Powershell thunderbird无需打开窗口即可发送电子邮件

时间:2018-01-25 16:06:47

标签: shell powershell thunderbird

我正在尝试通过power shell命令向雷鸟发送电子邮件,但我遇到了问题并且所有研究工作都找到了解决方案


    [string]$to='test@outlook.com', # used to specify the email of the recipient
    [string]$cc='', # used to specify the email of the recipient of a copy of the mail
    [string]$bcc='', # used to specify the email of the recipient of a blind copy of the mail*
    [string]$subject='test@outlook.com', # subject of the mail
    [string]$body='test@outlook.com', # body of the mail
    [string]$exec= '"C:\Program Files `(x86`)\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe"' # mail client, if not default type path to Thunderbird installation, eg. C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla\Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe

# ------ Get default mail client -------

if ($exec) {
    $MailClient = $exec + "-compose `"%1`""
else {
    $node = Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\Classes\mailto\shell\open\command
    if (!$node) {
          $node = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Classes\mailto\shell\open\command

    $MailClient = $node.'(default)'
# TODO check if default client is compatible

# ------ Read email fields -------------

$cmdParams = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[string]

$emailFields = @{"to"=$to; "cc"=$cc; "bcc"=$bcc; "subject"= $subject; "body" = $body}

$emailFields.Keys | % {     $value = $emailFields[$_] 
    if ($value) {    


if ($attachment) {

    if (Test-Path($attachment)) {
        $fullPath = (Get-Item $attachment).FullName;

    } else {
        echo "The path `"$file`" does not exists."
} elseif (@($input).Count -gt 0) {
    # Try to assign ATTACHMENTS parameter from pipeline 
    $attachParam = "attachment=`'"
    foreach ($filename in $input) {
         $fullPath = $filename.FullName + ","
         $attachParam += $fullPath

    $attachParam += "`'"

# ----- Build & run command -------------

$command = ''

if ($cmdParams.Count -gt 0) {
    foreach ($param in $cmdParams) {
            $command += $param + ","

$command = $MailClient -replace "`%1", $command

Invoke-Expression "& $command"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果没有实际要求使用Thunderbird Send-MailMessage可能是另一种选择。


    [string]$to='test@outlook.com', # used to specify the email of the recipient
    [string]$cc='', # used to specify the email of the recipient of a copy of the mail
    [string]$bcc='', # used to specify the email of the recipient of a blind copy of the mail*
    [string]$subject='test@outlook.com', # subject of the mail
    [string]$body='test@outlook.com', # body of the mail

# ------ Get default mail client -------

Send-MailMessage -To $to -Cc $cc -Bcc $bcc -Subject $subject -Body $body -Attachment $attachment -From powershell@example.com -SmtpServer mail.example.com



根据您的要求,您可能需要深入挖掘并直接使用Net.Mail.SmtpClient。还有其他一些问题,例如Send mail via gmail with PowerShell V2's Send-MailMessage
