时间:2018-01-23 17:48:31

标签: macos terminal applescript uuid ntfs


在使用mac os x中的diskutil信息时我有这个。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


    set hdd to {}
set dmg to do shell script "sudo ls /dev/disk**s** " & " | sed -e 's#[[:space:]]*$##;s#\\/dev\\/##;/^$/d'" user name "Your_Name" password "Your_Password" with administrator privileges
set doun to ""
set dor to ""
set uuidd to ""
set uuidd to {}

set hfsountfs to ""
set theVol1 to ""
set theVol to ""
set vhd to ""
set leplus to 0
set levhd to ""
set hd to {}
set _Result to the paragraphs of dmg
set n to 0
set n to count _Result
set j to 1
do shell script "echo " & n

repeat with i from 1 to n
    set end of hdd to item i of _Result

end repeat

set theVolumeTemp to (choose from list hdd with prompt "Choisissez le Volume (partition) NTFS :" with empty selection allowed)
if theVolumeTemp is not false then

    set theVolumeTemp to do shell script "echo " & theVolumeTemp
    set theVol to "/dev/" & theVolumeTemp
    set theVol1 to theVol
    set theVol to do shell script "echo " & theVol & " | xxd -p | sed 's#0a##' | xxd -r -p "
        set vhd to do shell script "diskutil info " & theVol & " | grep 'Disk Image' "
    end try

        set uuidd to do shell script "diskutil unmount " & theVol
    end try
    set uuidd to do shell script "sudo dd if=" & theVol & " iseek=48 bs=1 count=8  | xxd -p " user name "Your_Name" password "Your_Password" with administrator privileges

    set theVol to do shell script "echo " & uuidd
    set n to 0
    set n to count uuidd
    do shell script "echo " & n

    repeat with i from 1 to 8
        set les2 to (item (n - 1) of uuidd & item n of uuidd)
        set end of hd to les2
        set n to n - 2
    end repeat
    set hd to do shell script "echo " & hd

    set nDec to (do shell script "perl -e 'printf(hex(\"" & hd & "\"))'") as integer
    if vhd is not "" then
        set leplus to 3320
        set levhd to "c'est un Vhd ntfs"
        set leplus to 3352
    end if

    set nDec to do shell script " echo $((" & nDec & " * 4096 + " & leplus & "))" as string
    set uuidd to do shell script "sudo dd if=" & theVol1 & " iseek=" & nDec & " bs=1 count=16 | xxd -p " user name "Your_Name" password "Your_Password" with administrator privileges

    set hd to {}
    set n to 8
    repeat with i from 1 to 4
        set les2 to (item (n - 1) of uuidd & item n of uuidd)
        set end of hd to les2
        set n to n - 2
    end repeat

    set end of hd to "-"

    set n to 12
    repeat with i from 1 to 2
        set les2 to (item (n - 1) of uuidd & item n of uuidd)
        set end of hd to les2
        set n to n - 2
    end repeat

    set end of hd to "-"

    set n to 16
    repeat with i from 1 to 2
        set les2 to (item (n - 1) of uuidd & item n of uuidd)
        set end of hd to les2
        set n to n - 2
    end repeat
    set end of hd to "-"

    repeat with i from 17 to 20
        set end of hd to item (i) of uuidd
    end repeat
    set end of hd to "-"
    repeat with i from 21 to 32
        set end of hd to item (i) of uuidd
    end repeat
    set hd to do shell script "echo " & hd

    set lamft to do shell script " echo $((" & nDec & " - " & leplus & "))" as string

    set doun to " Identifiant Universel Unique ou UUID du " & theVolumeTemp & " est : 
" & hd

    set doun to doun & "
 La MFT du " & theVolumeTemp & " est à  :  " & lamft & " Octets du départ de la partition " & "
 l'UUID se trouve  plus loin de " & leplus & " Octets " & "
" & levhd
    set uuiddd to do shell script "sudo dd if=" & theVol1 & " iseek=72 bs=1 count=8  | xxd -p " user name "Your_Name" password "Your_Password" with administrator privileges
    set n to 0
    set n to count uuiddd
    do shell script "echo " & n
    set uuiddd to do shell script "echo " & uuiddd & "  | tr [:lower:] [:upper:] "
    set hdd to {}
    set les2 to (item 15 of uuiddd & item 16 of uuiddd & item 13 of uuiddd & item 14 of uuiddd)
    set end of hdd to les2
    set end of hdd to "-"
    set les2 to (item 11 of uuiddd & item 12 of uuiddd & item 9 of uuiddd & item 10 of uuiddd)
    set end of hdd to les2
    set end of hdd to "-"
    set les2 to (item 7 of uuiddd & item 8 of uuiddd & item 5 of uuiddd & item 6 of uuiddd)
    set end of hdd to les2
    set end of hdd to "-"
    set les2 to (item 3 of uuiddd & item 4 of uuiddd & item 1 of uuiddd & item 2 of uuiddd)
    set end of hdd to les2

    set doun to doun & " Le numero de série des 8 Octets de l'offset 72 partition NTFS du " & theVolumeTemp & " est : 
" & uuiddd & "
 Toujours présenté sous cette forme : " & hdd
    display alert (doun as string)

        do shell script "diskutil mount " & theVol1

    end try

end if

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我不确定Mac,但为什么你会在那里使用NTFS。 但对于Windows,您可以使用 -Guid 参数尝试Set-Disk powershell命令。
