现在已经开始反对这一天了,让我想起20多年前学习MFC: - (
package require Tk
wm title . "get user specified file name (how hard can it be?)"
labelframe .lfInput -text "user specified file name goes here"
set userChoice "userChoice is bound to this field"
# note not $userChoice in next line
entry .lfInput.ent -width 40 -textvariable userChoice
button .lfInput.but -text "Kindly press this button and choose a file.\nNot only will I write the file name\nin the the field to the left, I'll make\nit available to anyone who cares\n to press the button below."\
-command "fileDialog .lfInput .lfInput.ent"
pack .lfInput.ent -side left -padx 10 -expand yes -fill x
pack .lfInput.but -side left -padx 10 -pady 3
pack .lfInput -fill x -padx 2c -pady 3
focus .lfInput.ent
button .b -text "Press this button to write\nuserChoice to the console\nthereby demonstrating\nthe ability to get a file\nname from the user."\
-command "writeTheArg {$userChoice}"
pack .b
proc fileDialog {w ent} {
set types { {"All files" *} }
set userFile [tk_getOpenFile -multiple false -filetypes $types -parent $w -typevariable "All files"]
if {[string compare $userFile ""]} {
$ent delete 0 end
$ent insert 0 $userFile
$ent xview end
puts "line 34: local userFile is $userFile"
proc writeTheArg {s} {
puts "line 38: puts $s"
puts "line 41: user choice is {$userChoice}"
puts "when pressing second button, the file chosen by the user should show up here\n\
by virtue of the textvariable option at line 9\n...\n"
这对于它的声明目的来说是过度的,我们在这里做的任何事都可以在proc fileDialog中完成。但是,如果有更多的用户选择要收集 大概我们可以在procUpdperUserFile中对它们进行排序并继续。
proc fileDialog应该返回一个本地$ userFile,它是关于记住$$$
的全部内容答案 0 :(得分:0)
proc fileDialog {w ent} {
global userFile
set types { {"All files" *} }
set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -parent $w]
if {[string compare $file ""]} {
# Only update the global if the user didn't cancel
set userFile $file
$ent delete 0 end
$ent insert 0 $userFile
$ent xview end
puts "line 34: local userFile is $userFile"
的{{1}}选项来执行最简单的版本:在幕后为您设置跟踪,以便始终显示变量的当前内容: / p>
您只需要直接设置跟踪(使用pack [label .showTheUserFile -textvariable userFile]
答案 1 :(得分:0)
package require Tk
wm title . "get user specified file name"
labelframe .fileSelectorGroup -text "press the button to choose your file"
set userFileChoice "userFileChoice is bound to this field"
# note not $userFileChoice in next line
entry .fileSelectorGroup.ent -width 40 -textvariable userFileChoice
button .fileSelectorGroup.but -text "Kindly press this button and choose a file.\nNot only will I write the file name\nin the the field to the left, I'll make\nit appear in the console."\
-command "getUserFileAndProceed .fileSelectorGroup .fileSelectorGroup.ent"
pack .fileSelectorGroup.ent -side left -padx 10 -expand yes -fill x
pack .fileSelectorGroup.but -side left -padx 10 -pady 3
pack .fileSelectorGroup -fill x -padx 2c -pady 3
focus .fileSelectorGroup.ent
proc getUserFileAndProceed {w ent} {
set userChoice [fileDialog $w $ent]
puts "line 21: userChoice is $userChoice"
puts "have a nice day"
proc fileDialog {w ent} {
set types { {"All files" *} }
set userFile [tk_getOpenFile -multiple false -filetypes $types -parent $w -typevariable "All files"]
if {[string compare $userFile ""]} {
$ent delete 0 end
$ent insert 0 $userFile
$ent xview end
return $userFile