
时间:2018-01-25 20:35:45

标签: python maya



所以我创建了一个窗口,用另一个组织复制Maya的ChannelBox。现在我尝试在不同的textField(transX,transY ..)中自动设置和更新所选对象的属性值。



transX_value = cmds.textField( w=100 , h=22 , tx= cmds.getAttr("%s.translateX" %selected[0]) )


def updateValues () :

for sel in selection :
    sel_attr = cmds.getAttr("%s+.name" %selected[0])
    cmds.setAttr( "%s+.name" , textField)



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


import maya.cmds as cmds

wName = "Key_Manager"
selected = cmds.ls(selection=True)

if cmds.window(wName , exists = 1) : cmds.deleteUI(wName)

window = cmds.window( wName, s=0)
form = cmds.formLayout (wName +'Form')

translateMenu = cmds.text ( l='TranslateX' ,  fn="boldLabelFont")

translateMenu 真的很误导,它是一个简单的标签。如果您在一段时间后返回代码,您可能无法立即知道这意味着什么,因为您也可以在窗口中使用菜单。

cmds.formLayout( form , e=1 , attachForm = [ (translateMenu , 'top' , 45) , (translateMenu, 'left' , 50 ) ] )

transX_value = cmds.textField( w=100 , h=22 , tx= cmds.getAttr("%s.translateX" %selected[0]) , ec = 'updateValue( "Key_Manager|translateX|transX" )' )


transX_value = cmds.textField( w=100 , h=22 , tx= cmds.getAttr("%s.translateX" %selected[0]))
cmds.textField(transX_value, edit=True, ec = 'updateValue("%s")'%transX_value)


cmds.formLayout( form , e=1 , attachForm = [ (transX_value , 'top' , 68) , (transX_value , 'left' , 50 ) ] )

cmds.window( wName,e=1)

def updateValue (name) :    
    name = name.split('|')
    name = name[-1]
    attr = name.split('|')
    attr = name[1]

    cmds.setAttr ("%s + .attr" %selected, name+'_value'.text.getAttr('value'))

由于某些原因, updateValue()永远无法正常工作。您要做的是从文本字段中检索值并将其应用于对象。 让我们想象你使用改进版本和ec - 命令:

def updateValue (name) :    
    value = cmds.textField(name, query=True, text=True)


cmds.setAttr ("%s + .attr" %selected, name+'_value'.text.getAttr('value'))

您尝试将值分配给对象,但使用列表(选择是列表)并且没有任何名为" attr"。所以第一部分是:



cmds.setAttr("%s.translateX"%selected[0], float(value))



答案 1 :(得分:0)


第一步,我需要了解如何在tx更改时更新属性。 在第二步,如果我选择另一个对象,我需要自动更新值。


transX_value = cmds.textField( w=100 , h=22 , tx= cmds.getAttr("%s.translateX" %selected[0]) , ec = 'updateValue( "Key_Manager|translateX|transX" )' )

def updateValue (name) :

    name = name.split('|')
    name = name[-1]
    attr = name.split('|')
    attr = name[1]

    cmds.setAttr ("%s + .attr" %selected, textField.tx)`

答案 2 :(得分:0)


import maya.cmds as cmds

wName = "Key_Manager"
selected = cmds.ls(selection=True)

# Make a new window
if cmds.window(wName , exists = 1) : cmds.deleteUI(wName)

window = cmds.window( wName, s=0)
form = cmds.formLayout (wName +'Form')

# Translate
translateMenu = cmds.text ( l='TranslateX' ,  fn="boldLabelFont")
cmds.formLayout( form , e=1 , attachForm = [ (translateMenu , 'top' , 45) , (translateMenu, 'left' , 50 ) ] )

transX_value = cmds.textField( w=100 , h=22 , tx= cmds.getAttr("%s.translateX" %selected[0]) , ec = 'updateValue( "Key_Manager|translateX|transX" )' )
cmds.formLayout( form , e=1 , attachForm = [ (transX_value , 'top' , 68) , (transX_value , 'left' , 50 ) ] )

# Show Window
cmds.window( wName,e=1)

# Update Value
def updateValue (name) :

    name = name.split('|')
    name = name[-1]
    attr = name.split('|')
    attr = name[1]

    cmds.setAttr ("%s + .attr" %selected, name+'_value'.text.getAttr('value'))

您需要选择一个对象才能启动它。 谢谢你的帮助。

答案 3 :(得分:0)


import maya.cmds as cmds
from functools import partial

# Update Value
# I've changed the function and add the var attr to be more procedural
# and i've added *args, because command flags in maya add a default last argument True that
# is not useful
def updateValue (name, attr, *args) :    
    value = cmds.textField(name, query=True, text=True)
    #I've added the attr to be more procedural
    cmds.setAttr("%s.%s" %(selected[0], attr), float(value))

wName = "Key_Manager"
# Not enough protected varaible selected : should be inside a dic or a variable name more complicated
# as : Key_Manager_sel = cmds.ls(selection=True)
# see forward in the end on the update method
selected = cmds.ls(selection=True)

# Make a new window
if cmds.window(wName , exists = 1) : cmds.deleteUI(wName)

window = cmds.window( wName, s=0)
form = cmds.formLayout (wName +'Form')

# your attr should be not harcoded, see line 29, in order to be procedural
attr = 'translateX'
# Translate
# Create only one element one layout to place in your formLayout
wdgSetField = cmds.rowLayout(numberOfColumns=2)
# for ui nomenclature, i use lb_ for label or text (in Qt, it is cmds.text is a QLabel)
# attr[0].upper() is your 'T' and attr[1:] is : 'ranslateX' 
lb_Tx = cmds.text ( l=attr[0].upper() + attr[1:] ,  fn="boldLabelFont", p=wdgSetField)
# same here i would use a prefix because it is not really your value tx
# as haggi krey told you, you have to attach the function in a second part in order to have the name of the textField
transX_value = cmds.textField( w=100 , h=22 , tx= cmds.getAttr("%s.%s" %(selected[0], attr)), p=wdgSetField)
cmds.textField(transX_value, edit=True, ec = partial(updateValue, transX_value, attr))

# Just attach it to the form layout
cmds.formLayout( form , e=1 , attachForm = [ (wdgSetField , 'top' , 45) , (wdgSetField, 'left' , 50 ) ] )
# from line 17 to 28, should be a def because you will repeat this code for many attributes :
def widget_attr(attr, pos=list):
    parameter:: attr:: <str> long name of an attr, ie : 'translateX'
    parameter:: pos:: <list> [45, 50] take exactly two integer
    wdgSetField = cmds.rowLayout(numberOfColumns=2, p=form)
    lb_attr = cmds.text ( l=attr[0].upper() + attr[1:] ,  fn="boldLabelFont", p=wdgSetField)
    le_value = cmds.textField( w=100 , h=22 , tx= cmds.getAttr("%s.%s" %(selected[0], attr)), p=wdgSetField)
    cmds.textField(le_value, edit=True, ec = partial(setValue, le_value, attr))
    cmds.formLayout( form , e=1 , attachForm = [ (wdgSetField , 'top' , pos[0]) , (wdgSetField, 'left' , pos[1] ) ] )
    # return the line edit for futur use, it is just here for knowledge (your can return a list of items too)
    return [attr, le_value]

# Why using dictionnary ? it could be a list but if you want to update every value on selection change,
# you will have to store this textField somewhere
ui_dic = {}
ui_dic['tx_prm'] = widget_attr('translateX', [45, 50])
ui_dic['ty_prm'] = widget_attr('translateY', [90, 100])
ui_dic['rx_prm'] = widget_attr('rotateX', [140, 50])

def updateTextField(selected):
    # Loop through the textField
    for k in ui_dic.keys():
        # in theory, i could just take 'tx_prm' and strip _prm  to find the attr but :
        attr =  ui_dic[k][0]
        le_Name = ui_dic[k][1]
        value = cmds.getAttr("%s.%s" %(selected[0], attr))
        cmds.textField(le_Name, e=True, text=str(value))

def setValue(name, attr, *args):
    value = cmds.textField(name, query=True, text=True)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.%s" %(selected[0], attr), float(value))

# For the script Job Part :

def onChangeSel():
    selected = cmds.ls(selection=True)

# On selection change, update selection and textField
scriptJobID = cmds.scriptJob(e=["SelectionChanged", onChangeSel], protected=True)
# Script Job need to be deleted when the ui is closed or they will stack :

def scriptJobWinClose():
    # create another scriptJob that will run once when the ui will be closed and run the function :
    cmds.scriptJob(runOnce=True, uid=[wName, closeEvent])

def closeEvent():
    # We just kill the scriptJob here but you could do really anything you want on the window closing  
    cmds.scriptJob(kill=scriptJobID, force=True)

# Show Window
cmds.window( wName,e=1)


import maya.cmds as cmds
from functools import partial

def updateTextField(selected):
    # Loop through the textField
    for k in ui_dic.keys():
        # in theory, i could just take 'tx_prm' and strip _prm  to find the attr but :
        attr =  ui_dic[k][0]
        le_Name = ui_dic[k][1]
        value = cmds.getAttr("%s.%s" %(selected[0], attr))
        cmds.textField(le_Name, e=True, text=str(value))

def setValue(name, attr, *args):
    value = cmds.textField(name, query=True, text=True)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.%s" %(selected[0], attr), float(value))

wName = "Key_Manager"
# Not enough protected varaible selected : should be inside a dic or a variable name more complicated
# as : Key_Manager_sel = cmds.ls(selection=True)
# see forward in the end on the update method
selected = cmds.ls(selection=True)

# Make a new window
if cmds.window(wName , exists = 1) : cmds.deleteUI(wName)

window = cmds.window( wName, s=0)
form = cmds.formLayout (wName +'Form')

def widget_attr(attr, pos=list):
    parameter:: attr:: <str> long name of an attr, ie : 'translateX'
    parameter:: pos:: <list> [45, 50] take exactly two integer
    wdgSetField = cmds.rowLayout(numberOfColumns=2, p=form)
    lb_attr = cmds.text ( l=attr[0].upper() + attr[1:] ,  fn="boldLabelFont", p=wdgSetField)
    le_value = cmds.textField( w=100 , h=22 , tx= 0, p=wdgSetField)
    cmds.textField(le_value, edit=True, ec = partial(setValue, le_value, attr))
    cmds.formLayout( form , e=1 , attachForm = [ (wdgSetField , 'top' , pos[0]) , (wdgSetField, 'left' , pos[1] ) ] )
    # return the line edit for futur use, it is just here for knowledge (your can return a list of items too)
    return [attr, le_value]

# Why using dictionnary ? it could be a list but if you want to update every value on selection change,
# you will have to store this textField somewhere
ui_dic = {}
ui_dic['tx_prm'] = widget_attr('translateX', [45, 50])
ui_dic['ty_prm'] = widget_attr('translateY', [90, 100])
ui_dic['tz_prm'] = widget_attr('translateZ', [150, 100])
ui_dic['rx_prm'] = widget_attr('rotateX', [200, 50])
# You can add any other textfied parameter like scaleX...etc

# For the script Job Part :

def onChangeSel():
    selected = cmds.ls(selection=True)

# On selection change, update selection and textField
scriptJobID = cmds.scriptJob(e=["SelectionChanged", onChangeSel], protected=True)
# Script Job need to be deleted when the ui is closed or they will stack :

def scriptJobWinClose():
    # create another scriptJob that will run once when the ui will be closed and run the function :
    cmds.scriptJob(runOnce=True, uid=[wName, closeEvent])

def closeEvent():
    # We just kill the scriptJob here but you could do really anything you want on the window closing  
    cmds.scriptJob(kill=scriptJobID, force=True)

# Show Window
cmds.window( wName,e=1)