
时间:2018-01-29 05:46:40

标签: perl


use strict;
use warnings;

use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
my $workbook  = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new( 'deep.xls' );
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();

$worksheet->write( 0, 0, "DEEP" ) ;
$worksheet->write( 0, 1, "RIJU" );
$worksheet->write( 1, 0, "Sukhi" );
$worksheet->write( 1, 1, "Abhilash" );



FILE_NAME                   Start_Timestamp     End_Timestamp   Record Count    Inbound/Outbound
OmahaTran.txt               1/25/2018 3:40      1/25/2018 3:40  90390           Inbound
concord                     1/24/2018 20:50     1/24/2018 20:50 8631            Inbound
iDine:RewardsNetwork 5220   1/24/2018 12:01     1/24/2018 12:04 218985          Outbound
nashville                   1/25/2018 4:30      1/25/2018 4:32  6810            Inbound
nstrans0.20180125           1/25/2018 2:00      1/25/2018 2:00  124573          Inbound

由于我是perl的新用户,任何人都可以帮我解决如何从文本文件中检索“FILE_NAME”“End_Timestamp”和“Record Count”列并将其写入excel

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


<强> parse_fixed.pl

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use warnings;
use strict;

my $usage = "usage: $0 file\n";
my $file = $ARGV[0] or die $usage;
-f $file or die $usage;

# Create $workbook and $worksheet objects here.

open my $fh, "<$file" or die "Unable to open '$file' : $!";
while(my $line = <$fh>) {
    # Unpack the fields, first field 27 chars, then 19 chars, etc.
    # perldoc -f pack
    my @fields = unpack("A27 A19 A17 A16 A20", $line);

    # Remove leading and trailing whitespace for each field
    # perldoc -f map
    # perldoc perlretut
    my ($file_name, $start, $stop, $record_count, $direction)
        = map { s|^\s*||; s|\s*||; $_ } @fields; 

    print("filename: '$file_name', start: '$start', stop: '$stop', record_count: '$record_count', direction: '$direction'\n");

    # Add $worksheet->write(...) lines for each field here.


# Close $workbook here.


perl parse_fixed.pl input

filename: 'FILE_NAME', start: 'Start_Timestamp', stop: 'End_Timestamp', record_count: 'Record Count', direction: 'Inbound/Outbound'
filename: 'OmahaTran.txt', start: '1/25/2018 3:40', stop: '1/25/2018 3:40', record_count: '90390', direction: 'Inbound'
filename: 'concord', start: '1/24/2018 20:50', stop: '1/24/2018 20:50', record_count: '8631', direction: 'Inbound'
filename: 'iDine:RewardsNetwork 5220', start: '1/24/2018 12:01', stop: '1/24/2018 12:04', record_count: '218985', direction: 'Outbound'
filename: 'nashville', start: '1/25/2018 4:30', stop: '1/25/2018 4:32', record_count: '6810', direction: 'Inbound'
filename: 'nstrans0.20180125', start: '1/25/2018 2:00', stop: '1/25/2018 2:00', record_count: '124573', direction: 'Inbound'

Maven.com dealing with fixed-width records

perldoc -f pack

答案 1 :(得分:1)






use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use feature 'say';

my $head;

my $template = do {

    $head = <DATA>;

    my @template;
    my $prev;

    while ( $head =~ / \S+ (?: [ ] \S+ )* /xg ) {
        push @template, defined $prev ? 'A' . ( $-[0] - $prev ) : '@' . $-[0];
        $prev = $-[0];

    push @template, 'A*';


say qq{Pack format "$template"\n};

say join ',', unpack $template, $head;

while ( <DATA> ) {
    say join ',', unpack $template, $_;

FILE_NAME                   Start_Timestamp     End_Timestamp   Record Count    Inbound/Outbound
OmahaTran.txt               1/25/2018 3:40      1/25/2018 3:40  90390           Inbound
concord                     1/24/2018 20:50     1/24/2018 20:50 8631            Inbound
iDine:RewardsNetwork 5220   1/24/2018 12:01     1/24/2018 12:04 218985          Outbound
nashville                   1/25/2018 4:30      1/25/2018 4:32  6810            Inbound
nstrans0.20180125           1/25/2018 2:00      1/25/2018 2:00  124573          Inbound


Pack format "@0 A28 A20 A16 A16 A*"

FILE_NAME,Start_Timestamp,End_Timestamp,Record Count,Inbound/Outbound
OmahaTran.txt,1/25/2018 3:40,1/25/2018 3:40,90390,Inbound
concord,1/24/2018 20:50,1/24/2018 20:50,8631,Inbound
iDine:RewardsNetwork 5220,1/24/2018 12:01,1/24/2018 12:04,218985,Outbound
nashville,1/25/2018 4:30,1/25/2018 4:32,6810,Inbound
nstrans0.20180125,1/25/2018 2:00,1/25/2018 2:00,124573,Inbound