索引的值在for循环中的getText()之后发生变化 - PROTRACTOR

时间:2018-01-24 15:25:49

标签: javascript node.js promise protractor

在下面的代码中,我使用转发器从ng-repeat获取值并通过cat.name获取列,它给出了一个包含所有cat名称的数组。所以我正在做一个for循环来获取一个特定的名字,说Meow,我想存储索引值,这样我就可以验证相应的行,cat的年龄是否等于10. 2 console.log for循环中的索引导致不同的值,第一个的范围是0-10(考虑到数组的长度为10),下一个总是导致10.它记录“10”10次。现在,我无法获取索引来验证相应的行,因为我总是10。有人可以纠正我出错的地方并且还用修改后的代码回答我。我想我在将承诺链接起来时出错了

  element(by.repeater(cat in cats).column(cat.name)).then(function(fields) {
    for (var i in fields) {                // promise returns an array fields
      console.log(i);                      // values range from 0 to length of the fields(say 10)
      fields[i].getText().then(function(fieldValue) {
        console.log(i);                    // values are always 10 (i.e the length of the array)
        if(fieldValue === 'Meow') {
          var catAge= element(by.repeater('cat in cats').row(i)).element(by.model('cat.age')); // row(i) always gives the last value

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

问题来自下面的代码片段,第一个console.log()执行同步,但第二个console.log()将执行异步,因为它在getText().then()内,因为我们知道所有的Protractor api都是异步并返回一个Promise。

for (var i in fields) { 
      fields[i].getText().then(function(fieldValue) {


when i=1
    first console.log() execute done, it print out 1
    fields[i].getText() execute done, it return a Promise,
    and push the promise into Protractor control flow,
    actually getText() not to read the text from page,
    because it's execute async.

when i=2
    first console.log() execute done, it print out 2
    fields[i].getText() execute done, it return a Promise,
    and push the promise into Protractor control flow,
    actually getText() not to read the text from page,
    because it's execute async.


when i=10
    the loop end,  
    you get 1, 2 .. 9, 10 printed out
    Protractor control flow get a promise queue
    Now Protractor control flow start to execute the promise queue

    Protractor push out the fist promise in queue
    Important!!! the i=10 now
    fields[i].getText() will be fields[10].getText()
    so you will get fields[10].getText() for 10 times


element(by.repeater(cat in cats).column(cat.name)).then(function(fields) {
  for (var i in fields) {

    (function(index){ // change part

      fields[index].getText().then(function(fieldValue) {
        if(fieldValue === 'Meow') {
          var catAge= element(by.repeater('cat in cats').row(index)).element(by.model('cat.age'));

    })(i); // change part


选项2 使用量角器filter()

element(by.repeater(cat in cats).column(cat.name)).then(function(fields) {
  for (var i in fields) {
    var matchedIndex = -1;

      .filter(function(item, index){
        if( matchedIndex > -1) { 
          // means had found the matched one, directly return false to
          // skip read text from page to reduce exection time
          return false;
        else {
          return item.getText().then(function(name){
             if(name === 'Meow') {
               matchedIndex = index;
               return true;
             return false;

        console.log('matchedIndex: ' + matchedIndex);  
        var catAge= element(by.repeater('cat in cats').row(matchedIndex)).element(by.model('cat.age'));
        return expect(catAge.getAttribute('value')).toBe('10');