, _rpName, _rpID, _rpDept, _rpRole, _rpPF, _rpESI, _rpBankAcNo });

            //Refresh report

        private DataSet PanktiLa(string queryle)
            string connString = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("D:\\Payroll\\Payroll.txt") + " User ID = sa; Password = DEMO";
            DataSet ds_local = new DataSet();

            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(queryle, conn);
                SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();

                adapter.SelectCommand = cmd;

                return (ds_local);


我错过了什么? 注意:我注意到虽然DataSet绑定到dataTable,但又绑定到ReportViewer,但DataSet Columns之间没有1对1绑定{1}}的{​​{1}}和ReportViewer的{​​1}}。那里有什么要做的吗?

我正在使用带有SQL Server 2008 R2 Express和.Net 4.5.2的VS2015在C#中使用WinForms进行编码

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