Public Sub NextRecord()
Dim myThread As Thread
myThread = New Thread(AddressOf ReadRecord)
End Sub
编辑: 尝试过互锁的东西,但这不是问题
首先,我的" ReadRecord"方法。它的目标是找到一个可从服务器列表中访问的服务器,并尝试读取有效的数据行
'Reads a PLC record from the next available server in the list and updates the current server
Sub ReadRecord()
' If current state is busy then exit
' If 1 = Interlocked.Exchange(busy, 1) Then
If busy = 1 Then
Debug.Write("Trying to read, but another thread is already reading")
Exit Sub
End If
'Interlocked.Exchange(busy, 0)
busy = 1
' look for the first server with connected status
For i = 0 To serverList.Count - 1
Dim newIndex = (currentIndex + 1) Mod serverList.Count
' Interlocked.Exchange(currentIndex, newIndex)
currentIndex = newIndex
Dim daServer As ADSServer = GetCurrentServer()
' Check the server status
If GetAndUpdateServerStatus(daServer) Then '<----- this is where the freeze comes
' Check if the server is in tempo
If daServer.IsInTempo() Then
' We can read from that server
Dim record As PLCRecord
record = daServer.ReadPLCRecord(tcads)
If record.IsValid() Then
' Stop the loop, because we read a valid record
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
'Release the lock
' Interlocked.Exchange(busy, 0)
busy = 0
End Sub
对GetAndUpdateServerStatus的调用尝试连接到服务器并更新其&#34; alive&#34;状态
Function OpenADSConnection(tcads As AxADSOCXLib.AxAdsOcx, Optional ByRef exception As String = "", Optional serverId As String = "", Optional port As String = "") As Boolean
'first, make sure that we're not interfering with another connection
If tcads.AdsAmsConnected Then
exception = "OpenADSConnection - Connexion ADS déjà ouverte pour " & tcads.AdsAmsServerNetId & " Impossible d'ouvrir une nouvelle connexion pour " & serverId & " tant que la connexion n'est pas fermée."
Return False
End If
tcads.AdsAmsServerNetId = IIf(serverId = "", My.Settings.adsServerId, serverId)
tcads.AdsAmsServerPort = IIf(port = "", My.Settings.adsPort, port)
tcads.AdsAmsConnect() '<---- this is an API call to connect to the server. tcads is an activeX control using microsoft COM (according to their doc)
If Not tcads.AdsAmsConnected Then
exception = "OpenADSConnection - Impossible de se contecter au routeur ADS. Veuillez vérifier que TwinCat est bien installé sur cet ordinateur et que l'application est en train de tourner."
Return False
End If
If tcads.AdsServerAdsState = "INVALID" Then
exception = "OpenADSConnection - Aucun serveur d'automation n'est joignable à l'adresse " & tcads.AdsAmsServerNetId & "::" & tcads.AdsAmsServerPort
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
ADS-OCX提供方法,事件和属性 能够通过TwinCAT与其他ADS设备交换信息 路由器。 ADS-OCX实现为ActiveX控件元素,和 基于Microsoft的COM技术。