我一直试图弄清楚为什么会在我的代码中发生这种情况,但我不明白为什么。以下是我的代码;我评论了错误发生的代码行 - > // ERROR 1 // ERROR 2
#ifndef DATA
#define DATA
#include <stdbool.h>
struct Node{
double pattern[19];
double bitstring[19];
double affinity;
double fitness;
double radius;
double cost;
bool instance_class; // normal-> false / anomaly-> true
int counter;
int correct; // Number of anomalies correctly identified
int confirm;
struct Node* next;
struct Node* memory_cells;
struct Node* best_detector;
typedef struct cells{
double pattern[19];
int confirm;
void delete_list(struct Node** head_ref)
/* deref head_ref to get the real head */
struct Node* current = *head_ref;
struct Node* next;
while (current != NULL)
next = current->next; // ERROR 2
free(current); //ERROR 1
current = next;
/* deref head_ref to affect the real head back
in the caller. */
*head_ref = NULL;
void delete_node_list(struct Node** list){
struct Node* temp = *list;
while(*list != NULL){
delete_list(&((*list)->memory_cells)); // ERROR 1
delete_list(&((*list)->best_detector)); // ERROR 2
*list = (*list)->next;
*list = temp;
void insert_list(struct Node** list, double detector[SIZE]){
struct Node* temp = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
temp -> pattern[i] = detector[i];
temp -> bitstring[i] = doubleToBinary(detector[i]);
temp->memory_cells = NULL;
temp->best_detector = NULL;
temp->affinity = 0.0;
temp->fitness = 0.0;
temp->radius = 0.0;
temp->cost = 0.0;
temp->counter = 0;
temp->correct = 0;
temp->confirm = 0;
temp -> next = *list;
*list = temp;
void insert_memorycell(struct Node** list, double pattern[SIZE]) {
struct Node* cell = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
cell -> pattern[i] = pattern[i];
cell -> bitstring[i] = doubleToBinary(pattern[i]);
cell->memory_cells = NULL;
cell->best_detector = NULL;
cell->affinity = 0.0;
cell->fitness = 0.0;
cell->radius = 0.0;
cell->cost = 0.0;
cell->counter = 0;
cell->correct = 0;
cell->confirm = 0;
cell->next = (*list)->memory_cells;
(*list)->memory_cells = cell;
void insert_best_detector(struct Node** list, double pattern[SIZE]) {
struct Node* cell = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
cell -> pattern[i] = pattern[i];
cell -> bitstring[i] = doubleToBinary(pattern[i]);
cell->memory_cells = NULL;
cell->best_detector = NULL;
cell->affinity = 0.0;
cell->fitness = 0.0;
cell->radius = 0.0;
cell->cost = 0.0;
cell->counter = 0;
cell->correct = 0;
cell->confirm = 0;
cell->next = (*list)->best_detector;
(*list)->best_detector = cell;
/****************** CLIENT CODE ****************/
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "NSA_NSL_KDD.h"
#include "CLONALG_NSL_KDD.h"
#include "aiNet_NSL_KDD.h"
#include "SortingLists.h"
#include "TCPClient.h"
#include "TCPCommunication.h"
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define PORT 9005
#define MAX_DETECTORS 300
void initialization_phase(struct Node** detectors, struct Node** recv_memory_cells, struct Node* self_dataset, int iteration, int max_detectors){
int received_antigen = list_size(*recv_memory_cells);
if(iteration == 0){
negative_selection(detectors, self_dataset, max_detectors);
//insert received memory cells in detectors list
struct Node* temp = *recv_memory_cells;
while(temp != NULL){
insert_list(detectors, temp->pattern);
set_detector_radius(detectors, self_dataset);
temp = temp->next;
negative_selection(detectors, self_dataset, max_detectors - received_antigen);
void detection_phase(struct Node** detectors, struct Node* dataset){ //Negative selection
struct Node * temp = *detectors;
struct Node * temp2 = dataset;
while(*detectors != NULL){
while(dataset != NULL){
if(euclidian_distance(dataset->pattern, (*detectors)->pattern) < (*detectors)->radius){
(*detectors)->counter += 1;
insert_memorycell(detectors, dataset->pattern);
(*detectors)->correct += 1;
dataset = dataset->next;
*detectors = (*detectors)->next;
dataset = temp2;
*detectors = temp;
void calculation_phase(struct Node** detectors, char* file_name){
int lines = 0;
int lineCount = 0;
int self_antigen_num = 0;
int non_self_antigen_num = 0;
char * lastAttribute;
FILE * f_Calculation_Phase_Pointer = fopen(file_name, "r");
lineCount = GetFileLines(file_name);
struct Node* temp = *detectors;
// get self_antigen_num and non_self_antigen_num values
while(lines < lineCount){
lastAttribute = GetInstanceClass(&f_Calculation_Phase_Pointer);
if(strncmp(lastAttribute,"normal",6) == 0)
printf("\nself antigen num: %d\n", self_antigen_num);
printf("non self antigen num: %d\n", non_self_antigen_num);
// calculate each detector's fitness
while(*detectors != NULL){
if(non_self_antigen_num > 0)
(*detectors)->fitness = (double)(*detectors)->correct/(double)non_self_antigen_num;
(*detectors)->fitness = 0.0;
*detectors = (*detectors)->next;
*detectors = temp;
void selection_phase(struct Node* detectors, struct Node** best_detectors, struct Node** judgment_agents){
struct Node* temp = detectors;
double max_fitness = 0.0;
int counter = 0;
int max_counter = 0; // to select judgment_agents
// find max fitness value
while(detectors != NULL){
if(detectors->fitness > max_fitness)
max_fitness = detectors->fitness;
if(max_counter < detectors->counter)
max_counter = detectors->counter;
detectors = detectors->next;
detectors = temp;
//find best detectors with the highest fitness
while(detectors != NULL){
if(detectors->fitness == max_fitness){
insert_list(best_detectors, detectors->pattern);
(*best_detectors)->counter = detectors->counter;
(*best_detectors)->fitness = detectors->fitness;
(*best_detectors)->radius = detectors->radius;
struct Node* temp2 = detectors->memory_cells;
while(detectors->memory_cells != NULL){
insert_memorycell(best_detectors, detectors->memory_cells->pattern);
detectors->memory_cells = detectors->memory_cells->next;
detectors->memory_cells = temp2;
detectors = detectors->next;
//find best detector
if(list_size(*best_detectors) > 1){
struct Node* temp2 = NULL;
while(*best_detectors != NULL){
if((*best_detectors)->counter >= counter){
counter = (*best_detectors)->counter;
temp2 = *best_detectors;
*best_detectors = (*best_detectors)->next;
//list best_detectors with only the best detector
*best_detectors = temp2;
//select judgment agents
detectors = temp;
int n = list_size(detectors)/2;
int i = 0;
while(i < n){
while(detectors != NULL){
int c = 0;
if(max_counter > 0)
c = rand()%max_counter;
if(detectors->counter >= c && !euclidian_distance_match_list(*judgment_agents, detectors->pattern, 0.0)
&& !cell_equal((*best_detectors)->pattern, detectors->pattern)){
insert_list(judgment_agents, detectors->pattern);
detectors = detectors->next;
detectors = temp;
void detection_phase_2(struct Node** judgment_agents, struct Node** detectors, struct Node* best_detector){ //clonal selection
struct Node* temp = *judgment_agents;
while(*judgment_agents != NULL){ //informed by best detector
insert_best_detector(judgment_agents, best_detector->pattern);
*judgment_agents = (*judgment_agents)->next;
*judgment_agents = temp;
while(*judgment_agents != NULL){ //Mutating -> Moving near best agent
//mutating one clone instance in clones each time function is called
*judgment_agents = (*judgment_agents)->next;
*judgment_agents = temp;
//Sorting by fitness and fixing agents control population
void judgment_phase(struct Node** judgment_clones, struct Node** memory_cells, struct Node* self_dataset){ //Immune Network
//set judgment_clones radius
struct Node* temp = *judgment_clones;
while(*judgment_clones != NULL){
set_detector_radius(judgment_clones, self_dataset);
*judgment_clones = (*judgment_clones)->next;
*judgment_clones = temp;
struct Node* temp2 = *memory_cells;
while(*judgment_clones != NULL){
while(*memory_cells != NULL){
if(euclidian_distance((*judgment_clones)->pattern, (*memory_cells)->pattern) < (*judgment_clones)->radius)
(*memory_cells)->confirm += 1;
*memory_cells = (*memory_cells)->next;
*memory_cells = temp2;
*judgment_clones = (*judgment_clones)->next;
*judgment_clones = temp;
*memory_cells = temp2;
int main(){
srand ( time(NULL) );
struct Node* detectors = NULL;
struct Node* self_dataset = NULL;
struct Node* train_dataset = NULL;
struct Node* best_detector = NULL;
struct Node* judgment_agents = NULL;
struct Node* recv_memory_cells = NULL;
struct Node* final_detectors = NULL;
double max_fitness = 0.0;
const int max_detectors = 150; //Number of cells to send or receive
//generate datasets...
generate_dataset(&self_dataset, "Self_Dataset.txt");
generate_dataset(&train_dataset, "Dataset.txt");
double accuracy = -1;
for(int iteration = 0; iteration < ITERATIONS; iteration++){
printf("\niteration: %d\n", iteration);
//delete lists
if(iteration != 0){
delete_node_list(&detectors); // ERROR 2
delete_node_list(&best_detector); // ERROR 1 when iteraton == 1
//--- deleted lists
initialization_phase(&detectors, &recv_memory_cells, self_dataset, iteration, max_detectors);
detection_phase(&detectors, train_dataset);
calculation_phase(&detectors, "Dataset.txt");
selection_phase(detectors, &best_detector, &judgment_agents);
if(get_detectors_accuracy(detectors, train_dataset) > get_detectors_accuracy(final_detectors, train_dataset)){
struct Node* temp = detectors;
while(temp != NULL){
insert_list(&final_detectors, temp->pattern);
final_detectors->fitness = temp->fitness;
final_detectors->counter = temp->counter;
final_detectors->correct = temp->correct;
final_detectors->radius = temp->radius;
temp = temp->next;
detection_phase_2(&judgment_agents, &detectors, best_detector);
judgment_phase(&judgment_agents, &best_detector->memory_cells, self_dataset);
client(best_detector->memory_cells, &recv_memory_cells, max_detectors);
printf("\nFINAL DETECTORS\n\n");
print_detectors_performance(final_detectors, train_dataset);
return 0;