Sub try()
Dim lrow As Long, i As Long
Dim inArr As Variant
Dim oArr() As Variant
With Sheet1
lrow = 10
inArr = .Range("B1:C" & lrow).Value
ReDim oArr(1 To UBound(inArr, 1), 1 To 1)
For i = LBound(inArr, 1) To UBound(inArr, 1)
oArr(i, 1) = Application.Sum(Application.Index(inArr, i, 0))
Next i
.Range("A1:A" & lrow).Value = oArr
End With
End Sub
HistoryID ItemID Cost Date User
136551 2233 120 2017-06-06 Bren
154021 2233 125 2018-01-26 Admin
136552 2251 89 2017-06-06 Bren
154023 2251 95 2018-01-26 Admin
154026 2251 100 2018-01-29 Manager
答案 0 :(得分:0)
正如@Gordon Linoff建议的那样,请发布您正在使用的数据库和版本。
这是一个tsql解决方案应该与MSSQL 2008 +
一起使用declare @example as table (
ExampleID int not null primary key clustered
, ItemID int not null
, Cost int not null
, Date_ date not null
, User_ nvarchar(25) not null
insert into @example (ExampleID, ItemID, Cost, Date_, User_)
select 136551, 2233, 120, '2017-06-06', 'Bren' union all
select 154021, 2233, 125, '2018-01-26', 'Admin' union all
select 136552, 2251, 89, '2017-06-06', 'Bren' union all
select 154023, 2251, 95, '2018-01-26', 'Admin' union all
select 154026, 2251, 100, '2018-01-29', 'Manager';
;with cte as (
select ExampleID
, ItemID
, Cost
, Date_
, User_
, dense_rank() over(partition by ItemID order by exampleid desc) Ranking
from @example
, cte2 as (
select ItemID
, [2] PreviousCost
, [1] CurrentCost
from (
select ItemID
, Cost
, Ranking
from cte
where ranking < 3
) x
min(cost) for ranking in ([1], [2])
) as pvt
select a.ItemID
, PreviousCost
, CurrentCost
, abs(PreviousCost - CurrentCost) CostDifference
, Date_
, User_
from cte a
join cte2 b
on a.ItemID = b.ItemID
where Ranking = 1