Wing IDE一直说明
line 403, in <module>
new = _insert_in_order(self, temp)
builtins.NameError: name '_insert_in_order' is not defined
class SortedFreqList(FreqList):
"""FreqList that keeps items in order, sorted by their frequencies"""
def __init__(self):
self.freq_list_type = 'SortedFreqList'
def _insert_in_order(self, freq_node):
""" Takes a FreqNode and inserts in to the list so that
items are sorted from largest to smallest.
NOTE: The list must contain something for this method to work.
In general this method should only be called from the add method,
see the add method docstring for information on how to use this method.
***** DON'T change this method *****
# so we don't have to lookup each time
freq_of_item = freq_node.frequency
# check to see if larger than first freq in list
if freq_of_item > self.head.frequency:
freq_node.next_node = self.head
self.head = freq_node
curr_freq = self.head
inserted = False
while curr_freq.next_node is not None and not inserted:
if freq_of_item > curr_freq.next_node.frequency:
# insert here
freq_node.next_node = curr_freq.next_node
curr_freq.next_node = freq_node
inserted = True
curr_freq = curr_freq.next_node
# got to end and didn't find
if not inserted:
freq_node.next_node = None # as now at end of list
curr_freq.next_node = freq_node
def add(self, new_item):
If the list is empty then make a new FreqNode and insert it at head.
If the new_item is not already in freq list then adds the given
item with a frequency of 1 as a FreqNode object to the end of the list.
If the given new item is already in the list,
the frequency is incremented by 1.
If needed (ie, the freq is now greater than the previous node),
the node is removed and then inserted
in to its sorted position - using _insert_in_order.
>>> f = SortedFreqList()
>>> f.add('a')
>>> print(f)
Sorted Frequency List
1: 'a' = 1
>>> f.add('b')
>>> print(f)
Sorted Frequency List
1: 'a' = 1
2: 'b' = 1
>>> f.add('b')
>>> print(f)
Sorted Frequency List
1: 'b' = 2
2: 'a' = 1
>>> f.add('c')
>>> print(f)
Sorted Frequency List
1: 'b' = 2
2: 'a' = 1
3: 'c' = 1
>>> f.add('a')
>>> print(f)
Sorted Frequency List
1: 'b' = 2
2: 'a' = 2
3: 'c' = 1
>>> f.add('c')
>>> print(f)
Sorted Frequency List
1: 'b' = 2
2: 'a' = 2
3: 'c' = 2
>>> f.add('c')
>>> f.add('d')
>>> f.add('d')
>>> f.add('e')
>>> print(f)
Sorted Frequency List
1: 'c' = 3
2: 'b' = 2
3: 'a' = 2
4: 'd' = 2
5: 'e' = 1
>>> f.add('e')
>>> f.add('e')
>>> print(f)
Sorted Frequency List
1: 'c' = 3
2: 'e' = 3
3: 'b' = 2
4: 'a' = 2
5: 'd' = 2
# make sure you read the docstring for this method!
# ---start student section---
if self.head is None:
self.head = FreqNode(new_item)
found = False
current = self.head
previous = None
while current is not None:
if current.item == new_item:
found = True
temp = current
previous.next_node = current.next_node
new = _insert_in_order(self, temp)
previous = current
current = current.next_node
if not found:
new_node = FreqNode(new_item)
current = self.head
while current.next_node!= None:
current = current.next_node
current.next_node = new_node
答案 0 :(得分:1)
new = self._insert_in_order(temp)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
类的一部分。 (编辑:你修好了)
首先修复缩进,重新运行,确认错误消失。 (在内部方法中,您还需要使用self.insert_in_order