
时间:2018-01-25 10:29:59

标签: r shiny reactive-programming selectize.js shinyjs

我有以下示例应用,我需要能够在不破坏应用且隐藏的情况下切换multiple_choice_1_source multiple_choice_2_type的输入当输入发生变化时,submit_request_button_uiColnamesInput。基本上,用户应该能够在点击"提交"之后修改输入。按钮和应用程序应重置为以前的状态。


shinyjs() - 这只是隐藏而不是清除输入。这意味着,一旦我按下submit_request_button,对multiple_choice_2_type所做的任何更改仍然会被处理并作出反应。在实际的应用程序中,我将提交绑定到非常大的表。我想阻止获取 selected_data()重新运行并清除并隐藏前两个选项中创建的元素。

reactive - 我试图让观察者听一些从多个输入中获取依赖关系的反应式触发器。我使用user_input_rv来存储值等但由于观察者被多次触发而失败,因此当我单击提交按钮时,reactive({})中的if语句被触发两次,主要是下载每个数据集不止一次。它也失败了。

isolate - 我无法完成这项工作。我尝试了多种隔离组合但没有成功。


ui <- fluidPage(

   selectizeInput(inputId ='multiple_choice_1_source',
                  choices = c("db1","db2","db3","db4"), # like this because we want the selected to be blank on initialisation
                  label = "1. Select source",
                  multiple = FALSE,
                  size = 10,
                  width = '100%'


server <- function(input, output)

   user_input_rv =  reactiveValues(

      source_picked             = NULL,
      last_used_source          = NULL,

      type_picked               = NULL,
      series_picked             = NULL,
      last_used_series          = NULL,

      selected_data             = NULL,
      final_selection           = NULL

   observeEvent(input$multiple_choice_1_source, {

      user_input_rv$source_picked <- input$multiple_choice_1_source

      #change data loaded under type picked.
      user_input_rv$type_picked <-
         if (        input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db1"){ paste0(colnames(mtcars))
         } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db2"){ paste0(colnames(diamonds))
         } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db3"){ NULL
         } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db4"){ NULL

      output$multiple_choice_2_type_ui <- renderUI({

         selectizeInput( inputId = 'multiple_choice_2_type',
                         choices = paste(user_input_rv$type_picked),
                         label= "2. Select type",
                         multiple = TRUE,
                         size = 10,
                         width = '100%',
                         options = list( placeholder = 'Type',
                                         maxItems =1

   }) #first observeEvent for source type and data load.


      output$submit_request_button_ui <- renderUI({

               inputId = "submit_request_button",
               label = " Get data "
   })#second observeEvent for submit_request_button_ui

   observeEvent(input$submit_request_button, {

      selected_data <- reactive({

         if( input$multiple_choice_1_source =="db1"){


         } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db1")                 {


         } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db3")      { NULL

         } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db4"){ NULL


      user_input_rv$series_picked <- input$multiple_choice_2_type

      user_input_rv$selected_data <- selected_data()

            min_cols <- as.integer(1) # default 1
            max_cols <- as.integer(length(colnames(selected_data())))

            #this renderUI creates the right-hand side column of the app COLUMNS
            output$ColnamesInput <-  renderUI({

               lapply(min_cols:max_cols, function(z) {

                  column(width = 3,
                         offset = 0,
                            selectInput( inputId = paste0("cols","_",z),
                                         label = paste(input$multiple_choice_2_type,": ",colnames(selected_data())[z]),
                                         choices = unique(selected_data()[[z]]),
                                         multiple = TRUE
                            ) #selectizeInput


               })#lapply inner

            }) #renderUI for columns

   }) #third observeEvent for data selection and customisation


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

以下是我从中移除reactive expression并使用本地变量selected_data的代码。

  observeEvent(input$submit_request_button, {

    # selected_data <- reactive({

      # browser()
    selected_data <- NULL

      if( input$multiple_choice_1_source =="db1"){

        selected_data <- mtcars

      } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db1")                 {

        selected_data <- diamonds

      } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db3")      { selected_data <- NULL

      } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db4"){selected_data <-   NULL

    # })

    user_input_rv$series_picked <- isolate(input$multiple_choice_2_type)

    user_input_rv$selected_data <- selected_data

    min_cols <- as.integer(1) # default 1
    max_cols <- as.integer(length(colnames(selected_data)))

    #this renderUI creates the right-hand side column of the app COLUMNS
    output$ColnamesInput <-  renderUI({

      lapply(min_cols:max_cols, function(z) {

        column(width = 3,
               offset = 0,
               selectInput( inputId = paste0("cols","_",z),
                            label = paste(isolate(input$multiple_choice_2_type),": ",colnames(selected_data)[z]),
                            choices = unique(selected_data[[z]]),
                            multiple = TRUE
               ) #selectizeInput


      })#lapply inner

    }) #renderUI for columns

  }) #third observeEvent for data selection and customisation


<强> [编辑]:


server <- function(input, output)
  user_input_rv =  reactiveValues(

    source_picked             = NULL,
    last_used_source          = NULL,

    type_picked               = NULL,
    series_picked             = NULL,
    last_used_series          = NULL,

    selected_data             = NULL,
    final_selection           = NULL

  observeEvent(input$multiple_choice_1_source, {

    user_input_rv$source_picked <- input$multiple_choice_1_source

    ###Start: To check if the source changed#########
      if(user_input_rv$last_used_source != user_input_rv$source_picked)
        user_input_rv$last_used_source = user_input_rv$source_picked
      user_input_rv$last_used_source = user_input_rv$source_picked
    ###End: To check if the source changed#########

    #change data loaded under type picked.
    user_input_rv$type_picked <-
      if (        input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db1"){ paste0(colnames(mtcars))
      } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db2"){ paste0(colnames(diamonds))
      } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db3"){ NULL
      } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db4"){ NULL

    output$multiple_choice_2_type_ui <- renderUI({

      selectizeInput( inputId = 'multiple_choice_2_type',
                      choices = paste(user_input_rv$type_picked),
                      label= "2. Select type",
                      multiple = TRUE,
                      size = 10,
                      width = '100%',
                      options = list( placeholder = 'Type',
                                      maxItems =1

  }) #first observeEvent for source type and data load.


    ###Start: To check if the series changed######### 
    user_input_rv$series_picked <- input$multiple_choice_2_type

      if(user_input_rv$last_used_series != user_input_rv$series_picked)
        user_input_rv$last_used_series = user_input_rv$series_picked
      user_input_rv$last_used_series = user_input_rv$series_picked
    ###End: To check if the series changed#########

    output$submit_request_button_ui <- renderUI({

        inputId = "submit_request_button",
        label = " Get data "
  })#second observeEvent for submit_request_button_ui

  observeEvent(input$submit_request_button, {

    # selected_data <- reactive({

      # browser()
    selected_data <- NULL

      if( input$multiple_choice_1_source =="db1"){

        selected_data <- mtcars

      } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db1")                 {

        selected_data <- diamonds

      } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db3")      { selected_data <- NULL

      } else if ( input$multiple_choice_1_source == "db4"){selected_data <-   NULL

    # })

    user_input_rv$series_picked <- isolate(input$multiple_choice_2_type)

    user_input_rv$selected_data <- selected_data

    min_cols <- as.integer(1) # default 1
    max_cols <- as.integer(length(colnames(selected_data)))

    #this renderUI creates the right-hand side column of the app COLUMNS
    output$ColnamesInput <-  renderUI({

      lapply(min_cols:max_cols, function(z) {

        column(width = 3,
               offset = 0,
               selectInput( inputId = paste0("cols","_",z),
                            label = paste(isolate(input$multiple_choice_2_type),": ",colnames(selected_data)[z]),
                            choices = unique(selected_data[[z]]),
                            multiple = TRUE
               ) #selectizeInput


      })#lapply inner

    }) #renderUI for columns

  }) #third observeEvent for data selection and customisation

