byte, byte[], short, short[].
用户输入(添加)0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x57
,这对用户来说意味着增加57美分。现在让我们说余额是0x00 ... 0x26
那么如何在Java Card上相互添加两个包含二进制编码小数的数组?
{ 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x01, 0x52, 0x45, 0x52}
并且代表15 254€和52美分的大端BCD编码整数。
编辑2:嗯,正如我所怀疑的,我的卡不支持包framework.math,所以我不能使用BCDUtil或BigNumbers,这将是有用的。答案 0 :(得分:2)
* Adds two values to each other and stores it in the location of the first value.
* The values are represented by big endian, packed BCD encoding with a static size.
* No validation is performed if the arrays do indeed contain packed BCD;
* the result of the calculation is indeterminate if the arrays contain anything other than packed BCD.
* This calculation should be constant time;
* it should only leak information about the values if one of the basic byte calculations leaks timing information.
* @param x the first buffer containing the packed BCD
* @param xOff the offset in the first buffer of the packed BCD
* @param y the second buffer containing the packed BCD
* @param yOff the offset in the second buffer of the packed BCD
* @param packedBytes the number of bytes that contain two BCD digits in both buffers
* @return zero or one depending if the full calculation generates a carry, i.e. overflows
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if a packed BCD value is out of bounds
public static byte addPackedBCD(byte[] x, short xOff, byte[] y, short yOff, short packedBytes) {
// declare temporary variables, we'll handle bytes only
byte xd, yd, zd, z;
// set the initial carry to zero, c will only be 0 or 1
byte c = 0;
// go through the bytes backwards (least significant bytes first)
// as we need to take the carry into account
for (short i = (short) (packedBytes - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
// retrieve the two least significant digits the current byte in the arrays
xd = (byte) (x[xOff + i] & 0b00001111);
yd = (byte) (y[yOff + i] & 0b00001111);
// zd is the addition of the lower two BCD digits plus the carry
zd = (byte) (xd + yd + c);
// c is set to 1 if the final number is larger than 10, otherwise c is set to zero
// i.e. the value is at least 16 or the value is at least 8 + 4 or 8 + 2
c = (byte) (((zd & 0b10000) >> 4)
| (((zd & 0b01000) >> 3)
& (((zd & 0b00100) >> 2) | ((zd & 0b00010) >> 1))));
// subtract 10 if there is a carry and then assign the value to z
z = (byte) (zd - c * 10);
// retrieve the two most significant digits the current byte in the arrays
xd = (byte) ((x[xOff + i] >>> 4) & 0b00001111);
yd = (byte) ((y[yOff + i] >>> 4) & 0b00001111);
// zd is the addition of the higher two BCD digits plus the carry
zd = (byte) (xd + yd + c);
// c is set to 1 if the final number is larger than 10, otherwise c is set to zero
// i.e. the value is at least 16 or the value is at least 8 + 4 or 8 + 2
c = (byte) (((zd & 0b10000) >> 4)
| (((zd & 0b01000) >> 3)
& (((zd & 0b00100) >> 2) | ((zd & 0b00010) >> 1))));
// subtract 10 if there is a carry and then assign the value to the 4 msb digits of z
z |= (zd - c * 10) << 4;
// assign z to the first byte array
x[xOff + i] = z;
// finally, return the last carry
return c;
* Checks if the buffer contains a valid packed BCD representation.
* The values are represented by packed BCD encoding with a static size.
* This calculation should be constant time;
* it should only leak information about the values if one of the basic byte calculations leaks timing information.
* @param x the buffer containing the packed BCD
* @param xOff the offset in the buffer of the packed BCD
* @param packedBytes the number of bytes that packed BCD in the buffer
* @return true if and only if the value is valid, packed BCD
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the packed BCD value is out of bounds
public static boolean validPackedBCD(byte[] x, short xOff, short packedBytes) {
// declare temporary variable, we'll handle bytes only
byte xdd;
// c is the correctness of the digits; it will be off-zero if invalid encoding is encountered
byte c = 0;
short end = (short) (xOff + packedBytes);
// go through the bytes, reusing xOff for efficiency
for (; xOff < end; xOff++) {
xdd = x[xOff];
// c will be set to non-zero if the high bit of each encoded decimal is set ...
// and either one of the two decimals is set as that would indicate a value of 10 or higher
// i.e. only values 8 + 4 or 8 + 2 are 10 or higher if you look at the bits in the digits
c |= ((xdd & 0b1000_1000) >> 2) & (((xdd & 0b0100_0100) >> 1) | (xdd & 0b0010_0010));
// finally, return the result - c is zero in case all bytes encode two packed BCD values
return c == 0;
请注意,这个也在Java Card的BCDUtil
answer of EJP isn't applicable,除了表示使用的编码是打包BCD的编码。琼斯提出的补充很快,但它并没有显示如何处理32位字之间的进位:
这当然是Java Card所必需的,因为它只有16位有符号短路基本类型整数。因此,琼斯提出的方法不能直接适用;任何利用Jones 方法的答案都应该表明如何处理Java Card中使用的字节或短路之间的进位。
答案 1 :(得分:-2)
参见Jones on BCD arithmetic,其中显示了如何在32位字上有效地使用位操作数来实现压缩十进制算法。